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Explore one-time authentication, hash-based protocols, universal hash functions, and applications in authentication. Learn about one-time public-key authentication and Lamport's scheme. Understand the security and size considerations of public keys.
Foundations of CryptographyLecture 4: One-time Signatures, UOWHFs Lecturer:Moni Naor
Recap of last week’s lecture • Functions that are one-way one their iterates • The one-time authentication problem • The hash based protocol • Strongly Universal Hash functions • Definition and Constructions • δ-Universal2hash functions • Their application in authentication • Polynomial Constructions • Composition and tree
The authentication problem:computational public-key version • Alice would want to send a message m {0,1}n to Bob or to Charlie • Set-up phase is public • They want to prevent Eve from interfering • Bob should be sure that the message m’ he receives is equal to the message mAlice sent m Alice Bob Eve
Specification of the Problem (old) Alice and Bob communicate through a channel Bob has an external register R N (no message) ⋃ {0,1}n Eve completely controls the channel Requirements: • Completeness: If Alice wants to send m {0,1}nand Eve does not interfere – Bob has value m in R • Soundness: If Alice wants to send m and Eve does interfere • R is either N or m (but not m’ ≠m) • If Alice does not want to send a message R is N Sincethis is a generalization of the identification problem – must use shared secrets and probability or complexity Probabilistic version: • for any behavior from Eve, for any message m {0,1}n, the probability that Bob is in state m’ ≠m or N is at mostε
What about the public-key problem? • Recall: Bob and Charlie share the set-up phase information • Is it possible to satisfy the requirements: • Completeness: If Alice wants to send m {0,1}nand Eve does not interfere – Bob has value m in register R • Soundness: If Alice wants to send m and Eve and Charlie do interfere • R is either N or m (but not m’ ≠m) • Existential forgery • If Alice does not want to send a message R is N • Who chooses which m Alice will want to approve? • Adversary does. This is a chosen message attack • When ism’ chosen – might be after authentication on m seen • As before: complexity to the rescue
A one-time public-key authentication Let f: {0,1}n → {0,1}n be a one-way function • Adversaries run times is bounded by polynomial time To sign/authenticate a single bit message • Setup phase: • Alice chooses arandom pair {x0, x1 {0,1}n } and • Computes y0 = f(x0) and y1 = f(x1) • Gives Bob and Charlie (y0 ,y1 ) • When Alice wants to approve m{0,1} – she sends (m,xm ) • If Bob gets any symbols on channel – call them (m,z); computes f(z) and compares to ym • If equal moves to state m • If not equal, moves permanently to state N • Why is it secure? • What about n–bit messages? • Alice prepares a set of n pairs and opens the appropriate ones • Since this is noninteractive, Bob can convince Charlie that Alice approved message m • Non repudiation from Alice
Signing n–bit messages Public key f(x10) f(x11) f(x20) f(x21) f(xn0) f(xn1) Message 0 0 1 1 Lamport’s Scheme
Security of the Scheme Theorem: If there is an Adversary A that • chooses a message m {0,1}n for Alice to legitimately authenticate • forges a message m’ ≠ m with probability at least ε Then there is an Adversary B that • can break the function f with probability at least ε/2n • operates in time roughly the same as A Proof:
Size of the public key • The size of the public key • Let f: {0,1}k → {0,1}k be a one-way function • to be able to sign an n-bit message need 2nk bits of public key. • Preparing a public key takes • 2n evaluations of the one-way function and • 2nk bits of public key. Homework: Suggest a tradeoff with more evaluations but fewer bits in the public key. • Hint: you may assume that you have functions that are one-way on their iterates
Regeneration • If we could get a smaller public-key could be able to regeneratesmaller and sign/authenticate an unbounded number of messages • What if you had three wishes…? • Idea: use hashing to compress the new public-key • What about universal hashing ? • Problem: both mand m’are chosen in advance in universal hashing • Must use computational hardness somewhere
