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Challenges and opportunities for LAGs in Croatia 13 July 2012

Explore challenges, best practices, and main points under IPARD and Leader programs. Learn about strategic rural development and community-led initiatives.

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Challenges and opportunities for LAGs in Croatia 13 July 2012

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  1. LEADER under IPARD and post accession RDPAnna NOWAK, European Commission, Directorate General for Agruculture and Rural Development Challenges and opportunities for LAGs in Croatia 13 July 2012

  2. Main points: • IPARD – main measures • Leader – main featured, history and results • Challenges in the post accession period • Leader under IPARD • Best practices from MS LAGs - video

  3. IPARD Axis 1 - Improving Market Efficiency and Implementing Community Standards M 101Investments in agricultural holdings to restructure and upgrade to the EU standards For agricultural holdings (farmers, crafts, private entities) Sectors: milk, beef, pig, poultry and eggs, fruit and vegetable NEW investment: tractors and renewable energy ! 3

  4. IPARD measures Axis 1 - Improving Market Efficiency and Implementing Community Standards M 103 Investments in processing and marketing of agriculture and fishery products to restructure and upgrade to the EU standards For micro, small and medium processing enterprises (craft, company or cooperative) Sectors: milk and dairy, meat, fishery, fruit and vegetable, wine and olive oil sector New investment : renewable energy, new equipment in wine and olive oil sectors 4

  5. IPARD measures Axis 2- Preparatory actions for implementation of the agri-environmental measures and Leader M 201Preparation for implementation of actions relating to environment and the countryside – AE measures M 202 Preparation and implementation of local rural development strategies - Leader 5

  6. IPARD measures Axis 3 - Development of the Rural Economy M 301 Improvement and development of rural infrastructure For small municipalities with up to 10.000 inhabitants Sectors: sewerage system and waste water treatment, local unclassified roads, heating plants, fire prevention passage 6

  7. IPARD measures Axis 3 - Development of the Rural Economy M 302 Development and diversification of rural economic activities Micro enterprises (natural or legal persons, in VAT system) Sectors: rural tourism, crafts, direct marketing, services (i.e. kindergartens, IT centres), on farm processing, freshwater aquaculture, renewable energy. New: hairdresser salons and homes for elderly. 7

  8. The main concept of the Leader approach LEADER: Liens Entre Actions de Developpement de l’Economie Rurale = Linkages between development actions regarding the rural economy Given the diversity of rural areas, development strategies are more effective and efficient if … • decided and implemented at local level by local actors; • accompanied by clear and transparent procedures; • the support of the relevant public administrations; • and necessary technical assistance for the transfer of good practice

  9. The 7 key features of Leader

  10. Local Action Groups(composition and role) • Public-private partnership  At decision making level the economic and social partners as well as other representatives of the civil society, such as farmers, rural women, young people and their associations must make up at least 50 % of the local partnership. • The partnership must be representative for the area. • The partners must be locally based. • The groups draw up an integrated local development strategy for their territory and are responsible for implementing it.

  11. The Local Action Group

  12. Evolution of the Leader approach The Community Initiatives: • Leader I (1991-93) – experiment: result of criticism to the individual project approach in the Structural Policy • Leader II (1994-99) - laboratory: limited to disadvantaged rural areas, innovation, pilot actions, introduction of transnational cooperation • Leader+ (2000-06) - maturity phase: eligibility of the whole rural territory; reinforced role of networks and transnational cooperation • (Leader+ type measure for new Member States 2004-2006) „Mainstreamed Leader“ 2007-13: • Leader axis – not any longer specific programmes; methodological approach to mainstream RD programming Leader approach as basis for community-led local development in the CSF-Funds 2014-20: • Possibility for Leader territories to implement „multi-funded“ strategies

  13. Rural Development Policy 2007-2013: Architecture Rural Development 2007-2013 « LEADER Axis » (min. 5% of the EAFRD budget) Axis 1 Competi -tiveness Axis 2 Environment + Land Management Axis 3 Economic Diver. + Quality of Life Single set of programming, financing, monitoring, auditing rules Single Rural Development Fund (EAFRD)

  14. LAG selection in EU:2.331 selected LAGs

  15. Leader 2007-2013: • EU average population of LAG areas: around 50.000 inhabitants • EU average surface: around 1.780 km2

