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And the Xmas party And you better enjoy the xmas dinner because it took me a day to make

And the Xmas party And you better enjoy the xmas dinner because it took me a day to make. For loads of Calvin and hobbes humour and cruelty to Susie derkins scenes and some advertisement scenes. DECEMBER. 23.

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And the Xmas party And you better enjoy the xmas dinner because it took me a day to make

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Presentation Transcript

  1. And the Xmas party And you better enjoy the xmas dinner because it took me a day to make For loads of Calvin and hobbes humour and cruelty to Susie derkins scenes and some advertisement scenes

  2. DECEMBER 23

  3. The story starts when Calvin's parents plan a Christmas day party at Calvin's house and then he turns out to be giving out invitations to everyone but everyone says

  4. NO WAY

  5. Calvin had no friends at school but he had only one pack of friends and its his family including hobbes

  6. Im home..Wahhh Im going to wait Im trying to be good

  7. Seeing how its Christmas Im going to start your allowance now

  8. Thanks dad

  9. This is err…. Better than pizza (not)

  10. Bedtime Calvin

  11. Next morning


  13. Later

  14. Come in guys the party has just started kids go upstairs Calvin is expecting you

  15. Hey man for the next 5 hours Im Investigating this house for clues

  16. Hmmmm no strangeness here it would be strange if Calvin had a tiger called hobbes

  17. He does

  18. Just take a irn bru son it builds caracter Dad Robby is scaring me can I stay down stairs I need a drink

  19. Hold on Calvin you have a phone call

  20. Hello Can I come around No Thanks I will be round in a minute

  21. Do’h hobbes emergency gross meting now

  22. We must chase Susie out of the house when she gets here to enjoy our Christmas And I have just the idea GROSS

  23. Later on

  24. Im here hello everyone

  25. POUNCH

  26. What did you do that for Im going home waa

  27. Look a gift for us should we give her one back Nah Christmas has passed we can be bad again

  28. What about boxing day

  29. Look a present from Calvin how nice

  30. What a night night hobbes Night Calvin

  31. THE END Have a nice christmas

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