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WP5 : Internet Privacy and Identity, Trust and Reputation Mechanisms . Ian Brown (Oxford University). Objectives.
WP5: Internet Privacy and Identity, Trust and Reputation Mechanisms Ian Brown (Oxford University)
Objectives • Draw together and further develop research on distributed social networks, partial identities, privacy-protective sensor networks, privacy beliefs and behaviours, online trust and reputation mechanisms. • Integrate research efforts, scientific concepts and methodologies from computer science, psychology, anthropology, sociology, political science, statistics, graph theory, behavioural economics and law • Find the right combination of autonomy (solving security and privacy issues a user cannot resolve) and user control, in a way that is comprehensible and likely to be accepted WP5
Tasks • R5.1 A data protection assessment framework • R5.2 Analysis of privacy, reputation and trust in social networks • R5.3 Developing a roadmap for privacy techniques for the Internet of Things, clouds and sensor networks WP5
Overview of Work Performed • Meeting (virtual/face-to-face) inaugural EINS (22 December 2011) • Meeting (virtual/face-to-face) second plenary EINS (9 April 2012) • Two teleconferences to plan deliverables WP5
Achievements • Workshop on Technical standards and privacy by design (21 August 2012) at University of Oslo, co-located with Domain Name System Governance conference and Internet Governance Summer School • Panel on Privacy, Identity, Reputation and Trust at the Amsterdam Privacy Conference (9 October 2012) • Internet Trust, Reputation, Identity and Privacy (TRIP 2012) workshop (4 December 2012), co-located with Social Informatics 2012 • 32 related publications, 20 presentations WP5
Deliverables • D5.1.1 An initial assessment of Internet Privacy, Identity, Trust and Reputation mechanisms based also on the research results of an organised workshop by JRA5 on these topics, combining frameworks from political science, computer science, Internet studies, economics and law into a unified "Internet Science" view of the field • D5.3.1 Annual report on integration and excellence building and JRA coordination WP5
Links with other activities • Contributed to two successful project proposals: “Being There: Humans and Robots in Public Space” (Oxford) and “Preadolescents' Moral Attitudes With Respect to Online Privacy” (IMINDS) • IMINDS, Warwick and Oxford contributions to JRC-IPTS ‘Economic value of personal information’project • JRA5 involvement in ‘For Your Eyes Only’ conference (29-30 Nov 2012) in Brussels WP5
Future Plans • D5.2 • 1. Trusted identity in social networks: user identification and authentication methods • 2. Data protection and big data management in social networks • Web Science workshop 2013 (1 May, Paris) with JRA3 • Contribute to Cloud Computing conference and 3rd Asian Privacy Scholars Network conference (Hong Kong University) WP5
Conclusions • Busy first year of pan-European and interdisciplinary events and research integration • Social Informatics 2012 workshop seeded a broad research community • Will build on this further in second year with several events WP5