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Explore the impact of European imperialism in Africa, the rise of nationalism leading to independence in South Africa, Kenya, and Nigeria, and the struggles faced post-independence. Reflect on the positives and negatives of colonial rule in Africa.
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Monday Warm Up Q’s: YOU CAN USE YOUR TEXTBOOK (the green books) to help define these terms • What is imperialism? • What is nationalism? • Who is Nelson Mandela?
History of Africa • SS7H1 The student will analyze continuity and change in Africa leading to the 21st century. • a. Explain how the European partitioning across Africa contributed to conflict, civil war, and artificial political boundaries. • b. Explain how nationalism led to independence in South Africa, Kenya, and Nigeria. • c. Explain the creation and end of apartheid in South Africa and the roles of Nelson Mandela and F.W.de Klerk. • d. Explain the impact of the Pan-African movement.
a. Explain how the European partitioning across Africa contributed to conflict, civil war, and artificial political boundaries. • IMPERIALISM: the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies • The 1884-85 Berlin Conference was conducted, and European powers (Great Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, and Italy) agreed to divide the continent into European governed colonies. • This division was disastrous as the new boundary lines divided ethnic groups and in most cases forced rival ethnic groups to live together. • The Europeans wanted the natural resources to fuel the Industrial Revolution. As they made products, they then forced African colonies to buy them for much more than they received for their resources.
The Negatives of Colonialism • Rival ethnic groups forced to live together causing conflicts and wars. • Lost many resources without equal return. • Lost their freedom to govern themselves. • Africans were forced to work on plantations and in mines for very little money. Children as young as 10 are recruited for civil wars in Africa http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55SBoDT02VM&feature=related
The Positives of Colonialism • Improved roads and railroads • Improved medical centers • Improved schools • Improved economies –jobs and technology • Democracies allow freedom for many people (except in countries where corruption leads to dictatorships) Hospitals in South Africa are heavily burdened by HIV- infected children—a leading health issue in Africa.
NEGATIVE IMPACT Slavery Wars and Riots Starvation and Poverty Disease Forced Cheap Labor Loss of Land and Power New boundaries separated families and tribes Civil Wars between ethnic groups POSITIVE IMPACT Schools and hospitals were built Improved health care Roads and railroads were built New governments and democracy Improved economies / New technologies End of Slavery Impact of Colonial rule in Africa
Conflict between native Africans and Europeans during colonization Conflict between ethnic groups Conflict over who should have political power AFTER Africans gained independence from Europe Conflicts in Africa because of artificial political boundaries created by Europeans during the Berlin Conference of 1884-85
How did nationalism lead to independence in South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria?
Nigeria • Nigeria gained independence from Britain in 1960, and most people expected the new state to be stable and calm. Within months, however, war broke out between the Christian south and the Muslim north. • The religious war left many thousands dead or injured. The country tried to reorganize as 12 different regions, even the oil-rich province in the eastern part of the country declared itself to be the independent State of Biafra. • Military coups and outbreaks of violence marked the years that followed. Elections were held in 1999 that seemed more free and open than what had gone before, but the government still remains unstable. • Nigeria has the potential to have great wealth from their oil supplies. However, because of corruption in the government this resource has not been developed. As a result, Nigeria must rely on foreign aid and foreign supplies for their people.
Kenya • Kenya became independent of British rule in 1964, under the leadership of Joseph Kenyatta, a leader of the Kenyan National African Union (KNAU). • Even free from British rule, government was not open or free. Under Kenyatta and his successor, Daniel arap Moi, the KNAU ran almost unopposed in every national election until the 1990s. • At that time, the international community told Kenya unless they improved their civil rights record, economic assistance from abroad would be cut off. • There has been some improvement in the political rights of Kenya’s people, but more is needed. The country remains a multi-party state on the books, but the reality is that the KNAU still controls much of the government.
Speech at the Kenya African Union July 26, 1952 “... I want you to know the purpose of the Kenya African Union. It is the biggest purpose the African has. It involves every African in Kenya and it is their mouthpiece which asks for freedom. K.A.U. is you and you are the K.A.U. … True democracy has no colour distinction. It does not choose between black and white. We are here in this tremendous gathering under the K.A.U. flag to find which road leads us from darkness into democracy. In order to find it we Africans must first achieve the right to elect our own representatives.” - Jomo Kenyatta
Let’s check in… • What happened in Nigeria right after they obtained independence? • Who is Joseph Kenyatta? • Why were European countries so interested in colonizing Africa?
