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An Introduction to Discernment. Faith and Light International Formation Project Team 2012. Along with deepening our personal relationship with God through prayer, discernment is a means by which we may live more closely according to the Spirit of Jesus. What is discernment?.
An Introduction to Discernment Faith and Light International Formation Project Team 2012
Along with deepening our personal relationship with God through prayer, discernment is a means by which we may live more closely according to the Spirit of Jesus
What is discernment? • To choose and to make decisions that are more in harmony with God’s loving desires • God has desires and preferences that are not always obvious to us • God is not indifferent, uncaring or apathetic • God, as revealed in Jesus, has strong, passionate desires for all that is truly good • We do not have God’s all-encompassing perspective • We do not always want exactly what God wants
A graceful ability to recognize which impulses, movements, ideas or inspirations come from God and which come from some other source in order to choose well • Which choice will help me to become freer, more fully alive, more loving, more truly human – like Jesus • Which choice will give more life to others, build up, unite, heal
What am I choosing - and why?
God does not want, will, desire, prefer everything that happens • What is evil, destructive, rooted in selfishness or lies or fear, what is oppressive, demeaning, enslaving or whatever promotes division is not of God • We have the freedom and the possibility to choose against God’s desires and preferences and everyone suffers the consequences of these choices
Caution • Evil is always to be rejected - even when this is difficult or not very evident • How? This is done through observation, a well-formed conscience and good judgment • Clearly we seek to discover if a choice that seems possible is something that really leads to good or something that leads to evil • It is necessary to pay close attention because evil, at times, disguises itself as something good • “By their fruits you shall know…”
Discernment is always between two real, possible goods • Not seeking the “best,”“perfect” or “ideal” choice • Not multiple choice • Which of these two choices is better
Actual, concrete choices - here and now • This time, this place, these people and these specific circumstances • Accepting our limitations • Coherent with one’s vocational commitments • Not theoretical or hypothetical (what if…)
Discernment can be done by Individuals or by Groups Group discernment depends upon each person’s individual discernment • We try to discover together God’s way for US
Discernment and Prayer • Discernment flows out of a personal relationship with God nurtured through prayer • We need help to better know what God wants of us • In our personal relationships, over time, we come to better know the other • Their desires, preferences, hopes, dreams • What delights them, saddens or disturbs them
Prayer as conversation • The cycle of conversation • Contact - When I am aware of God being lovingly aware of me • Agreement - What is most “real” for me at this time • Process - What is the next step we need to take together • Closure/Opening - I am sorry, Thank you, Amen
Discernment and Decision Making • We make many, many choices and decisions every day • Only our most important decisions require discernment What is the way of love going forward?
The choices and decisions are ours • We are not asking or expecting God to approve our choices • We are trying to choose more closely in harmony with God’s Spirit
Since Faith and Light is Christian community, discernment is our way of making better choices and taking better decisions individually and together
Discernment as a Way of Life Over time, through regular practice and guidance, discernment becomes the way that we approach all the important decisions in our life because our desire to be closer to God and to work more in harmony with God’s Spirit grows and deepens
Discernment is the way we in Faith and Light have to help us to better choose our leaders
General Gifts / Specific Gifts • All leaders in Faith and Light need to have certain general gifts • Love for all members, prayer, generosity, ability to work as a member of a team… • Each role also requires some specific gifts, qualities and experience
Matching Gifts to Roles • This is another application of discernment based on the image of the Body developed by St. Paul • Everyone has a particular gift needed for the good of all • There are different gifts for different roles of service • If my gift is not a better fit for this particular role, there is some other valuable service for me to do for the Body • No one has all the gifts needed
Discernment, in this case, involves a combination of: • A concrete situation of service, • A specific gift that corresponds to this need • Not everyone has this specific gift • Availability (can “exchange” with or “let go” of some other tasks) • Will not compromise one’s major responsibilities • A sense of call (feels right, inner peace, this “fits”) • Detachment (inner freedom) • I am free for whatever God prefers
The well being of the Body (community, province, FLI) depends upon each member’s gift being fully functional and engaged in service Because a person can do something does not mean that they have a gift for this We work better and we feel better when people are using their core gifts for the good of all We discern who, of all the good people nominated, has demonstrated the gifts needed for this role of service.