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List Breakthrough – The Email Sequence that ChangedEverything • List Breakthrough is a video-based training course that takes you inside the most powerful promotional email sequence you’ll ever seen. You can use these email sequence on your next promo to make more money than you've ever made on any emailpromotion. • http://crownreviews.com/list-breakthrough-review-bonus/ • What Is ListBreakthrough? • "The Money is in TheList." • You've probably heard that about 1000times. • And it makes sense, right? That you build an email list, send emails, and reap the financialrewards. • It should be easy to earn money this way.Right? • The Crazy Thing is... Most Emails Are Junk. They just don’t convert into sales, nomatter • how many times you send or the even the size of yourlist. • Today I want to teach you something that has made a huge different in myemail • marketing… something you can apply to your own business rightaway. • Ready? Here it is: BESPECIFIC. • This is how Being Specific can SkyRocket yourList: • When Targeting an Audience, Be Super Specific. The world of business owners tend to believe that if you get too specific with your audience that you will shut out potential customers and lose a ton of business. This is True. You will Lose the Interest of Some People when you are specific in who your opt-in giveaway is for... but that's a good thing. I Learned that instead of using "The 10 Secrets to getting more Coaching Clients,” I needed to use a headline like, "The 10 Secrets to getting More Dentists as Coaching Clients.” That one extra word made me the expert on "Dentist" Coaching and therefore it made me stand out. Did I shut myself off to some potential business? Yes. Was it worth it to gain the perception of being highly specialized?Absolutely. • Be Specific about The Promised End Result. The Headline above is good because it narrows down the exact type of client that we want to help, but we can do better by specifying a better end result. Instead of saying "The 10 Secrets to Getting More Dentists as Coaching Clients,” we should be saying, "The 10 things you can do this weekendto
Get 5 New Dentists as Coaching Clients in the Next 21 Days". Now... What we're offering starts to take on the vibe of an exact system instead of "pie in the sky" theory that can add an unspecified value. If someone opts into this now, they know exactly what they're going to learn. Even better... you have a better idea of who you're talking to and what they are trying to do (this plays big into you eventually selling them something.) • Be Specific and Polarizing in Your Ad. If you're anything like me, you consider yourself to be a nice human being and it upsets you when you make someone uncomfortable (even if they're wrong). Get over it. There are a million nice people out there who fade into obscurity. If you want to get people to opt into your email list and become a part of your tribe, you have to put people on edge (at leastatfirst). For Instance... The Ad that Leads to your opt-in page could say... "Face it.. You're Terrible at Getting Dentists as Coaching Clients... and I'm Not.” I bet a few of you cringed when you read that (I did!) because it doesn't fit your personality. The cool thing about a headline like that is that it's going to get a ton of clicks and, once they make it to the opt- in page, it will get a tonofopt-ins. And don't worry... you can redeem yourselfandlet them know you aren't awful after they opt-in with a simple video or welcomeemail. • If you use those 3 tips from above I can guarantee that you'll start getting more people to opt into yourlist. • When I did those things with my email, list building took on an entirely different life. And with that I started making a lot more income with email marketing...Right? • Not So Fast Just because I was getting more opt-ins with this system didn't mean my income went up rightaway. • That made it so that my email list started growing very rapidly. As cool as it was to have a decent sized list, it certainly didn't equate to me making money atfirst. • So... What Was I doing Wrong when mailing my email list? See if This SoundsFamiliar: • I'd Pick out something I wanted topromote. • I'd open up myautoresponder. • I'd write an email talking about the features and benefits of the product and how it would help the person reading my email (keep in mind that this was a targeted list). • I'd Hit the SendButton...
- I'd Check my Stats a few Hours Later andNOTHING. I was absolutely devastated Every Time with those first few promotions. It got to the point where I wanted to stop sending emails to my listaltogether. I was spending all this time and money to build my list, and that part was working... I just couldn't sell themanything. I was super depressed and exhausted... And then ithappened. I happened onto a webinar with a well known email marketing expert and learned about the power of "Sequencing" my emails together to take my readers on aJourney. It is called "List Breakthrough" It's the deceptively simple formula that Dr. Ben Adkins has been using to write emails that convert like crazy. List Breakthrough is a video-based training course that takes you inside the most powerful promotional email sequence you’ll ever seen. You can use on your next promo to make more money than you've ever made on any emailpromotion. Inside is 8 Email Templates fully explained, The Psychology Behind Each of them, and how to put them together for any promotion that you do. It's a simple system that you can learn in an hour that will change the way you do email marketing for the rest of your life. The advance package comes along with 12 of Ben's most powerful closing techniques (to go along with the 8 email templates) to get even more powerful results. What's even better is that you will be able to learn all of them in short powerful videos that don't waste your time (just the goodstuff). Keep reading List Breakthrough Review for more specificinformation.
