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Will health, safety & justice@work survive another Tory term and Brexit? Only if we fight for it!

Will health, safety & justice@work survive another Tory term and Brexit? Only if we fight for it!. Con-Dems attacked everything that works: strong laws, strong enforcement & unions.

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Will health, safety & justice@work survive another Tory term and Brexit? Only if we fight for it!

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  1. Will health, safety & justice@work survive another Tory termand Brexit? Only if we fight for it!

  2. Con-Dems attacked everything that works: strong laws, strong enforcement & unions • Abandoned routine proactive H&S inspections - Local Authority inspections down 97%, 53 L.A.s abandoned them, HSE down 33++% HSE/L.A proactive inspections banned in ‘low risk’ work since 2011 • Slashed HSE budget by 44+% - Pimped out HSE to commercial interests www.hazards.org/safetypimp/ • Stacked HSE board with business stooges- tripartism▼ • Killed off HSE medical division – Occ. Health off the agenda • Pulled teeth gangmaster’s watchdog, no worker reps • Priced injured/sick workers out of compstn- cut PI legal aid • Made employment tribunals pay per go – tribunals ▼80%

  3. John McDonnell: “scandalised at the commercialisation of the HSE, the fact that the HSE is tasked with selling its products not just in this country but around the world. You know as well as I do that as soon as the profit motive enters an organisation, principles go out the window. I think there is a conflict of interest about making a profit and doing the job of enforcing properly and independent.” #haz2016

  4. Continued as soon as Tories won in May 2015 • Removed key laws, ACoPs and dumbed down guidance • Told business H&S burden they shouldn’t bother with. • Exempted self-employed- ‘do not pose risk to others’ from all H&S legislation • Upgraded Regulators Compliance Code to make so-called ‘Growth duty’ 1st principle for HSE, L.As/ EA: • Point 1: ”Regulators should carry out their activities in a way that supports those they regulate to comply & grow’ • HSE Commercialisatn,nudging/fudging, enabler not enforcer • L.A. H&S, Pollution Control & Food Safety Enforcement damaged: Steve Tombs: ‘Better Regulation- Better for Whom?’ Briefing in Liverpool : https://www.crimeandjustice.org.uk/sites/crimeandjustice.org.uk/files/Better%20regulation%20briefing%2C%20April%202016_0.pdf

  5. (Anti) TU Act 2016 - coming for life/ health/ money-saving Safety Reps & SRSC Regs

  6. 200 years of better H&S collectively won is being reversed • Fought for collectively over 200 years • Over 30 years of neoliberal attacks - Thatcher’s Deregulation bonfire - Blair/Brown light touch, limited touch, better regulation ► Better Regulation explicit policy in UK,EU,‘trade treaties’ • Attacks on H&S part of perfect storm of attacks on working class from cradle to grave 2010-2016 • Decline deaths injuries,illness now reversed/rising –HSE neither knows/reports true extent of work harm

  7. Austerity makes us sick & kills! (Anti)TU Act cut right to strike + wages that don’t pay bills + H&S slashed = serfdom at best, slavery at worst

  8. Recent threats to H&S on top of 6 years of constant attacks • Brexit – Tory attack on UK H&S laws; threats to H&S from any trade deals they will make • CETA – TTIP EU/USA treaty in trouble but CETA. EU/Canada treaty signed & up for ratification now- back door for US Corporations to sue UK Government. TiSA even worse… • HSE Board destruction of tripartism: DWP appt. employer to 1 of 3 workers seats! Now only 1 worker rep on HSE Board of 11. New HSE chair is employer rep not TUC rep

  9. Job/work organisation makes us ill and therefore can and should be prevented! • Stress, depression, anxiety– excessive workload, impossible targets, intense monitoring, long hours, bullying/harassment, lone work, insecurity, zero hours/temporary precarious contracts, surveillance/ monitoring; punitive sickness absence policies, performance management/PIPs; Fit for Work new scheme run by subsidiary of Maximus, low pay – increase in minimum wage better than anti-depressants http://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2016-04-08-effect-national-minimum-wage-similar-prescribing-antidepressants • MSDs – poor workstations/tools, standing, sitting, walking too much, manual handling, excessive work, hot desking, marking/preparation- • Cancer – shift work, night work, carcinogens- asbestos, silica, diesel, Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals – EDCs • Heart Disease –dust, chemicals, stress, air pollution, long hours, low pay/control bad for workers health– Increase in pay cuts high BP by 25-35%http://www.hazards.org/workingworld/lowblow.htm; http://www.hazards.org/votetodie/lowlife.htm;NWTUC Health safety & wellbeing conference 4.3.15 NOTES: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bgt8smgh07nrk4g/NWTUC%20Wellebing%20Conf%204.3.15%20-%20notes%20to%20ppt.pdf?dl=0; NWTUC Health safety & wellbeing conference 4.3.15 PPT: https://www.dropbox.com/s/858wejoru8bitxv/Hazards%20Campaign%20ppt%20%204.3.15%20Wellbing.Worsebeing%20what%27s%20wrong%20with%20H%2CS%2CW.ppt?dl=0

