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2013 Working Meeting Announcing DOE’s Non-Text STI (Part I): Capabilities and Challenges Jannean Elliott. April 10-11, 2013 Des Moines, Iowa. Way Back When…. Some Issues: Better processes and practices are needed to alleviate the difficulty in obtaining source data.
2013 Working MeetingAnnouncing DOE’s Non-Text STI (Part I):Capabilities and ChallengesJannean Elliott April 10-11, 2013 Des Moines, Iowa
Way Back When… • Some Issues: • Better processes and practices are needed to alleviate the difficulty in obtaining source data. • Data sets need to be referenced in order to be easily located by users of scientific literature. • Data, like information, should be widely accessible and available at no cost to the user. • A DOE Data Policy Is Needed • Some Conclusions • Improve visibility of the data centers. • Position DOE for potential changes in the federal guidelines for data management. • Provide strategic direction for DOE’s data management that will ensure strong foundation for science of tomorrow.
DOE Data Explorer was born with a mission Improve visibility of the DOE Data Centers Serve as a sort of “inventory” of data collections in DOE. Help people find the items in the inventory. Add other non-text items not covered ECD and IB.
Progress FY2009 – FY2012 • OSTI led IWGDD, continues to be very active in data forums • Data and multimedia added to DOE O 241.1B, approved in December, 2010. • OSTI joined DataCite, began assigning DOIs to datasets, 2011 • Data policies and changes in procurement are coming. DDE became searchable in Science Accelerator, Science.gov. DDE tripled the number of collections; added online repositories. DDE began displaying datasets from ECD in response to DDE searches.
All Grown Up !! DOE Data Explorer Gets Complete Overhaul Redesigned website with “family” look and feel New, underlying software New functionalities, including Boolean search New content
Look and feel of redesigned website makes it a “relative” of SciTech Connect
New Software = New Functionalities • Boolean Search • Full text search of data landing pages • Date searching for individual datasets • Relevance sort Keeping our Browse functionality
New Database Content Ideal is ffff Dataset records submitted by customers and registered with Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) Collection ARM: Auxiliary Data for the ARM Multi-Filter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer (MFRSR) ARM: AOS: Humidified Nephelometer Measurements ARM: WSI: stationary (JPEG) images based on spectral retrieval Solar Resource & Meteorological Assessment Project (SOLRMAP): Rotating Shadowband Radiometer (RSR); Escalante Tri-State - Prewitt, New Mexico (Data) Individual datasets from the collection
Who are our data clients so far? • The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program (ARM Archive at ORNL) (SC-sponsored) • Measurement and Instrumentation Data Center and Solar Radiation Research Lab, NREL (EE-sponsored) • Coherent X-ray Imaging Data Bank (CXIDB), LBNL (SC-sponsored) • Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF) and the ORNL Computer Science and Math Division (SC-sponsored) • DOE Systems Biology Knowledgebase (KBASE) (SC-sponsored) • National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC), BNL (SC-sponsored)
Non–Text STI = Simulations Flash Center for Computational Science University of Chicago, ASC/Alliances Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes; Mathematics and Computer Science Division, ANL Sixteen separate research projects Just one = 40 million hours of computing time
Non–Text STI = Models (Computer Programs) Models from the Climate, Ocean, and Sea Ice Modeling (COSIM) Project LANL, SC, National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP)
Non-Text = Scientific Images AcenaphthyleneGraphical Pathway Map Rare earth items from AMES MPC (AMES Photos on Flickr)
Non-Text = Specialized Mix Single-Chain Antibody Library Cheryl Baird, Principal Investigator. Researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) have constructed a nonimmune library consisting of 109 human antibody scFvfragments, which have been cloned and expressed on the surface of yeast. Nanomolar-affinity scFvs are routinely obtained by magnetic bead screening and flow cytometric sorting. The yeast library can be amplified 1010 fold without measurable loss of clonal diversity. This allows for indefinite expansion of the library. All scFv clones can be assessed directly on the yeast cell surface by immunofluorescent labeling and flow cytometry, obviating separate subcloning, expression, and purification steps. The ability to use multiplex library screening demonstrates the utility of this approach for high-throughput antibody isolation for proteomic applications.
More “Focus on Data” Progress • AN 241.6 (E-Link website, login and non-login versions) • Created a “data type” authority that both AN 241.6 and DDE will use • Added author-related changes for ORCID submission • STI Announcement Web Service For 241.6 Data • Split this document into two separate manuals, one for datasets and one for AN 241.1 submission • Added more content to each; 241.6 manual is twelve pages long • New document explains OSTI’s Data ID Service in detail • Added to E-Link and will be on STIP website as well
Search: Keyword: "numeric data" Oceanic Trace Gases Numeric Data Packages from the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC), DOE Data Explorer (OSTI) CDIAC products are indexed and searchable through a customized interface powered by ORNL's Mercury search engine. Products include numeric data packages, publications, trend data, atlases, models, etc. and can be searched for by subject area, keywords, authors, product numbers, time periods, collection sites, spatial references, etc. Some of the collections may also be included in the CDIAC publication Trends Online: A Compendium of Global Change Data. SLAC E155 and E155x Numeric Data Results and Data Plots: Nucleon Spin Structure Functions, DOE Data Explorer (OSTI) The nucleon spin structure functions g1 and g2 are important tools for testing models of nucleon structure and QCD. Experiments at CERN, DESY, and SLAC have measured g1 and g2 using deep inelastic scattering of polarized leptons on polarized nucleon targets. The results of these experiments have established that the quark component of the nucleon helicity is much smaller than naive quark-parton model predictions. The Bjorken sum rule has been confirmed within the uncertainties of experiment and … E155 Collaboration USDOE - Office of Science (SC)
What About Multimedia? • Both STI videos and “information videos” are being submitted to E-Link. • More formats are going to be audio-indexed. • Animations/simulations – what are they? • What about webinars? • What about PowerPoint presentations? • What about poster presentations? • A multimedia “Amber Alert”: Disappearing resources
Some Data/Non-Text Challenges For OSTI • OSTI • Keep working to make submission easier, faster • Implement media options across all submission interfaces • Actively go after “lost” collections of STI (at user facilities, for example) • More and better documentation • More orientation and training • Introduce more key submitters to each other, help them see their relationship • Keep working toward linkage between data and the resulting papers
Some Data/Non-Text Challenges For Sites • Submitters • Submit/support submission of non-text STI • Collect/send more and better metadata for these products • Perform more monitoring and Quality Assurance • Shorten the time between change requests from OSTI and the change • Submit PowerPoint presentations • Don’t forget factsheets (ok, that’s text, but …..)
The Big, Big Challenge – “Planting the Flag” • Do we have to • Yes, for credibility • Yes, to get more funding • Yes, to learn and train new staff for the future • But how? • Leverage the credibility that’s already coming • Put yourself in charge of success. • Remember – You are STI managers for the lab and all its facilities, not just STI manager for pubs