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Chapter 14

Chapter 14. History of Life Pg. 278. Biogenesis- states that all living things come from other living things Spontaneous generation- living things come from nonliving things. The 17 th century. Believed that living things could come from non-living things. Francesco Redi. Control group.

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Chapter 14

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 14 History of Life Pg. 278

  2. Biogenesis- states that all living things come from other living things • Spontaneous generation- living things come from nonliving things

  3. The 17th century • Believed that living things could come from non-living things

  4. Francesco Redi Control group Experimentalgroups

  5. Redi investigated the commonly held belief that flies spontaneously generated from meat. He discovered that maggots developed where flies previously had landed.

  6. LazzaroSpallanzani

  7. His results were not accepted because it was claimed that he had destroyed the “vital force” which must be present in order for life to come about.

  8. Thevitalforce • Vital Force, the force - the energy of life, that makes the difference between a dead and a living body • Vital force definition, the force that animates and perpetuates living beings and organisms

  9. Louis Pasteur • Incorporated a curved neck in his flasks that allowed the “vital force” to be present

  10. Biogenesis it is… • Pasteur’s work earned him the prize for confirming biogenesis

  11. Pasteurization- the process of heating food to kill microorganisms

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