  10. Job/work organisation makes us ill and therefore can and should be prevented! • Lung Disease – dust, chemicals, allergens, microbes, air pollution • Neurological diseases- solvents, lead, other chemicals , air pollution • Skin Diseases – chemicals, dusts, micro-organisms • Endocrine Diseases e.g. diabetes, obesity- EDCs, shift/nightwork, long hours, low pay air/water/product pollution • Fatigue - www.hazards.org/hours/tiredout.htm

  11. Work is huge cause of ill-health and health inequality • Work huge cause of ill-health – Mostly invisible, uncounted • 31 million people in work, HSE says ‘144 killed’ 2015/16, justifies deregulatory, enforcement slashing, cuts to HSE/LA budgets. • 2 million made ill, 611,000 injuries, ½ million Stress & MSDs every year! • Hazards Campaign: >1,400+ in incidents (HSE’s 144 + w-r road, air, sea deaths + 300 w-r suicides + 103 members of public - but also on rail- 332 deaths including 293 suspected suicides and 22 fatal injuries • + 50,000 die of work illness- cancer, heart/ lung disease; • Reality more like140 dying every day due to work compared to 574 murders in 2015 & 630 service personnel over 14 years in Iraq/Afghanistan http://www.gmhazards.org.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/GMHC-stats-Hazards-2014.15-p-national..doc • What work you do is a result of inequality AND causes health inequality: low paid work has high risks - more likely to be injured, killed & made ill - cancer, diabetes, lung & heart disease. 20% of blue collar workers exposed to carcinogens- chemicals, substances and shift work. Most of new 2 million jobs are bad jobs: insecure/low pay & harmful, bad for workers health: http://www.hazards.org/workingworld/lowblow.htm; http://www.hazards.org/votetodie/lowlife.htm +

  12. #IWMD16 We know what works to keep us safe @work

  13. Safety Reps are superheroes of the TU movement and H&S system- save lives, health & money www.hazards.org

  14. Hazards Campaign challenging government Health & Safety lies 2010/16

  15. We love Red Tape it’s better than Bloody Bandages and sick and injured workers http://www.gmhazards.org.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/updated-WDVtDaW-Leaflet-Sept-14-will-we-survive.pdf

  16. HSE new strategy - little more than a social media hashtag

  17. Consequences of cutting regulations /enforcement – death, illness and injury Legionnaire’s disease 2012 http://www.hazards.org/infections/outbreak.htm

  18. Cameron Minshull Killed by government cuts in regulations enforcement, inspections, scrutiny & no union? Dodgy dogma David Cameron: Killing off H&S Culture Tour 2010-2016.. Cameron Minshull 16 years old, Killed 8thJanuary 2013 by lack of health & safety culture Joanne Hill, Cameron’s mum FACK knows: Work deaths caused by too little regulation & enforcement not by too much Cameron killed: http://www.hazards.org/deadlybusiness/cameronminshull.htm

  19. 2015/16 More multiple fatality incidents at work We remember the Hawkeswood Metals Five migrant workers from the Gambia/Senegal, Spanish nationals killed in July 2016. Formally identified by their finger prints as 39-year-old OusmaneKabaDiaby, AlmanoKintehJammeh, 45, BangallyTunkaraDukaray, 55, SaibSumbunduSillah, 42, and 49-year-old MahamadouJaganaJagana. We remember the Bosley four 17.7.15 Derek Moore, Dorothy Bailey, Derek Barks and Jason Shingler - never recovered We remember the Didcot four 23.2.16: Michael Collings, Christopher Huxtable, Ken Cresswell & John Shaw. The last 3 have just been recovered from the rubble 6 ½ months later….

  20. Work Related Stress HSE not prosecuting, left field to Occ. Health Co.s to sell snake oil individual health promotion: Wellbeing, Resilience, Engagement, Mindfulness & Happiness. These undermine the law on Health, Safety & Welfare at work , the hierarchy of control, trade union organisation, collective preventative action – fitting the work to the worker not vice versa- with voluntary, individual blaming health promotion on diet, exercise, reducing smoking, drinking etc. HSE agrees that none of these are stress prevention but won’t back us up when employers ignore us.

