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CSM6120 Introduction to Intelligent Systems. Evolutionary and Genetic Algorithms. Basic ideas of EAs. An EA is an iterative procedure which evolves a population of individuals Each individual is a candidate solution to a given problem
CSM6120Introduction to Intelligent Systems Evolutionary and Genetic Algorithms
Basic ideas of EAs • An EA is an iterative procedure which evolves a population of individuals • Each individual is a candidate solution to a given problem • Each individual is evaluated by a fitness function, which measures the quality of its candidate solution • At each iteration (generation): • The best individuals are selected • Genetic operators are applied to selected individuals in order to produce new individuals (offspring) • New individuals are evaluated by fitness function
Taxonomy Search Techniques Uninformed Informed DFS BFS Evolutionary Algorithms Simulated Annealing A* Hill Climbing Evolutionary Strategies Swarm Intelligence Genetic Programming Genetic Algorithms
The Genetic Algorithm • Directed search algorithms based on the mechanics of biological evolution • Developed by John Holland, University of Michigan (1970s) • To understand the adaptive processes of natural systems • To design artificial systems software that retains the robustness of natural systems • Provide efficient, effective techniques for optimization and machine learning applications
Application: function optimisation (1) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 g(x) = sin(x) - 0.1 x + 2 f(x) = x2 h(x,y) = x.sin(4x) - y.sin(4y+ ) + 1
Application: function optimisation (2) • Conventional approaches: • Often requires knowledge of derivatives or other specific mathematical technique • Evolutionary algorithm approach: • Requires only a measure of solution quality (fitness function)
Components of a GA A problem to solve, and ... • Encoding technique (gene, chromosome) • Initialization procedure (creation) • Evaluation function (environment) • Selection of parents (reproduction) • Genetic operators (mutation, recombination) • Parameter settings (practice and art)
GA terminology • Population • The collection of potential solutions (i.e. all the chromosomes) • Parents/Children • Both are chromosomes • Children are generated from the parent chromosomes • Generations • Number of iterations/cycles through the GA process
Simple GA initialize population; evaluate population; while TerminationCriteriaNotSatisfied { select parents for reproduction; perform recombination and mutation; evaluate population; }
The GA cycle chosen parents recombination children selection modification modified children parents evaluation population evaluated children deleted members discard
Population Chromosomes could be: • Bit strings (0101 ... 1100) • Real numbers (43.2 -33.1 ... 0.0 89.2) • Permutations of element (E11 E3 E7 ... E1 E15) • Lists of rules (R1 R2 R3 ... R22 R23) • Program elements (genetic programming) • ... any data structure ...
Example: Discrete representation • Representation of an individual can be using discrete values (binary, integer, or any other system with a discrete set of values) • The following is an example of binary representation: CHROMOSOME 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 GENE
... • Anything? Example: Discrete representation 8 bits Genotype Phenotype: • Integer • Real Number • Schedule 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
Example: Discrete representation Phenotype could be integer numbers Genotype: Phenotype: = 163 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1*27 + 0*26 + 1*25 + 0*24 + 0*23 + 0*22 + 1*21 + 1*20= 128 + 32 + 2 + 1 = 163
Example: Discrete representation Phenotype could be real numbers e.g. a number between 2.5 and 20.5 using 8 binary digits Genotype: Phenotype: = 13.9609 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
Example: Discrete representation Phenotype could be a schedule e.g. 8 jobs, 2 time steps Phenotype Job Time Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 Genotype: = 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
Example: Real-valued representation • A very natural encoding if the solution we are looking for is a list of real-valued numbers, then encode it as a list of real-valued numbers! (i.e., not as a string of 1s and 0s) • Lots of applications, e.g. parameter optimisation
Representation • Task – how to represent the travelling salesman problem (TSP)? Find a tour of a given set of cities so that • Each city is visited only once • The total distance travelled is minimised
Representation One possibility - an ordered list of city numbers (this is known as an order-based GA) 1) London 3) Dunedin 5) Beijing 7) Tokyo 2) Venice 4) Singapore 6) Phoenix 8) Victoria Chromosome 1 (3 5 7 2 1 6 4 8) Chromosome 2 (2 5 7 6 8 1 3 4)
Selection selection parents population
Selection • Need to choose which chromosomes to use based on their ‘fitness’ • Why not choose the best chromosomes? • We want a balance between exploration and exploitation
