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From treasure hunters to scientific researchers : development of archaeology and archaeologist’s profession in Latvia. Dr Andris Šnē Faculty of History and Philosophy of the University of Latvia.
Fromtreasurehunters to scientificresearchers:developmentofarchaeologyandarchaeologist’sprofessioninLatvia Dr Andris Šnē FacultyofHistoryandPhilosophy oftheUniversityofLatvia 19th EAA Meeting, Plzen 2013
FranzNyenstadt – descriptionof Suntaži hillfortin 1593 and Allaži burialgroundin 1604reportsaboutthefindingsinthelate 18th century: MitauischeMonatsschriftin 1784 findsofArabicsilvercoinsin 1796 near Grobincollectionsofartefactssince 1780s (A. W. Hupel, E. Ph. Korber), descriptionsofarchaeologicalsites 19th EAA Meeting, Plzen 2013
Antiquarianismandantiquariansocieties SirRichardColtHoare (1758 –1838): "We speak from facts not theory" 19th EAA Meeting, Plzen 2013
Die Kurländische Gesellschaft für Literatur und Kunst (Курляндское Общество любителей словесности и художеств), 1815Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Altertumskunde zu Riga (Gesellschaft für Geschichte und Altertumskunde der Ostseeprovinzen Russlands), 1834 Gelehrte Estnische Gesellschaft, 1838 19th EAA Meeting, Plzen 2013
Garlieb Helwig Merkel(1769-1850) 19th EAA Meeting, Plzen 2013
FriedrichKarlHermannKruse(1790-1866) "DeIstriostiis" (Breslau 1820) ; "Anastasis der Waräger" (Reval 1841); "Nekrolivonika, oderAltertümervonLiv-,Esth-undKurland" (Dorpat 1842); "RussischeAltertümer" (Dorpat 1844-45, 2 Hefte); "Urgeschichte der Ostseeprovinzen" (Moskau 1846); "ChroniconNortmannorum" (Gotha 1851) 19th EAA Meeting, Plzen 2013
Achievementsofthearchaeologyuntilearly 20th century Introductionofresearchmethodology First generalsurveysofthearchaeologicalpastintheBaltic PrehistoryoftheEastBalticregion 19th EAA Meeting, Plzen 2013
1920s and 1930s • FormationofLatvianarchaeologyandtheestablishmentofthe first researchinstitutionsinfieldofarchaeology • culturehistoricalapproach, • siteandartefactualstudies • prehistoryofLatvia • problematic «MiddleAges» 19th EAA Meeting, Plzen 2013
ArchaeologyunderoccupationregimesafterWorldWar II • Marxistic approach, • artefactual and site studies • (ethnic) prehistory of the Baltic • field work practice and methodologies; • serial publications; • high and increasing number of publications; 19th EAA Meeting, Plzen 2013
ArchaeologyandarchaeologistincontemporaryLatvia • Decentralisationoftheresearchinfrastructure • Decreaseofthefieldworkpractices • Urbanarchaeology • Formationofcommercialarchaeology • IntroductionofexactresearchmethodsandWesternapproaches • Interdisciplinarityandinternationalizationofresearch • Publicarchaeology 19th EAA Meeting, Plzen 2013