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RHIC 250 GeV Polarized Proton Run 2009

Collaboration meeting for the RHIC 250 GeV polarized proton run in 2009. Discusses goals, schedule, machine setup details, performance improvements, and leadership roles. Includes specific plans for injection, ramping, stores, and machine performance enhancement.

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RHIC 250 GeV Polarized Proton Run 2009

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  1. RHIC 250 GeV Polarized Proton Run 2009 Mei Bai RUN website: www.agsrhichome.bnl.gov/AP/Spin2009 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting

  2. Goal of 250 GeV pp 2009 • Establish polarized proton collisions at beam energy of 250 GeV • Preserve polarization • Explore the luminosity aspects (2 collisions). And evaluate the beam-beam limit at 250 GeV • Further reduce beta* at 250 GeV if time allows • Provide physics store at beam energy of 250 GeV including calibrating CNI polarimeter with H jet polarimeter • Commission • New low level RF • RF 9MHz cavity • spin flipper in Blue ring RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting

  3. RHIC Schedule: 1 • Dec. 15 – 19: RHIC shift leader training • Dec. 17 – Jan. 9: • Cryo decontamination • Cryo plant cool down • Jan. 12 – 16: Dry run • Plan available on Spin2009 website • Jan 10 – Feb.1: 45 k cool down • Jan 19: AGS pp starts • Feb. 2 – Feb. 5: • Blue 45k to 4.5K • Blue power supply preparation • High potting • Corrector checkup • Snake/DX magnet training • Feb. 5 – Feb. 8: • Yellow ring cool down to 4.5 k • Yellow ring power supply preparation • Feb. 7(8): Blue ring ready for injection RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting

  4. RHIC Schedule: 2 • Feb. 8 – Feb. 10: Blue injection setup • Establish blue circulating beam • RF capture with new LLRF • Instrumentation setip • Feb 11 – Feb 14: • Yellow injection setup • repeat injection setup with 9 MHz cavity • Feb. 15– Feb. 21: • Ramp development with rotator off • Feb. 21 – Feb. 23: • Store setup • Feb. 23 – Feb. 27: • Rotator ramp development • Store setup • Physics on • For details, please go to the startup plan on www.agsrhichome.bnl.gov/AP/Spin2009 RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting

  5. RHIC pp 250 GeV Machine setup (1) • Injection: beta* 7.5 m at all IPs • Store: beta* 0.7 m at IP6 and IP8, 7.5 m at all other IPs • Continuous beta squeeze from injection to store energy at 250 GeV. This also allows a semi constant aperture at IP6 and IP8 during the ramp • Working point: • Ramp: 28.69, 29.68 • Store: 28.695, 29.685 • non-linear chromaticity correction through the ramp. RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting

  6. RHIC pp 250 GeV Machine setup (2) • Tune/decoupling feedback • Critical for precise tune control for ramp development as well as polarization studies • BBQ hardware system has been documented and exercised • Plan to exercise the system during RHIC dry run • Control of local orbit around snake • Quadrupoles around snakes were re-aligned during shut-down • Broken bpms at snakes are fixed • A lot of improvements for the overall bpm system • See Vadim’s talk for more details RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting

  7. RHIC pp 250 GeV Machine setup (3) • RHIC RF system • New LLRF system commissioning • All the hardware including all the ADC boards received and undergo testing • Goal is to have all the systems ready for testing the last week of January • New 9 MHz cavity commissioning • For injection and ramping • Advantage • Allow longer bunch during ramp which helps to ease the E-cloud • Shorter bunch length at store when 28MHz cavity is turned on at store • Cavity installed and full power tested • Ready for commissioning with beam • See Mike’s talk for more details RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting

  8. Further machine performance improvement • Luminosity • Further beta* squeeze • Goal is to go to beta* as small as 0.5m • 200 MHz cavity • Further reduction of bunch length • Polarization • Systematic measurement as function of closed orbit distortion at one of three major resonances above 100 GeV • Systematic measurement as a function of tunes at the resonances RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting

  9. Shift leaders and Meetings • Shift leaders • Ptitsyn, Luo, Montag, MacKay, Kayran, Robert-Demolaize, Marr, Schoefer • Trainees: • Brown, Hao, Wang • Backup shift leaders • Trbojevic, Fischer, Pilat, Drees, Satogata, Zhang, Beebe-Wang, Fedotov • RHIC Daily meeting: • 9 am in LCR • This may be reduced to every other day when we are in steady operation mode RHIC Spin Collaboration Meeting

  10. Backup Slides RHIC APEXWorkshop

  11. RHIC preparation • RHIC training: • Detector: two 1 hour seminars on Dec. 8 and Dec. 9 • Machine: four 1 hour seminars on Dec. 15, 17, 18, 19 • Injection setup: Fischer • Ramp tuning: Satogata • Store setup: Ptitsyn • Diagnostic/Port Mortem Analysis: Marr, Schoefer • Documentation • Run website • Operation wiki: Marr, Schoefer • Host the recipe for systems, for system experts, please send the recipe of your system to Greg and Vincent. RHIC APEXWorkshop