South Africa • South Africa was originally settled by the Dutch who had little to do with the native Africans. When the British took over in the early 1800s, the Dutch moved into land occupied by the Zulu tribe. • Britain soon discovered rich deposits of gold and diamonds in South Africa. • Because the British considered the native Africans second-class citizens, the Africans founded the African National Congress (ANC) to work for equal treatment of the nonwhite population. • South Africa set up a strict system of separation of the races called the apartheid system. The ANC worked for many years to end this system, eventually getting international help through the use of embargos. By 1985, the embargos and continuing resistance led by African National Congress and the Pan African Congress forced South African government to begin making changes. • Apartheid began to come apart and in 1994 South Africa held its first multiracial election and chose Nelson Mandela as the country’s first black president.
Let’s look into South Africa more… • What is apartheid? A term that represents racial segregation • What country practiced this policy? South Africa until 1994
How did the new government enforce this new policy? • The implementation of the apartheid, later referred to as "separate development," was made possible by the Population Registration Act of 1950 • This put all South Africans into three racial categories: Bantu (black African), White, and Colored(of mixed race). A fourth category, Asian (Indians and Pakistanis), was added later.
Afrikaner Nationalists’ policies • Apartheid was enforced by a series of laws passed in the 1950s: the Group Areas Act of 1950assigned races to different residentialand business sections in urban areas • The LandActs of 1954 and 1955 • restrictednonwhite residence to specific areas. • further restricted the limits on Blacks owningland • White minoritycontrolled over 80% of S. Africa’s land. • Other laws were passed that limited non white power: • prohibitedmost social interaction between the races • enforced the segregationof public facilities (schools, jobs) • minimizednonwhite participation in government • Placed non whites into certain “homelands”
A number of black political groups, often supported by sympathetic whites, opposed apartheid using a variety of tactics: • including violence, strikes • demonstrations and sabotage – These tactics were often met with severe consequences from the government.
CHANGING THEIR WAYS… • As anti-apartheid pressure mounted within and outside of South Africa, the South African government, led by President F. W. de Klerk, began to dismantlethe apartheid system in the early 1990s. • In 1994 the country's constitutionwas rewritten and free general elections were held for the first time in its history, and with Nelson Mandela's election as South Africa's firstblack president, the last remnants of the apartheid system were finally outlawed.
What role did these men play in ending apartheid in South Africa? NELSON MANDELA F.W. de KLERK
Nelson Mandela & F. W. de Klerk • During Apartheid, 2 groups were working to end this South African regime – the African National Congress led by Nelson Mandela, and the Pan African Congress. • Riots and fightingtook place constantly - Nelson Mandela was sentenced to life in prison for his work against apartheid. • Eventually, the S. African government had to admit that their policy of apartheid had no place in the modern world. • In 1990, South African President F.W. de Klerk agreed to allow the ANC to operate as a legal party and he releasedNelson Mandela from prison after he had served 27years in prison. • F.W de Klerk also began to repealthe apartheid laws. • Apartheid finally ended in 1994, however South Africa still struggles with high unemploymentrates due to the old segregatedsystem.
d. Explain the impact of the Pan-African movement. • The Pan-African movement began as a reaction to the terribleexperiences of colonialrule and the desire for people of Africandescent, no matter where they lived in the world, to think of Africa as a homeland. • The first people to support the idea of Pan-Africans were Africans who were living in other parts of the world. They felt all Africans no matter where they lived, shared a bondwith each other. They also called for Africans all over the continent to think of themselves as one people and to work for the betterment of all. • They wanted to end Europeancontrol of the continent and to make Africa a homeland for all people of African descent. • While the peacefulunification of Africa has never taken place, the Pan-African movement can take a lot of credit for sparking independencemovements that left nearly all African nations freeof colonial rule by the 1980s.
The numbers don’t lie . . . Blacks Whites Population Land allocation Share of national income Minimum taxable income Doctors/population Infant mortality rate Annual expenditure on education per student Teacher/student ratio 19 million 4.5 million 13% 87% <20% 75% 360 rands 750 rands 1/44,000 1/400 20%-40% 2.7% $45 $696 1/60 1/22