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Hezekiah, a Great King

Hezekiah, a Great King.

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Hezekiah, a Great King

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  1. Hezekiah, a Great King One period of history of interest is the United Kingdom (I Sam. 9 to ca. I Kgs. 11). This represents about 120 years (ca. B.C. 1095 – B.C. 975, Saul, David; Solomon). This is followed by the “Divided Kingdom” (ca. I Kgs. 12 – 2 Kgs. 20, ca. B.C. 975 to B.C. 722, ca. 253 years).

  2. Hezekiah, a Great King The Divided Kingdom consisted of the Southern Kingdom (Judah) and the Northern Kingdom (Israel). During this period of 253 years, thirteen men reigned as king in Judah and nineteen in Israel. Hezekiah was king number thirteen in Judah.

  3. Hezekiah, a Great King “…How pleasant it is to read of such a life as his, after we have read of so many kings of Judah and Israel, that ‘they did evil in the sight of the Lord….’ It is a pleasant contrast even to the life of Hezekiah’s own father Ahaz. It is a somewhat strange thing that, brought up admid such evil surroundings, Hezekiah should have turned out so well. The chances were all against him…” (The Pulpit Commentary, Vol. 5, pg. 369, Homilies).

  4. Hezekiah, a Great King Hezekiah’s greatness not because of: Ancestry (2 Kgs. 16: 2-4). Environment (cp. Ezek. 18: 10-13). His children (2 Kgs. 21: 1-7). Not his age (2 Kgs. 18: 2). Not his pride (2 Kgs. 20: 14-19).

  5. Hezekiah, a Great King Hezekiah’s greatness was because: He did what was right (2 Kgs. 18: 3). He was uncompromising (2 Kgs. 18: 4). Man of action (2 Chron. 29: 3). Trusted in God (2 Kgs. 18: 5). Clave to the Lord (2 Kgs. 18: 6). Kept God’s law (2 Kgs. 18: 6). He was prayerful (2 Kgs. 19: 14-19).

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