How Does List BreakthroughWork? • Special Features of ListBreakthrough: • Let’s take a look at what’s waiting foryou: • The Full 8-Part List Breakthrough EmailSequence • Revealed: The exact formula that will make a whole lot more money with your email list. The easy way to communicate with your list so they’ll pay attention and buyyour • promotions. • How to customize the List Breakthrough sequence to work for any product, service or promotion you want to make moneywith. • The Psychology Inside List Breakthrough’sPower • How to make your email marketing a predictable revenue stream so you can stop praying forresults. • The obvious mistake that 99% of email marketers make and how you can focus instead on exactly where the money ismade. • The right way to build your sequence for maximum results and the lowest friction with your subscribers. Yes! They’ll actually love your emails and look forward to opening them... and...buying! • The “Oh Crap Tutorial” EmailTemplate
How to instantly capture subscriber attention so they’re engaged and attentiveduring • the remainingemails. • Learn the “Shock Loop” technique that triggers deep psychological needs inyour • subscribers. • How this “Teach & Tease” strategy builds positive anxiety in readers that can onlybe • satisfied by your nextemail... • The “Problem in the Flesh” EmailTemplate • How to correctly leverage the attention you generated in your “Oh Crap Tutorial” to get your subscriber to focus on the solution you’ll soon beselling. • The exact narrative you should use to draw subscribers into the world you want them to see. • The clever (and very “sneaky”) way to be entertaining so they will keepreading. • The “Solution Next Door” EmailTemplate • How to execute the “Double Tease” technique that emphasizes your subscribers’pain • while promising relief (in the form of the upcomingoffer). • The right way to “Recap & Remember” so every word you’ve written crystalizes into a “big picture,” priming them for the exact moment you will ask them tobuy. • When to be ultra-specific and when to use generalities so your subscriber is left with no choice but to keep reading, keeping opening emails, and then buy when you sayso. • The “Open Cart Stampede” EmailTemplate • Ready to make some money? This is the “Big Payoff” for following the List Breakthrough formula! When you do this the first time, you’ll be shocked at how much more you sell rightaway! • The right way to introduce the product so your subscriber has a legitimate“Ah-ha” • moment and realizes they need to buy rightaway. • The amazing secret tactic we use that actually gets subscribers to close themselves and hit the buy nowlink. • The exact structure of this essential email that typically works even better than the sales letter itself at pre-selling and priming your subscribers into quick and happybuyers. • The “One More Thing” EmailTemplate
This “Special Touch” email is vital – it’s what most (unsuccessful) marketers won’t do – and it’s the #1 way to keep your promotion from bouncing like a deadcat. • This special “Buy the Bonus” technique that consistently knocks people off the fence and converts them intobuyers. • How to frame the product price to give you an unfair advantage, rather than not mention it – a mistake most struggling marketersmake. • The “Waterfall Close”Sequence • A “can’t miss” way to close out any email promotion with three carefully sequenced emails that ensure huge closing dayresults. • How to acknowledge and handle any lingering objections to set your mostskeptical • subscriber’s mind at ease and make even more sales. • The specific times to send these final emails, how to avoid repeating yourself, and, ultimately, how to continue the value-based pre-selling that attracts buyers like bees to honey. • How ItWorks: • The insider information I reveal in List Breakthrough... the same informationyou’ll • receive in just a fewminutes: • How to stop selling and start telling in your emails... so you actually disarm and engage your subscribers... and... how to prime them topurchase! • Why the “sequence” emails you write (when you know our psychological tricks) may be 100 times more profitable than anything else you will everwrite! • How to create a stampede of hungry traffic when it’s time tobuy! • How to “ethically manipulate” your subscribers to remain engaged and excited throughout your sequence. This secret weapon will make even the most cynical of yoursubscribers... • It won't help you if you don't have anyone to send an email to, but it will set you up so that building a list finally makes financial sense. Most people aren't afraid of spending money to build a list. Most people, however, are terrified that the time and energy that they put into building that list will be for nothing. This makes it so you can actually monetize your list (even if you are just starting out and really kind of suck at copywriting). • Who Should Use ListBreakthrough?
