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A thorium scam was brought to fore and forgotten. However, many aspects that have been defined and made public knowledge are questionable. Some of those aspects being the crores of rupees claimed to be missing, the missing monazite and other rare minerals. Over and above the volume of the alleged illegal export seems a little too colossal.
The alleged and allegedly ongoing thorium scam of the Indian south lands came to the fore approximately two years ago in 2013. The events were brought to fore by a collector in Tuticorin who cried wolf when he was not allowed to inspect the private areas of a mining company. http://vvmineralblog.wordpress.com
Instead of crying bloody murder there are two ways to look at the matter of denying entrance on company premises. One: the company has all rights to deny entry on private premises provided they are in possession of the necessary licences. Lest the authority figure trying to view the premises has legal document stating so, the organisation is in its full right in denying access. http://vvmineral.wordpress.com
Post the expose a committee of senior officials was set up to look in to the matter. The first thing that the committee did was to proclaim the names of the companies and assessed the scam to be worth Rs. 60 lakhcrore rupees. Not once did anyone peg this to be an extravagant amount. Neither was any explanation given as to how this figure was arrived at. http://vvmineralmining.wordpress.com
It is almost forgotten knowledge that in 1962 the Jawaharlal Nehru government had banned the commercial use and especially export of the rare mineral monazite. Later on many rare mineral and earth resources bodies were set up in India. These slow and gradual organisation each come with their fixed set of confusing doctrines that they safeguard. http://vvmineral-mining.blogspot.in
Many of the processes set by these organisations has also caused a undeniable lack of paperwork and inversely proof when approaching a subject like illegal beach sand mining. Another erring statement is the non-mining of the rare minerals in question since these are mixed in the sand the mining companies use to extract other legal minerals. http://vvmineralmining.blogspot.in
The government is now in a flux owing to its own complex and indecipherable system of law and judiciary. http://vvmineralmining.wordpress.com
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