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Vocabulary List #10. 901. abjure – to renounce by oath 902. sanctimonious – affectedly pious; hypocritically holy HOM- 903. homunculus – a wee bit of a man; a dwarf 904. hominoid – man-like in appearance 905. homicide – the killing of another human being
Vocabulary List #10 901. abjure – to renounce by oath 902. sanctimonious– affectedly pious; hypocritically holy HOM- 903. homunculus – a wee bit of a man; a dwarf 904. hominoid – man-like in appearance 905. homicide– the killing of another human being 906. ambulatory– able to walk; walking 907. shibboleth– a pet phrase; a party slogan; a catchword 908. envoy – a messenger; an ambassador 909. coterie– a circle of intellectuals or literary people 910. brochure– a pamphlet
Vocabulary List #10 911. agnostic – one who doubts the existence of God 912. altruism – kind consideration for others 913. finesse– a subtle skill 914. abstemious– moderate in use of food or drink 915. ferret – to dig out; to bore into and up root 916. connoisseur – an expert in matters of taste 917. adjunct – something added on; an addition HOMME 918. homme de guerre– a man of war; a military man 919. homme de lettres– a man of letters; a literary man; a writer 920. entrepreneur– one who invests in risky enterprises; a capitalist
Vocabulary List #10 921. adverse – negative; contrary 922. effigy– a crude likeness of a person 923. mnemonic– pertaining to memory 924. emigre – one who leaves a country to live abroad 925. ambidextrous– able to use both hands equally well 926. ameliorate– to make better; to improve 927. itinerant – pertaining to travel; traveling - ANDRY -ANDROUS 928. polyandry– the state of one woman’s having many men 929. monandry– the state of one woman’s having one man 930. antediluvian – very, very old; occurring before the “flood”
Vocabulary List #10 931. gendarme– a policeman 932. ennui – a profound boredom with life 933. archetype – an original and fundamental pattern of behavior -GYNY 934. misogyny – the hatred of women 935. misogynist– a hater of women 936. philogyny– the love of women 937. monogyny–the state of having one woman 938. rapport – a feeling of harmony with; affinity 939. pusillanimous – cowardly; showing smallness of spirit 940. urbane– sophisticated; cosmopolitan; smooth and cultured
Vocabulary List #10 -GAMY -GAMOUS 941. deuterogamy– the state of marrying again after the death or departure of one’s first spouse 942. polygamy– the state of having many spouses 943. bigamy – the state of having two or more spouses illegally 944. voracious – having a greedy appetite 945. au courant– up to date; up with the latest news 946. ingenue– an innocent young girl; an actress that plays naïve young girls 947. legerdemain– sleight of hand; prestidigitation 948. attache – a specialized expert on a diplomatic staff 949. comatose– in a coma; sleeping 950. raconteur – a professional or skilled story teller
Vocabulary List #10 951. avocation– a sideline or hobby; not one’s main occupation 952. tithe – a one-tenth tax to the church; any donation to the church GYN- 953. gynarchy – rule or government by women 954. gynecomorphous – woman-shaped; shaped like a woman 955. gynecology – branch of medicine dealing with women’s diseases 956. archaic– out of date; no longer in use 957. hegemony– power of influence over (as one country over another VIT- 958. vitality– liveliness; energy and enthusiasm 959. revitalize – to infuse life into again 960. bellicose – warlike; hostile; belligerent
Vocabulary List #10 961. maitre d’ hotel – the head waiter 962. punctilious – paying attention to details; finicky 963. élan– enthusiasm for life; vitality 964. catalyst– a substance that brings about a chemical reaction 965. bicameral– having two legislative houses CARN- 966. carnal– pertaining to sins of the flesh PATR- 967. patrimony – an inheritance 968. egress– the way out; the exit 969. laissez-faire– government non-interference in the economy; absolute free enterprise 970. tyro– a beginner; a novice
Vocabulary List #10 971. adieu – good-bye; go with God 972. zealous – full of enthusiasm for a cause 973. savoir-faire – social tact; the ability to handle oneself in all social situations 974. baroque– pertaining to the period after the Renaissance; ornate and decorative 975. au revoir– till we meet again 976. exonerate– to clear from blame 977. indigent– poor and destitute; impecunious MATR- 978. matrix– a source 979. matricide – the act of killing one’s mother 980. maternal – pertaining to mother; motherly
Vocabulary List #10 981. orifice– a mouth; an opening 982. billet-doux– a love note; a sweet note 983. exorcize – to drive the evil out of; to drive the devil out of 984. bon mot – a clever or witty saying; a clever use of words 985. bovine – pertaining to cows 986. canard– a false story deliberately set out to delude the public 987. nocturne– a song for the night 988. myopia– nearsightedness 989. semantic– pertaining to the meanings or words SOROR- 990. sororicide– the act of killing one’s sister
Vocabulary List #10 991. sorority – a social organization for college women FRAT- 992. fraternal– brotherly; pertaining to brother 993. fratricide– act of killing one’s brother (countryman) 994. redundant – needlessly repeated; repeated 995. entre nous– just between us’ confidentially 996. exhume – to dig up 997. mot juste – just the right word 998. parochial – pertaining to a perish; narrow in one’s view (opp. of cosmopolitan) 999. resume – a summary 1000. martinet – a strict disciplinarian