Possible definitions • A function g:{0,1}2n → {0,1}nwhere it is hard to find m’ ≠ m but g(m)=g(m’) • Problems: • not good for non-uniform models • hard to connect to other assumptions • Want a family of functions from which one is selected • Use the advantage we have: the target is known
Possible definitions • A family of functions G={g|g:{0,1}n → {0,1}h(n)} Such that • Easy to sample g from G and g G has succinct description • Given (n, g, x) easy to compute g(x) • h(n) < n • Hard to find collisions: Alternative 1 – any collision • Given n and g G hard to find x, x’ {0,1}n where x ≠ x’ but g(x)=g(x’) • Sometimes called collision intractable • hard to connect to other assumptions Alternative 2 – target collision • Given (n,g,x) hard to find x’ {0,1}n where x ≠ x’ but g(x)=g(x’)
Universal One-Way Hash functionsUOWHFs • When/how is the target x chosen? • Independently ofg but want to work for any possible x • Firstx is selected by adversary, theng G is selected at random • Technical point: let ℓ1 , ℓ2 :{0,1}* → {0,1}*be functions mapping n to input and output sizes. We assume • ℓ1 (n) > ℓ2 (n) and • both are bounded by polynomials in n Definition: A family of functions G= ⋃n=1∞Gn where Gn ={g|g:{0,1}ℓ1(n) →{0,1}}ℓ2(n)}is called (ℓ1 , ℓ2 )-universal one-way hash if: • Given n easy to sample randomg from Gnand g Gn has description polynomial in n • Given (n, g, x) easy to compute g(x) • Hard to find target collisions: no polynomial time adversary can on input n • generate x {0,1}ℓ1(n) • given a randomg Gn find x’ {0,1}ℓ1(n) where x ≠ x’ but g(x) = g(x’) succeed with non-negligible probability for sufficiently large n
Homework • Show that the existence of UOWHFs implies the existence of one-way functions • Show that there are family of UOWHFs of which are not collision intractable • Show that if the (n, βn)-subset sum assumption holds for β<1, then the corresponding subset function defines a family of UOWHFs • You may use the fact that for m=βn for most a1,a2 ,…,an {0,…2m -1} the distribution of T=∑ i S ai is close to uniform, when S is random.
Composing UOWHFs Concatenation Let G be be a (ℓ1 , ℓ2 )- family of UOWHFs Consider the (2ℓ1 , 2ℓ2 )- family G’ where each g’ G’ is defined by a function gG and where g’(x1 ,x2) = g(x1 ), g(x2) Claim: the family above is (2ℓ1 , 2ℓ2 )- family of Universal One-way Hash functions Proof: let the adversary choose x1, x2 as the target and let x’1, x’2 be the colliding value • If x1≠ x’1 found a collision with x1 i.e. g(x1)=g(x’1) • If x2≠ x’2 found a collision with x2 i.e. g(x2)=g(x’2) • Guess which case b {0,1}will occur • correct with probability ½ and • output xb as the target collision Running time – similar. Probability of success at least ½ of G’
Composing UOWHFs ℓ1 Composition Let • G1 be a (ℓ1, ℓ2 )-family of UOWHFs • G2 be a (ℓ2, ℓ3)-family of UOWHFs Consider the family G which is a (ℓ1, ℓ3 )-family and where each g G is defined by g1G1 and g2 G2 g(x) = g2(g1(x)) Claim: the family above is a (ℓ1, ℓ3 )-family of UOWHFs Proof: the collision must occur either at the first hash function or the second hash function… ℓ2 ℓ3
Composing UOWHFs ℓ1 Proof: • If collision in first phase more frequently Can break G1 • Use target x given by adversary as target for G1 • If collision in second phase occurs more frequently Can break G2 • Take target x given by adversary, choose g1R G1 and set z = g1(x) as target for G2 • Given g2 G2 give adversary g = g1, g2 • Key point: can choose the g1 in the target phase ℓ2 ℓ3
The Tree Construction m g1 g2 g3 Let G be a (2k,k)-UOWHF Let n= 2 ∙l ∙ k. and t= log n/k.Eachgiis chosen independently fromG. The result is a family of functions{0,1}n → {0,1}kwhich is(n,k)-UOWHF Size of representation:t log |G| wheret is the number of levels in the tree
Constructing (n, n-1)-UOWHFs • Idea: Combine one-way with universal • Want to match each image of the one-way functions with another random image • Let f :{0,1}n → {0,1}nbe a one-way permutation • Let H = {h|h:{0,1}n → {0,1}n} be a Strongly Universal2family • Let chopn-1 :{0,1}n → {0,1}n-1 be a 2-to-1 function Consider the (n, n-1)-family G where each g G is defined by hH g(x) = chopn-1(h(f(x)))