  16. Rural development in a new framework 2014-2020 Fostering knowledge transfer and Innovation in agriculture, forestry and rural areas Restoring, preserving and enhancing ecosystems dependent on agriculture and forestry Promoting resource efficiency and supporting the shift towards a low carbon and climate resilient economy in agriculture, food and forestry sectors Promoting social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic development in rural areas Enhancing competitiveness of all types of agriculture and farm viability Promoting food chain organisation and risk management in agriculture Europe 2020 strategy Common Strategic Framework (CSF) – covering the EAFRD, ERDF, ESF, Cohesion Fund and EMFF, and reflecting EU2020 through common thematic objectives to be addressed by key actions for each of the funds Partnership Contract – national document outlining the intended use of the funds in the pursuit of EU2020 objectives Rural development policy: EAFRD Other CSF funds (ERDF, ESF, CF, EMFF) Innovation, Environment and Climate Change as cross-cutting objectives Priorities Rural Development Programme(s) 16

  17. Community-led local development – CLLDLeader approach for all funds: • Europe 2020 strategy: Territorial development on sub-regional level as a cross-cutting issue for inclusive growth • Common Provisions Regulation: common approach to support CLLD under the EU Funds: • EAFRD – European Agricultural Funds for Rural Development • EMFF – European Marine and Fishery Funds • ERDF – European Regional Development Fund • ESF – European Social Fund • ECF – European Cohesion Funds

  18. Leader in the new programming • LAGs – shall design and implement LDSs • Preparatory support: • “Leader start-up kit” – capacity building actions for groups who did not implement Leader in 2007-2013 and support small pilot projects • Capacity building, training and networking to prepare and implement a LDS • Cooperation activities • Inter-territorial or transnational co-operation projects (within one MS, within several MSs and with third countries)- separate selection) • Preparatory technical support for cooperation projects • Running costs and animation • Costs linked to the management of the implementation of LDS • Costs to cover actions to inform about LDS and project development tasks

  19. Challenges under the new programming Option for the delivery at MS level: • Strategy with mono-fund approach or multi-fund approach( coordinated intervention of several Funds) Options for the delivery at LAG level • Defining the LDS scope – much broader approach • Defining the area which the strategy will cover • whether to design a multi- or a mono-fund LDS after assessing the risks and challenges • In the case of multi-fund: • Choice of the Funds to be included in that strategy; • if the Lead Fund option is opened, which Fund should be the Lead Fund

  20. Challenges under the new programming • Multi-funded strategies are more complex to design and implement – experience required • Broader LAGs partnership (many issues, many sectors) • Risk of dominancy of the most powerful interest • Possibility of integration of new areas (i.e. bigger towns) • But still possibility to implement Leader only in rural areas.

  21. IPARD • IPARD Programme until the end of 2013 • New Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 • Contracting under IPARD – only until beginning of the post accession Rural Development Programme (2015 ?) • Payments under IPARD possible until 2016 (N+3 rule)

  22. Leader in IPARD • How? Through sub-measures : • 202.1. Acquisition of skills, animating the inhabitants of LAG territories (for registered and selected LAGs) • 202.2. Implementation of local development strategies (for registered and selected LAGs) • And TA for potential LAGs (implemented by the MA)

  23. Leader in IPARD LAGs main responsibilities and tasks : • To establish and register a LAG (as association) • To develop a Local Development Strategy • To promote/inform/animate local population • To apply to the Call for proposal • To recommend a project to the Agency • To manage activities of a LAG • To request financial support for LAG’s operation

  24. Leader in IPARD Leader – eligibility criteria Officially register (as association) Cover coherent territory (5.000-150.000 inhabitants, including towns up to 25.000) Management body: public-private group (at least 50% members from civil, social and business sector) and min 20% from the local authorities. Age diversity and Gender equality (min 30 % women) LDS based on Leader Ordinance 24

  25. Leader in pre- and post accession RDP • New approach – mono or multi funds strategies • LAGs selected under IPARD have to submit a new LDS with much broader approach • Much broader approach: more measures : from 6 in IPARD to 26 in a new RDP = more sectors = more projects, but also projects not only from RDP • Bigger focus on networking and cooperation • Cooperation also with partners from non rural areas, financed from other funds • Some procedural differences at LAGs and the ministerial level (projects selection, projects payments), possibilities of advance payments

  26. Thank you and good luck!Leader ordinance: http://mps.hr/ipardhttp://enrd.ec.europa.eu

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