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This article delves into the issues related to experimental uncertainties and physics uncertainties in calorimetry research. Topics include solid-angle acceptance, resolution effects, statistical aspects, selection of events, neutron corrections, source reconstruction, and more. Relevant references in the field are also provided for further exploration. The aim is to enhance understanding of the complexities involved in calorimetry experiments and how researchers address uncertainties in their work.

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  1. “CALORIMETRY” Distraction Deleted Message: 1959 Movie Classic: “Some Like It Hot” (Six Academy Award nominations; a top 100 movie; top 100 last lines; starring Tony Curtis, Marilyn Monroe and Jack Lemmon. Two Struggling musicians (Curtis and Lemmon) witness the St. Valentine's Day Massacre and try to find a way out of Chicago before they are found and killed by the mob. The only job that will pay their way is an all-girl band, so the two dress up as women. In addition to hiding, each has his own problems; one (Curtis) falls for another band member (Monroe) but can't tell her his gender, and the other has a rich suitor (Joe E. Brown) who will not take "No," for an answer. In the final scene, Brown asks Lemmon to marry him, at which point Lemmon tears off his wig and says, “Look I’m not even a woman, I’m a man”, leading another of Director Billy Wilder’s famous last lines, which also applies to calorimetry: “Nobody’s perfect” – Joe E. Brown Vic Viola, WCI3, Feb. 12, 2005

  2. ? HOW ACCURATELY DO WE KNOW E*/A ? • ISSUES: ∙Experimental Uncertainties ∙ Physics Uncertainties ∙ E* Construction Protocols ∙Summary • My % Error Estimate • Audience Participation

  3. EXPERIMENTAL UNCERTAINTIES ∙ Solid-angle Acceptance ∙ Granularity ∙ Resolution Effects Thresholds: IC < Si < CsI Energy: Si > IC > CsI Particle ID: Si-Si > Si-CsI > IC-Si ~ phoswich Time-of-flight: IMF/residue mass; neutron En TPC/Spectrometer: track definition Neutrons: detection efficiency ∙ Statistics

  4. PHYSICS UNCERTAINTIES • Selection of “Thermal” Events: • Preequilibrium Emission / Mid-rapidity Source • Neutrons: Mn & En • Source Reconstruction: Z, A and Vll • Kinematic Reconstruction of Spectra • Primary Fragment N/Z

  5. E* REFERENCES pbar + A Berlin n/cp Ball: PRL 77, 1230 (1996) p, p,3He + A ISiS: PLB 423, 21 (1998); PRC 64, 064603&4 (2001) p, 4He, C + A FASA: NPA 700,457 (2002) NPA 709, 392 (2002) A + C EOS: PRC 62, 024616 (2000) A + A ALADIN: PRL 75, 1040 (1995); NPA 607, 457 (1996) INDRA: NPA 686, 537 (2001); NPA 700, 555 (2002) TAMU: PRC 55, 227 (1997) PRC 62, 034607 (2000) CHIMERA: E. Gallichet, commun. LAVAL ARRAY PRL 77, 462 (1996) SUPERBALL: PRC 64, 034603 (2001)


  7. Nonequilibrium effects 1.2 GeV at LEAR 8 GeV/c + 197Au

  8. INDRA@GSI From the Fermi to the relativistic domain Invariant cross sections for Au + Au at peripheral impact parameters J. Łukasik et al., Phys. Lett. B566, 76 (2003)



  11. T. Lefort


  13. 124Sn+64Ni 112Sn+58Ni Determination of E* Hypothesis : Equipartition of the total E* between the two partners Chimera-Reverse Collaboration Emmanuelle Galichet


  15. E* (source in c.m. ) = GKcp(i) + GKn(j) - Q i j K = particle kinetic energies cp = light-charged particles IMFs heavy residues n = neutrons gammas Q = )(cp’s+n’s) - )(source) = - Removal Energy DETECTORS: ALADIN CHIMERA EOS FASA INDRA ISiS MULTICS- MINIBALL TAMU V2 WCI’05 2/15/05

  16. FASA: E* = [E*(RC+SMM)]  = empirical fit to observed MCP BNB/BSiB: E* = E*(GEMINI) ∙ f (LCP Multiplicity) ISiS: Calorimetry Zsrc = Ztgt  Asrc = Atgt  [ + 1.93 Mnegp] AIMF : Korteling Mn: BNB/BSiB (Mn vs. Mp) <En> : SMM <E>: MZ>2 × 1 MeV EOS: Zsrc = Ztgt Asrc = Atgt  [ + 1.70 Mpneg ] Mn = Asrc Aithermal <En> = Mn∙ (3/2)T ; a = (A/13) MeV-1 E* PROTOCOLS(LI)

  17. E* PROTOCOLS (HI) ∙ Zsrc = (  ≤ 90º in c.m.) + 2 ( ≤ 90º in QP frame) ∙ Asrc = (A/Z)proj ∙ Zsrc∙ Mn = Asrc Afragments 2 ALCP ( ≤ 90º in QP frame)∙<En> = bT ; b = 1; 1.5 or 2 value dependent on origin of neutron freeze-out or secondary decay and on excitation energy.For central collisions the same prescription has been used, but the retained LCPs are those emitted between 60 º and 120 º. INDRA QP: ∙ TAMU CENTRAL ∙ Zsrc = Zp+t  ∙ Asrc = Ap+t ; AIMF = 2 ZIMF ∙ Mn = (N/Z) ∙ Mp ∙ <En> = Mn ∙ 3T/2 ∙ <E> = 10 MeV

  18. ALADIN ∙ (Z, A)src = [ (Z,A)proj  (Z, A)fireball] ; y > 0.7ybeam ∙ Mn: Measured-thermal ∙ En: Measured ∙ MH: p:d:t from literature ∙ MZ=1, Asrc from 1.3 < (N/Z)src < 1.5 ∙ AIMF: EPAX (Z > 3) ∙ AHe, Li randomly according to measured mass distributions for Z = 2, 3 comments: <Ex> = (<mi> + <ki> - <msrc> - <Ksrc>

  19. J.B. Natowitz et al., PRC 65, 034618 (2002) K = 232 ± 30 MeV

  20. SUMMARY ∙ The current state of nuclear calorimetry permits determination of the E*/A of the fragmenting source to an accuracy of ~20%.Nearly all experiments can be made self-consistent within this range (+20%,+/-10%, -20%)∙ Bottom Line:For all multifragmentation experiments,  the region in which there is a dramatic change in reaction observeables corresponds to  E*/A =  5 +/- 1 MeV/nucleon.Within a phase-transition scenario, this value represents the transition energy.

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