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Action taken by Miyazaki Airport against Volcanic Ash from the eruption of Mt. Shinmoedake in the Kirishima mountain range. International Volcanic Ash Task Force (IVATF) Second Meeting Montreal, 11-15 July 2011 Civil Aviation Bureau JAPAN. Overview of Miyazaki Airport.
Action taken by Miyazaki Airport against Volcanic Ash from the eruption of Mt. Shinmoedakein the Kirishima mountain range International Volcanic Ash Task Force (IVATF) Second Meeting Montreal, 11-15 July 2011 Civil Aviation Bureau JAPAN
Overview of Miyazaki Airport Volcanic Ash from the eruption of Mt. Shinmoedake reached Miyazaki Airport from 28th January 2011. Hokkaido Sendai Kyushu Islands Fukuoka Tokyo Osaka Fukuoka Miyazaki Airport Mt.Shinmoedake Kagoshima Airport Mt.Sakurajima
Contents: • Introduction • Information Sharing Framework for Information Sharing in Japanese Airports 1) Information gathering for volcanic ash 2) Infrastructure for Information Sharing Airport Officials Information Web Mobile Email • Observation of Volcanic Ash • Coordination for Ash Removal Establishment of communication flow during operational/non-operational hours • Ash Removal Work (Runway Closure)
1. Introduction Operational impact at Miyazaki Airport byVolcanic Ash from the eruption of Mt. Shinmoedake, from JAN 26th to FEB 13th; 19days in 2011. Initial ash fall Runway Closure Runway Closure Runway Closure *The number of Canceled Flights includes other reasons than volcanic ash
2. Information Sharing 1) Information gathering for volcanic ash Airport Operation Officer(AOO) collects any information regarding to Volcanic Ash from the eruption of Mt. Shinmoedake. AOO also observes volcanic ash condition by Runway surface inspection. 2) Infrastructure for Information Sharing ATIS Airport Official Information Web Mobile Email
Framework for Information Sharing in Japanese Airports When an accident, unusual circumstances, such as facility failures and natural disasters etc. happen, AOO gathers any information and share them among other sections in airport office and airport stakeholders by any infrastructure on time. Airport Office Trouble Disasters Information Sharing By Web site By ATIS Other Sectios Airport Operation Officer(AOO) Airport Administrator • Report /Instruction • Support Airport Administrator Operator Information Sharing Cooperation Coordination Support Airport Stakeholders
1) Information gathering for volcanic ash Weather(including Miyazaki Airport Japan Meteorological Agency Website)1) Volcanic eruption 2) Ash fall forecast (with upper wind direction) 3) Met-air notification 4) Special observation by JMA Flights Status 1) Flight status for cancelation, diversion or delay 2) Requests of extension of airport operational hours for ash evacuation. 3) Overnight stay. Airport Condition 1) Runway, taxiway and apron surface condition. 2) Observation of volcanic ash 3) Ash removal work plan (Runway Closure)
2) Infrastructure for Information Sharing Airport Officials Information Web AOO provides information by “Airport Officials Information Web” on time. Airport condition, NOTAM, Aircraft stand allocation plan/status, Work plan/status in airside area, Volcanic ash information, aerodrome warning, typhoon warning and other useful information for flight planning are also available via this Web site. All airport stakeholders access it with their ID/password.
2) Infrastructure for Information Sharing Mobile Email AOO provides weather, flight status and airport condition information to the Airport Administrator and other sections regularly and quickly by mobile email. They can use it easily for their each decision. Airport Office JMA Airport Administrator AOO Airlines Air Traffic Controller Mobile Email Airport Stakeholders Collect Info Air Navigation Officer (Example) Subject: “Volcanic Observation” 16:33 Wed 26th JAN 2011, 1. Kirishima eruption continued, Time: 3:00 pm January 26 and 40 minutes (JMA)2. Flow direction: southeast3. The public distribution of Kirishimasoutheast direction, the study of the time up to about 13 Miyakonojo4. Concern is the effect of ash on Miyazaki Airport.5. No impact on operational at the moment Airport Facility Manager Airport Security Officer
3. Observation of Volcanic Ash Observation of volcanic ash is essential for the decision of ash removal. However, it is difficult to observe and report ash fall condition because ash is diffused in the air and cannot measure easily . Miyazaki Airport Office applied following observation methods that anybody can easily identify and report ash fall. • Methods to observe Ash fall • Observe ash fall checking how dirty the white cloth established on • certain point of apron. • Observe how ash whirled up when a vehicle • runs at 60km/hours in apron area. • *Depend on the observation, Airline operators request • ash removal to airport office.
4. Coordination for Ash Removal Communication Flow during non-operational hours Communication Flow during operational hours AOO “Observation Volcanic ash” “Runway Inspection” Airport Security Officer (Shift work of 24hours) “Check ash fall” 【Report】 【Identify ash fall】 Airport Administrator AOO Airport Administrator 【Instruction】 【Coordination】 • Surface Ash Condition • Flights status and airlines operation • Ash removal plan • (Runway Closure time) • Ash fall forecast (with upper wind direction) etc. • AOO • Airport Facility Manager “Special Observation Volcanic Ash at midnight” (if ash removal necessary) “Contact ash removal worker” “Ash removal work before operational hours (early in the morning)” Airport Stakeholders (ATS, MET, Airlines etc.) ・ Special Observation Volcanic Ash at midnight; 14Times ・ Ash removal before operational hours; 2Times “The Guideline for Ash Removal Work in Miyazaki Airport ” This guideline was determined by reference to the Guideline of Kagoshima airport with many years of experience in volcanic ash from the eruption of Mt. Sakurajima.
5. Ash Removal Work Equipment of Ash Removal Work ・Blower (for Runway and Taxiway) ・Handmade Blower vehicle (for Runway and Taxiway) ・Watering Sweeper Vehicle(for Apron) Priority 1st Prioritization Priority 2nd Other Area (Watering Sweeper Vehicle) Handmade Blower Blower 【Runway closure; 4Times】 Jan 28th09:55-13:20JST (3Hours 25Minutes) Jan 28th16:06-18:00JST (1Hours54Minutes) Jan 30th 21:30-07:00JST (9Hours30Minutes) Feb 3th 01:00-07:00JST(6Hours) We took Blower and Handmade Blower vehicle to clean up the volcanic ash on the RWY/TWY to prevent the attachment of volcanic ash to embeded aeronautical ground lights and clogged grooves on the RWY