  21. We’re not F*****g Having it We have safety reps and we know how to use them!

  22. USE the SRSC Regs – Brown Book - to their fullhttp://www.tuc.org.uk/sites/default/files/extras/brownbook.pdf • Framework for unions to work with employers – not enforced • Union elected Safety Reps - paid time off not facility time but as much as is necessary Committee • Provision of facilities • Consultation • Provision of information • Inspections & Investigations • Represent Members, make representations to management be consulted by inspectors • TU Safety Reps raise a concern with HSE: https://extranet.hse.gov.uk/lfserver/external/turep1

  23. Safety Reps in action!Saving lives and health and saving money for employers, the economy and society.Using our rights and holding employers to their legal duties in the SRSC Regs and HASAWA to the full. Mick Holder in Hazards Magazine: http://www.hazards.org/organise/turniton.htm

  24. A Better World for all is possible if we work together & change the story! If we don’t fight back there’ll be no health, safety or justice@work in 2020 • Educate, organise and agitate to keep work safe – recruit to union + safety reps • Defend H&S in work, use SRSCR, action short of strike, strike, innovative actions • Campaign to build support for decent jobs with good health and safety inside & outside of work- make the case for regulation, enforcement and union organisation being a necessary social good, not silly red tape, not a ‘burden on business’ reject snake oil Resilience/ Wellbeing http://www.hazards.org/votetodie/citizensane.htm#safetypays; http://www.hazards.org/organise/heretostay.htm • Challenge the lies/neoliberal story of government/corporation/media that good H&S is a burden on business – it’s not, it’s good for us, good for business and economy - with members, local press/media, public forums; Lobby MPs, MEPs: • Publicise effects of bad H&S on workers and communities – it’s about real people, real lives/health- Create the narrative build public support • Support & USE Hazards magazine arguments for a decent jobs, good work for all, with workers at the centre of health and safety policy, not the victims of it. • Reject TTIP, CETA and all the toxic Deregulatory Free Trade Treaties • Solidarity with other campaigns, all linked & an injury to one is an injury to all

  25. Decent Lives depend onDecent work with good H&S at its heart

  26. #IWMD16 We know what works to keep us safe@work Fight for it

  27. 2016 post BrexitMAYDAY, MAYDAY for Health & Safety? Sign up and leave with one with us. Take some back to work and sign up your members. Circulate the link to online postcard on http://www.hazardscampaign.org.uk/postcard

  28. John McDonnell #Hazards2016 John McDonnell says the Health and Safety Executive's regulatory mission has been compromised by its new profit motive. Brexit threatens worse to come. But the shadow chancellor says your protection is a 'red line' issue for Labour – and that means delivering a strong safety regime underpinned by restored trade union rights. www.hazards.org/deadlybusiness/hardlabour.htm

  29. Hazards 2016 demands that government: • Ends the harmful Better Regulation Agenda which has allowed business/ employers to capture the regulatory and enforcement system for their own purposes of profit maximisation and control to the detriment of workers’ health and lives. • Reverses the budget cuts, political interference, commercialisation and application of a ‘growth duty’ on the HSE and Local Authorities health and safety enforcement. • Scraps the TU Act and all anti-Trade Union legislation. • Invests in strong health and safety laws, strict enforcement, and supports strong active trade unions to prevent deaths, injuries, and illness caused by work. Puts good health & safety at the heart of decent jobs & decent lives for all. This will create a healthier more sustainable economy and promote equality and justice. • Implements removal of all carcinogens from all workplaces incluidng asbestos, & commits to urgent eradication of asbestos from schools, other public buildings, all workplaces and homes.

  30. Hazards 2016 demands that government: • Implements removal of all carcinogens from all workplaces including asbestos, and commits to urgent eradication of asbestos from schools, other public buildings, all workplaces and homes. • Does not ratify or implement CETA. • Guarantees that post Brexit, no health and safety regulations or laws on workers’ rights will be cut – the UK voted Leave but all occupational health and safety protection must REMAIN. • Involves trade unions in negotiating post Brexit trade deals that put good health & safety & worker rights as enforceable core st’ds.  • Ensures all international trade includes the same high core health and safety standards to protect the health and safety of workers outside the UK so that goods and services imported into the UK are not covered in the blood of other workers- our sisters and brothers blood.

  31. Join Us! • UK Hazards Campaign www.hazardscampaign.org.uk; Hazards Campaign secretariat c/o GMHC: info@hazardscampaign.org.uk • Greater Manchester Hazards Centre: mail@gmhazards.org.uk • Join us on Face Book : We didn’t Vote to Die at Work; • Twitter @hazardscampaign; @HildaPalmer SUBSCRIBE to Hazards Magazine: www.hazards.org; editor@hazards.orgsub@hazards.org • Twitter @hazardsmagazine, FaceBook: Hazards Magazine; Workers Memorial Day 28 April and ‘We love red tape’ • FACK Families Against Corporate Killers: www.fack.org.uk, mail@gmhazards.org.uk; Face Book: Families Against Corporate Killers • Alliance for Cancer Prevention http://allianceforcancerprevention.org.uk & Facebook

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