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Outline. I. Introduction.II. Fractional parentage expansion coefficients of symmetry bases and transformation coefficients between physical bases and symmetry bases.III. An example, penta-quark calculation; six quark system had been calculated in a similar manner.
1. Systematic Study of Multi-quark states with group theory method Fan Wang
Dept. of Phys., Nanjing Univ.
J.L. Ping and H.X. Huang
Dept. of Phys., Nanjing Normal Univ.
2. Outline I. Introduction.
II. Fractional parentage expansion
coefficients of symmetry bases
and transformation coefficients between
physical bases and symmetry bases.
III. An example, penta-quark calculation;
six quark system had been calculated in
a similar manner.
3. I. Introduction Hadron spectroscopy only detects QCD interaction in color singlet states.
Hadron interaction provides hidden color channel information of QCD interaction in principle.
Multi-quark states detect QCD interaction in hidden color channel directly.
Hidden color channel includes new physics which is hard to be studied with the hadron degree of freedom if it is not
6. QCD quark benzene QCD interaction should be able to form a quark benzene consisted of six quarks
7. Why multi-quark is still interested Penta quark might be died, but unquenched quark model has been born where one has the penta quark components within a baryon.
Meson-baryon, baryon-baryon scatterings are there, its five, six quark systems.
The multi quark states search will be continued, such as four quark states are hot now instead of penta quark.
8. Lattice QCD results of the quark interaction PRL 86(2001)18,90(2003)182001,hep-lat/0407001
9. However lattice QCD seems to be impossible
To provide the transition interaction between
colorless channel and hidden color channel
right now and
this interaction is essential for mixing
hidden color channels to colorless ones.
So we could not but make model assumption
and what is our quark delocalization color
screening model (QDCSM) did.
10. To study multi-quark states one meets multi
channel coupling with many body interaction,
so one needs a powerful method to deal with.
Group theory method is a power one.
The fractional parentage expansion method
reduces the matrix elements calculation of a
many body Hamiltonian to be two body
matrix elements, if only two body interaction
is included, and overlap calculations.
11. II.Fractional parentage expansion coefficientsof symmetry bases and transformation coefficients between physical bases and symmetry bases To use the FPE method, the many body states must
be the group chain classified states, the symmetry
bases (SB). And the corresponding FPE coefficients
of SB should be calculated and can be calculated by
group theory method; The physical bases (PB) are
usually not the SB and should be transformed to SB,
the transformation coefficients should be calculated
and can be calculated by group theory method.
12. What does systematic mean Physics input is included in the Hamiltonian.
Equipped with the FPEC and TC, different
physics can be treated with the same set of
FPEC and TC.
In this sense one has a systematic method
to do quark model calculation with non-
relativistic and even relativistic quark models.
F.Wang, J.L.Ping, T.Goldman, Phys.Rev.C51,1648,(1995).
13. Flow Chart physical bases
with TC
symmetry bases
with FPEC
Hamiltonian matrix elements in symmetry bases
with TC
Hamiltonian matrix elements in physical bases
diagonalization the Hamiltonian in physical space
stored the TC and FPC
computer programized
14. Hard job has been done A new group theory method for calculating
the FPEC and TC had been developed in
the end of 1970s and the beginning of 1980s.
J.Q.Chen, J.L.Ping and F. Wang, Group Representation Theory
for physicists, (World Scientific, Singapore, 2002).
Comprehensive FPEC had been calculated
and published.
J.Q.Chen et al.,Tables of the Clebsch-Gordan, Racah and
Subduction Coefficients of SU(n) Groups (World Sci., Singapore, 1987);
Tables of the SU(mn) SU(m)xSU(n) Coefficients of Fractional
Parentage (World Sci., Singapore, 1991).
15. III.An example, penta quark calculation Four quark calculation, only SU(2) and
SU(3) CGC is needed. The transformation
coefficients between symmetry bases and
physical bases are simple.
For systems with 5 quarks and more one need the full machine of FPE and T methods.
16. Physical bases Jaffe-Wilczek model states
will be taken as the physical bases in this
the baryon-meson model states
has been taken as the physical bases as well,
a different transformation coefficients between this
new physical states and symmetry bases
has been calculated too.
If the space is large enough the results are
the same
18. di-quark states
19. physical sates
20. Symmetry bases
21. Transformation
22. FP expansion 4->2+2
23. 4->3+1
24. A sample table
30. Summary I. We have developed a powerful group theory method for multi-quark studies.
2. In general, penta-quark resonances are possible due to hidden color channels coupling.
3. For quark models, which fit the NN experimental data, the parity of ground state of penta-quark is negative. The lowest resonance is around 1.8 Gev. The SU(3) flavor symmetry is broken by large s quark mass.
31. 4. QDCSM and chiral quark models both fit the NN experimental data, they give similar penta-quark spectrum.
This shows that the smeson in the meson exchange model can be replaced by QDCS mechanism.
The spectrum of chiral soliton model is different from QDCSM and chiral qurak model ones, where the SU(3) flavor symmetry is broken by large s quark mass.