Pair-wise independent permutations Definition: a family of permutations (1-1 functions) H= {h| h: {0,1}n → {0,1}n } is called Strongly Universal2or pair-wise independent if: • for allx1, x2 {0,1}nand y1, y2 {0,1}nwhere x1 ≠x2 and y1 ≠y2 we have Prob[h(x1) = y1 and h(x2) = y2 ] = 1/2n ∙ 1/(2n-1) Where the probability is over a randomly chosen hH The same as in truly random permutations In particular Prob[h(x2) = y2 | h(x1) = y1 ] = 1/(2n-1) Construction: let F be a finite field F (e.g. GF[2n]) H= {ha,b(x) = a∙x + b | a, b F, a ≠0} New condition
Constructing (n, n-1)-UOWHFs • Idea: Combine one-way with universal • Want to match each image of the one-way functions with another random image • Let f :{0,1}n → {0,1}nbe a one-way permutation • Let H = {h|h:{0,1}n → {0,1}n} be a Strongly Universal2family of permutations • Let chopn-1 :{0,1}n → {0,1}n-1 be a 2-to-1 function • E.g. chopping last bit of input Consider the (n, n-1)-family G where each g G is defined by hH g(x) = chopn-1(h(f(x)))
Proof of Security y=f(z) Want to construct from algorithm A which is target collision finding for G an inversion algorithm B for f Algorithm B: • Input: y=f(z) to invert, • Run algorithm A to get target x • Find random h H such that chopn-1(h(y))= chopn-1(h(f(x))) and give corresponding g as a challenge to A • Why does such an h exist and how to find it? • If A finds x’ such that g(x’)=g(x) then chopn-1(h(f(x))) = chopn-1(h(f(x’))) = chopn-1(h(y)) and y=f(x’) since h is 1-1 What is the probability of success of B? The same as the simulated collision algorithm A for G Claim: the probability the simulated algorithm A witnesses is the same as the realA B x A g x’ x’
Why does such an h exist and how to find it?chopn-1(h(y))= chopn-1(h(f(x))) • Choose random w{0,1}n • let w’ be such that chopn-1(w)=chopn-1(w’) • Want h(y)=w and h(f(x))=w’ • Such an h should exist from pair-wise independence • Easy to find and unique for H= {ha,b(x) = a∙x + b | a, b F, a ≠0} • Open problem(?): what happens to the security of the construction if H does not have the property
Distribution of simulated A vs. real A The difference between the simulated and real A: • Real A gets g defined by random hH • Simulated A chooses x and gets g defined by • Choosing random z{0,1}n and computing y=f(z) • y is uniform in {0,1}n from f being a permutation • Choosing random w{0,1}n and finding random hH such that h(y)=w and h(f(x))=w’ • Since both random yand random w are random the result is a random hH Simulated A and real A witness the same distribution The probability that B inverts is the same as A finding a collision
What about the reverse combination • Let f :{0,1}n → {0,1}nbe a one-way permutation • Let H = {h|h:{0,1}n → {0,1}n} be a Strongly Universal2family of permutations Consider the (n, n-1)-family G where each g G is defined by hH g(x) = chopn-1(f(h(x))) Is it a UOWHF? Not necessarily: if • h is easy to invert and • f does not affect the last bit • not contradictory to either being one-way or a permutation Then easy to find collisions: any x the that x’ collides under h will also collide under g
From (n, n-1)-UOWHFs to (n, n/2)-UOWHFs • Idea: composition. • What happens to the security of the scheme? • The probability of inverting f given a collision finding algorithm for H may be small by a factor of 2/n
Sources • Chapter on signatures in Goldreich’s Foundations of Cryptography, volume 2 • www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~oded/foc-vol2.html • Papers: • Universal Hashing: • Carter & Wegman, Wegman and Carter, JCSS 1979, 1981 • UOWHF: Naor & Yung • www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~naor/PAPERS/uowhf_abs.html
Homework • Given ε,n what is the number of bits needed to specify an authentication scheme? • Bonus: Can interaction help? • Can the number of shared secret bits be smaller than in a unidirectional scheme • Can the number of shared bits depend on ε only?
What about the public-key problem? • Recall: Bob and Charlie share the set-up phase information • Is it possible to satisfy the requirements: • Completeness: If Alice wants to send m {0,1}nand Eve does not interfere – Bob has value m in R • Soundness: If Alice wants to send m and Eve and Charlie do interfere • R is either N or m (but not m’ ≠m) • If Alice does not want to send a message R is N • Who chooses which m Alice will want to approve? • Adversary does. This is a chosen message attack • As before: complexity to the rescue