If you have an email list (even a small one) and you want to make more income from that list, this is foryou. • Why Should You Get List Breakthrough Now ? • List Breakthrough and you'll also get access to a list of Ben Adkins' most closely guarded Closing Techniques that he has compiled over the last 5years. • You can use these inside of the Email Campaigns that Ben Adkins is teaching you in List Breakthrough... to take your results through theroof. • The "Closing Technique" inside LB Advancedare: • “If You Only"Close • “Two Paths”Close • “Pillow”Close • “Mark Your Calendar”Close • “Puppy”Close • “Guarantee Escalation”Close • “Keep the Bonuses’Close • “Walk With Me”Close • “Close Your Eyes”Close • The “Real Life Story”Close • “Unreal Excuses"Close • The "Yes Progression”Close • Each one of these has meant tens of thousands of extra dollars inrevenue. • You will use them in your emails, webinars, and any other time you sell, and you can get access to them for an equally crazy price just by purchasing the advancedpackage. • Everything you'll be Learning in List Breakthrough and the Advanced Package has made Ben Adkins Millions of Dollars and he normally reserve this information for those in his 15k Mastermind... but… Today he has given me the opportunity to open it up to mycustomers.
As Small as Your Investment will be if you are one to get in, Ben is also offering a monsterguarantee. The List Breakthrough Guarantee...You've got 60 Days to Put this into action with your email list. If it doesn't make you at least 10x what you invested in that amount of time, he will gladly have his team refund you infull. Be One of the Smart Email Marketers — Grab List BreakthroughToday! This is being sent out to my entire customer list… Please Make sure you don't waitto grab your spot at this UNBELIEVABLEPrice. ON TOP OF THAT. YOU GET THIS EXCLUSIVEBONUS Everyone who has purchased List Breakthrough or the Advanced Package so far willalso get accessto…. Something I Call "The 75k Generating BonusCall" In this special pre-recorded bonus video Ben will walk you through how he took a free bonus webinar (with no product for sale on it), and turned it into an asset that generated around 75k in sales for him in the next fewmonths. You can use this to generate amazing products to sell to your list using the List Breakthrough system (without feeling like you're creating aproduct). I know you're going to love this short walkthrough of how Ben did it and I can't wait to hear your results when you use this with the List BreakthroughSystem Exclusive Bonuses From ListBreakthrough Learning new techniques is powerful... seeing those techniques IN ACTION is quite anotherthing. When you get List Breakthrough today, I will include these privately held Case Studies so you can see the real results of List Breakthrough foryourself. That’s right. This is NOT theory. This is how we generate millions of dollars a year, and I’m going to take you inside to see two recentcampaigns.
BONUS #1 The $22,000 Promo, valued at$197 • In this bonus video, you will see how we used the List Breakthrough Sequence to generate over $22,000 in just a few shortdays. • You’llsee: • The exact email copy we used to prime and convert our list intobuyers. • The precise times and days we opened and closedon. • And I’ll walk you through the entire campaign so you can actually apply what you • learn in List Breakthrough before you put it to use in your ownmarketing. • BONUS #2 The $75,000 Bonus Call, valued at$297 • How unique bonuses can help you compete for buyers during a product promotion.
How you can leverage “bonus creation” into hugepaydays. • Learn the concept of “only create things that will pay you in multiple ways,” so you’re never wasting time and only focusing on activities that will continue to put money in yourpocket. • Conclusion • List Breakthrough is covered by my 100% “No Questions-No Hassles” Guarantee. Sign up and get access today, and watch the introduction video. Then watch the Psychology of Getting Your List To React video. Then, watch all six of the Template Walkthrough videos. Watch the 22k Promotion Case Study video to see how the List Breakthrough sequence generated $22,000 within a couple of days. Write your own sequences, mail them out, make money. If you get to the end of the program and you aren’t 100% satisfied with your results, all you have to do is email and ask for a refund. It’s that simple. You will receive your money back with no questions and no hassles. You have a full 60 days to put List Breakthrough to the test. You’ve obviously got nothing to lose, and only new sales and conversions to gain. That’s all. • Thank for reading myreview. http://crownreviews.com/list-breakthrough-review-bonus/ List Breakthrough,List Breakthrough review,List Breakthrough review and bonus,List Breakthrough reviews,List Breakthrough reviews and bonuses,List Breakthrough discount,List Breakthrough bonus,List Breakthrough bonuses,List Breakthrough review and discount, List Breakthrough review in detail,List Breakthrough ultimate review,List Breakthrough coupon,List Breakthrough demo,List Breakthrough demo review,List Breakthrough huge discount,List Breakthrough discount coupon,List Breakthrough dowcw demo and bonus,List Breakthrough massive bonus,List Breakthrough specific review,List Breakthrough particular review and bonus, Where to buy List Breakthrough,List Breakthrough review comparison,List Breakthrough biggest bonus,List Breakthrough demo product,List Breakthrough demo in action,List Breakthrough secretreview,