Rank-based selection • 1st step • Sort (rank) individuals according to fitness • Ascending or descending order (minimization or maximization) • 2nd step • Select individuals with probability proportional to their rank only (ignoring the fitness value) • The better the rank, the higher the probability of being selected • It avoids most of the problems associated with roulette-wheel selection, but still requires global sorting of individuals, reducing potential for parallel processing
Tournament selection • A number of “tournaments” are run • Several chromosomes chosen at random • The chromosome with the highest fitness is selected each time • Larger tournament size means that weak chromosomes are less likely to be selected • Advantages • It is efficient to code • It works on parallel architectures
Crossover: recombination P1 (0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1) (1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1) C1 P2 (1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1) (0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1) C2 Crossover is a critical feature of GAs: • It greatly accelerates search early in evolution of a population • It leads to effective combination of sub-solutions on different chromosomes • Several methods for crossover exist…
Crossover • How would we implement crossover for TSPs? Parent 1 (3 5 7 2 1 6 4 8) Parent 2 (2 5 7 6 8 1 3 4)
Crossover Parent 1 (3 5 7 2 1 6 4 8) Parent 2 (2 5 7 6 8 1 3 4) Child 1 (3 5 7 6 8 1 3 4) Child 2 (2 5 7 2 1 6 4 8)
Mutation: local modification • Causes movement in the search space(local or global) • Restores lost information to the population Before: (1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0) After: (0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0) Before: (1.38 -69.4 326.44 0.1) After: (1.38 -67.5 326.44 0.1)
Mutation • Given the representation for TSPs, how could we achieve mutation?
Mutation Mutation involves reordering of the list: ** Before: (5 8 7 2 1 6 3 4) After: (5 8 6 2 1 7 3 4)
Note • Both mutation and crossover are applied based on user-supplied probabilities • We usually use a fairly high crossover rate and fairly low mutation rate • Why do you think this is?
Evaluation of fitness • The evaluator decodes a chromosome and assigns it a fitness measure • The evaluator is the only link between a classical GA and the problem it is solving modified children evaluation evaluated children
Fitness functions • Evaluate the ‘goodness’ of chromosomes • (How well they solve the problem) • Critical to the success of the GA • Often difficult to define well • Must be fairly fast, as each chromosome must be evaluated each generation (iteration)
Fitness functions • Fitness function for the TSP? • (3 5 7 2 1 6 4 8) • As we’re minimizing the distance travelled, the fitness is the total distance travelled in the journey defined by the chromosome
Deletion • Generational GA:entire populations replaced with each iteration • Steady-state GA:a few members replaced each generation population deleted members discard
The GA cycle chosen parents recombination children selection modification modified children parents evaluation population evaluated children deleted members discard
Stopping! • The GA cycle continues until • The system has ‘converged’; or • A specified number of iterations (‘generations’) has been performed
An abstract example Distribution of Individuals in Generation 0 Distribution of Individuals in Generation N
Good demo of the GA components • http://www.obitko.com/tutorials/genetic-algorithms/example-function-minimum.php
Example: n-queens • Put n queens on an n × n board with no two queens on the same row, column, or diagonal
Examples • Eaters • http://math.hws.edu/xJava/GA/ • TSP • http://www.heatonresearch.com/articles/65/page1.html • http://www.ads.tuwien.ac.at/raidl/tspga/TSPGA.html • Good demo of the GA components • http://www.obitko.com/tutorials/genetic-algorithms/example-function-minimum.php
Exercise: The Card Problem • You have 10 cards numbered from 1 to 10. You have to choose a way of dividing them into 2 piles, so that the cards in Pile0 *sum* to a number as close as possible to 36, and the remaining cards in Pile1 *multiply* to a number as close as possible to 360 • Encoding • Each card can be in Pile0 or Pile1, there are 1024 possible ways of sorting them into 2 piles, and you have to find the best. Think of a sensible way of encoding any possible solution. • Fitness • Some of these chromosomes will be closer to the target than others. Think of a sensible way of evaluating any chromosome and scoring it with a fitness measure.
Issues for GA practitioners • Choosing basic implementation issues: • Representation • Population size, mutation rate, ... • Selection, deletion policies • Crossover, mutation operators • Termination criteria • Performance, scalability • Solution is only as good as the fitness function (often hardest part)