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CE 321 Lab 2 – Fluid Statics

This laboratory experiment aims to verify the accuracy of the Hydrostatic theory equation in predicting the center of pressure location and evaluate if measurement uncertainties impact this prediction. The study also assesses the equation's suitability for engineering applications.

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CE 321 Lab 2 – Fluid Statics

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  1. CE 321 Lab 2 – Fluid Statics • General Information • Worksheet and Spreadsheets due Thursday by 12 Noon • Lab Reports due Tuesday by 4.00 pm

  2. Hydrostatic Theory Horizontal Plane Resultant Force =

  3. Centroid= h/2 Vertical Plane ……………………………... (1) (Theoretical) …………………… (2)

  4. Objectives • Experimentally verify the accuracy of the equation derived from Hydrostatic theory to predict the location of center of pressure • Determine if uncertainty in measurements appear to explain the inaccuracy in predicting the location of center of pressure using the equation derived from Hydrostatic theory • Comment on the suitability of the equation derived from Hydrostatic theory for engineering use

  5. L1 L4 CW Pivot L3 L2 W yR l d FR w Where, = force produced by the mass placed on the tray, = resultant force = length of the arm where resultant force acts = length of the arm where W acts = location on the submerged plane where resultant force is acting (Experimental)

  6. PPre Pressure Prism for Partially and Fully submerged case Partially Submerged Fully Submerged

  7. Post Lab Session Analysis • Enter data into spreadsheet & study the plot Theo Uncertainty explains inaccuracy Uncertainty does not explain inaccuracy

  8. In order to answer each objective • NOTE: Consider the two cases (partially and fully submerged) separately for each objective • Objective 1 • Consider the inaccuracy in both the 2 cases separately • Look at Error ( Relative error) • Objective 2 • Look at the plot and comment • Compare Error and Propagated uncertainty. Does uncertainty account for inaccuracy? • Objective 3 • Comment on suitability of Eq.1. for engineering use • Consider inaccuracy, uncertainty and state the logic behind your conclusion

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