  12. RHIC Instrumentation System: BPM • BPM: Satogata, Michnoff • Broken feed-throughs were fixed. Replace the feed-throughs of the bpms at the entrance and exit of the snakes with new ones. • A new type of failing mode was discovered. And the remedy was developed and tested. Expect to see significant less missing bpms from the closed orbit as well as for turn by turn data • New features • Pushbutton timing • <30ns gate width for self-trigger mode • More complete status bits • Auto gain and alarms • Continuous average orbit • Expect significant improvement of BPM performance of average orbit as well as TBT data • For details, please see Michnoff’s presentation in Experimental Diagnostic session RHIC APEXWorkshop

  13. Tune Feedback System • Physics: Yun • Measure/set the coupling angle of each skew quad family for initial setup of the tune/coupling feedback system • Hardware • BBQ: Minty • confirmed the signal processing part as well as PLL lock using an testing resonator • Checked the BBQ I and Q responses as well as the PLL tracking by modulating the resonator’s frequency • Feedback loop setting: Carl • This was measured couple of years ago and don’t expect changes • Controls: Marusic, Hoff, Ted • pet pages and applications • Replay: • Debug the ramp revert when replay is on • Plan to test during dry run with an resonator. For details, please see Minty’s presentation in Experimental Diagnostic session RHIC APEXWorkshop

  14. RHIC CNI polarimeter system • Upgrades: • A second set of target and detectors is added to each CNI polarimeter in Blue and Yellow ring • New targets and detectors to address the challenge of high rates when measuring polarization at 250 GeV • Status: • New chambers as well as the target driving mechanical systems were installed. The whole system including the control software will be tested in next two weeks • CNI polarimeter application is updated to reflect the latest hardware change • More details in Zelenski’s presentation after coffee break RHIC APEXWorkshop

  15. Blue Injection Setup • Prior to Blue is ready for injection setup • AGS extraction setup • AtR setup: AGS to RHIC synchro setup wit new LLRF • Blue injection setup: DAY 1 – DAY 3.5 • Blue power supply work including snake training: Don and team • Establish circulating beam with snakes off: RHIC shift leaders • RF capture with new LLRF and 28 MHz: RF group • Bunched beam, establish RF timing • Establish circulating beam with snakes on: RHIC shift leaders • In parallel, power supply experts will be working on Yellow magnets • Instrumentation setup: • BPM(Satogata, ichnoff), IPM(Connolly), Artus(Drees, Michnoff), BBQ: Minty • CNI polarimeter: Huang, Zelenski • Injection optimization including injection drift compensation setup in parallel • In contingency to new LLRF commissioning, the two shifts for instrumentation setup could be spent on establishing RF capture with old LLRF • Power supply work in Yellow in parallel. RHIC APEXWorkshop

  16. Yellow Injection Setup • Yellow injection setup: DAY 3.5-DAY 7 • Power supply work including DX and Yellow snake training • Establish circulating beam with snakes off • RF capture with new LLRF and 28 MHz • New LLRF only Blue new LLRF is successful. • Establish circulating beam with snakes on • In parallel, Blue injection working including continuing Blue instrumentation setup • Spin rotator training can also be parallel • Instrumentation setup • BPM, IPM, Artus, etc. • Critical system: BBQ and CNI polarimeter • Injection optimization in parallel • In parallel, Blue RF setup for ramp development RHIC APEXWorkshop

  17. New LLRF and 9 MHz setup • Blue RF setup for ramp: 12 hour shift • 6 bunch ramp, blue beam only • This is only necessary if the new LLRF at injection is successful • Commission 9 MHz cavity • Re-establish AtR synchro, RF capture and RF timing with 9 MHz cavity • According to RF group, this should be straightforward • Expect ~6 hours per task • RF setup of Blue and Yellow for ramping • With 9 MHz cavity, Blue and Yellow will be cogged for the whole ramp • In parallel, • instrumentation setup • tune/decoupling feedback setup • minimize H orbital angle between snakes. Snake current scan RHIC APEXWorkshop

  18. Rmap development • Initial Ramp development: no rotator • Tune/decoupling feedback setup • 6x6 bunch ramp with tune/decoupling feedback on. With the 9MHz, blue and yellow beam will stay cogged during the ramp • orbit optimization • Global orbit distortion • H orbital angle between snakes • optics optimization • Working point and chromaticity • store setup • RF setup for store including adiabatic re-bucketing with 28 MHz cavity • orbit correction • optics correction including non-linear chromaticity correction • Non-linearity correction RHIC APEXWorkshop

  19. Ramp development and Store Setup • Continue Ramp development: no rotator • improve ramp with increasing number of bunches until 111x111 • Improve ramp with increasing bunch intensity • Store setup • non-linearity correction • steering and optics optimizing • collimation setup • Deliver collision overnight • Rotator ramp development • Store setup with rotators on • Physics on RHIC APEXWorkshop

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