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This research study compares the determinants of emissions in seven global cities, focusing on factors such as the built sector and ground transport. The study analyzes emissions factors, energy consumption, and other urban indicators to understand the underlying factors influencing urban emissions.
Determinants of cities’ emissions:a comparison of seven global cities 3rd International Scientific Conference on “Energy and Climate Change” Athens 7th-8th October 2010 Edoardo Croci
Context • Significant contribution of major cities to global GHG emissions, in particular of carbon dioxide • (UNEP, UNHabitat, 2005: urban activities responsible for 80% of global CO2) • Differences in urban absolute/per capita emissions among cities from industrialized and developing countries (and within each “category”) • Increasing voluntary commitment of city governments to emissions reduction targets
Research questions • - Whichbasicfactorsunderlieurbanemissions? • - Whichurbanfeaturesinteract in influencingthesefactors… • …and can beconsideredas ultimate determinantsofemissions?
Choice of case studies • Criteria: • focus on global cities (at leastpopulation > 1 million) • availabilityofdetailedemissionsinventories • availabilityof data on selectedurbanindicators • representitivenessofdifferent world areas (climate; economic performance) • -> Bangkok, Chicago, London, Madrid, Mexico City, Milan, New York City Main bias: consistency of urban data used (methodology; territorial coverage) • -> definitions of urban areas may differ among countries and accordingly to criteria used
Methodology • -> Focus on residentialemissions and groundtransport • Data availability • Twomainsectors in mostofurbaninventories Steps: 1) Disaggregationofemissionsintomainfactors (emissionsfactors; activity data) 2) Analysisofemissionsdeterminants • qualitative comparison + quantitative indicators on urbanfeaturessuchas: climate, morphology, infrastructure, technology, economicactivities in place, income, prices, culture…
Main factors: Built sector Eb = emissions from energy used in buildings Qi = quantity of “i” fuel consumed directly for various purposes (i.e. heating, water heating, cooking...) for unit of built surface (kWh/m2) EFi = emission factor of “i” fuel (CO2/kWh) Si = floor space consuming “i” fuel (m2) f = 1, … 8 1 = natural gas 2 = oil 3 = LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) 4 = coal 5 = waste used as fuel 6 = biomass 7 = energy from renewable sources 8 = other Qe = quantity of electricity consumed for various purposes (i.e. heating, water heating, cooking, air conditioning, use of electric appliances...) for unit of built surface (kWhe/m2) EFe = emission factor of electricity purchased in the city (CO2/kWhe) Se = floor space consuming electricity (m2)
Main factors: Built sector • Residentialsector: • - significantdifferences in fuel and electricityconsumption per housingunit (e.g. Chicago, highestvalues; Bangkok, Mexico City, lowestvalues) • emissionsfactorshavesecondaryrelevance (apartfromE.F.ofelectricity) Qi = fuelconsumption (kWh/housingunit) Qe=electricityconsumption (kWh/ housingunit)
Main factors: Ground transport • Where: • Tj = number of passengers’ trips with “j” mode • Lj = average length of a single trip with “j” mode (passengers km) • lf = load factor of “j” mode (n. passengers/vehicle) • EFji = emission factors of “i” fuel with “j” mode (gCO2/vehicle km) • f = 1, … 6 • 1 = gasoline • 2 = diesel • 3 = LPG • 4 = electricity • 5= other • 6 = no fuel VKTzi = kilometres travelled by freight vehicles of “i” fuel and of “z” mode (vehicle km/inhabitants) EFzi = emission factors of “i” fuel with “z” mode (gCO2/vehicle km) z = 1,…3 1 = light duty vehicles (and sub-categories) 2 = heavy duty vehicles (and sub-categories) 3 = rail m = 1, … 6 1 = foot 2 = bicycle 3 = subway/rail 4 = bus 5 = passenger car 6 = motorcycle
Main factors: Ground transport • Ground transport: • relevantroleof private cars (Chicago) and freight (Chicago; Bangkok) in citieswithhigheremissions • relevantroleofnon-motorizedmodes (New York City) and public transport (London; Madrid; Mexico City) in containingemissions *For Mexico City data on foot/bicycle trips are notavailable
Main factors: Ground transport • significant differences in the carbon intensity of the private and commercial vehicle stock • e.g. Bangkok: very inefficient public and commercial fleet • Chicago: carbon-intensive stock of passenger cars • London, Milan: very low carbon intensity for passenger cars
Main determinants Built sector • Residentialemissions: • climate, primary determinant: entails more relevant energy consumption levels for those cities having higher heating needs (e.g. Chicago, London, New York City) or cooling needs (Bangkok, as emerges from electricity consumption levels). Qi = fuelconsumption (kWh/housingunit) HDD=HeatingDegreeDays
Main determinants: Built sector • - features of the residential stock: • cities with a dense built environment consume lower energy quantities per housing unit • better energy efficiency relevant in explaining lower energy consumption level • - level of economic welfare: determinant for electricity use
Main determinants: Ground transport • Ground transport emissions: • form and density, primary determinant shaping modes in use and emissions: • high density: relevant quota of passenger demand satisfied through non-motorized transport (New York City) and public transit (New York; London; Mexico City; Milan) • lower density: significant use of private cars and higher emissions (e.g. Chicago)
Main determinants: Ground transport Ground transport emissions: - technology and features of vehicle stock: determinant for cities where the stock is very inefficient (e.g. Bangkok) or very efficient (e.g. Milan).
Future research • needtocollect more specific data at city level in ordertosupportobservations • e.g. builtsector: • - typologiesofhousingunits and commercial buildings • - heating/coolingsystems in operationwithin the city • diffusionofelectricappliances in households/offices and averageenergyefficiency • e.g. groundtransport: • more detailedinsightinto the vehicle stock (private, public, commercial) • data collection on specificurbanfeatures, in ordertoverifytheir link with the degreeofuse private cars/public transit (i.a.urbanwalkability; accessibility; integrationof the public transport network) • identifylinkagesbetweenurbandeterminantsofemissions and policies/measures • evaluatetrendsofurbanemissionsthroughcities’ updatesofemissionsinventories