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EXECUTIVE MASTER OF ISLAMIC FINANCE - PARIS DAUPHINE UNIVERSITY. ETHICS & ISLAMIC FINANCE ASSOCIATION « EIFA ». Table of content. The Ethic and Islamic Finance Association Conferences Academic Trip Annex. The Ethic and Islamic Finance Association Overview.
Table of content • The Ethic and Islamic Finance Association • Conferences • Academic Trip • Annex
The Ethic and Islamic Finance AssociationOverview • The Ethic and Islamic Finance Association is carried by the Executive Master of Principles and Practice of Islamic Finance at the University Paris-Dauphine • This association now has over 100 members with very different profiles contributing to the development of its network. It has set itself the objective of promoting Islamic finance in France and abroad • The association distributes all news on Islamic finance in France and worldwide • Finally, through institutional partnerships, both professional and academic, it can be a showcase for all partners involved in a better practice of Finance in France and worldwide
The Ethic and Islamic Finance AssociationHierarchy Honorary Chairman Elyes JOUINI Honorary members Head of the diploma Kader MERBOUH Head of the diploma Kaouther JOUABER Chairman of the Development Program Anouar HASSOUNE Office 2012-2013 President of the Association Kader MERBOUH General secretary Binta CISSE Treasurer Hassan NACIRI Vice- President Mohssin KERRAOUCH
Presentation of the 2013 Association projectCommunity Management • The website of the executive Master represent a 45% frequency of the overall visited in the Paris Dauphine University. 1 284 13 997 407 4 659 • Every month, an article is published on the Islamic Finance News, relating the activity of the Association; the opportunity to communicate on our event (conference, trip ...) and thank our partners. • Our partnership with France 24 will allow us to diffuseour event as well as our partnership with other sponsor.
Presentation of the 2014 Association projectCommunity Management • This year, a Newsletter has been launch in order to gather all study initiate by the student, diffuse our conference and keep update on the News about Islamic Finance to our Database of Alumni Student as well as all our partners like: • Our presence in different social network allow us to spread the main information about the Islamic Financial Market, our activity and our partnership: Group « DU Principes et Pratiques de la Finance Islamique (PPFI) » Paris-Dauphine Univ. - @MSc_IslamicBank Group « Executive Master in Islamic Finance - Paris Dauphine University » Les étudiants en Finance Islamique - Université Paris Dauphine
Table of content • The Ethic and Islamic Finance Association • Conferences • Academic Trip • Annex
ConferencesAssociation Activity • Since its creation in 2009, our master organizes annual conferences to promote Islamic Finance and extend its reputation. • All the conferences held throughout the academic year are free admission to students, professionals and university professors. These events are opportunities to meet participants and will provide an overview of the new developments of Islamic Finance business. • Each conference is organized in the form of roundtable discussionswhere interveners and experts of Islamic Finance from France and abroad are invited. • The Master’s students are closely involved in the organization of these events. • Our main ambition is to continue moving the work forward, with the aim of increasing highlighting and promoting the fundamentals of the Islamic Finance.
ConferencesAssociation Activity • The conference that took place on the 7th of February 2013 was the outcome of the common interest expressed by both sides : Our Executive Master of Islamic Finance and Swiss Life Group. • Swiss Life, a global leader of retirement pension insurances, aimed to create an event around the launch of its new contract of life insurance in accordance with the principles of Islamic finance : Salam Pax Savings. • This conference, entitled “Financial innovation and ethics in the service of the real economy”,was the starting point for communication about this product.
ConferencesAssociation Activity • Swiss Life has awarded us an unlimited credit, which allowed us to hire outside professionals such as a graphic designer, a caterer, etc. Besides, we were given real freedom in our choices and decisions. • In addition to that, the two roundtables were animated by imminent journalists : Mr. SERROUYA from the magazine “Monde Argent” and Mr. PICOT from BFM Business who gave us the opportunity to talk about the event and our Executive Master during his radio show. • The conference gathered professionals of Islamic Finance and Ethical Finance experts. It was the first time such a connection was made around high quality lecturers, such as: • Christian DE BOISSIEU, Economist • Anouar HASSOUNE, HEC and Paris-Dauphine professor • Christian WALTER, IAE Professor, Director of the Chair Ethics and Finance • Nicolas HAZARD, President of Comptoir de l'Innovation • Jean-Marc DE BONI, CEO of the Financial Corporation of NEF • Arnaud POISSONNIER, President and Founder of Babyloan
Table of content • The Ethic and Islamic Finance Association • Conferences • Academic Trip • Annex
Academic Trip2013/2014New Destination (Bahreïn/Dubaï/Abu Dhabi) • The trip will take place from 2014 April 27th to May 8th • The objectives are: • Strengthening the relationship with select professionals of the region; • Creating job opportunities for Dauphine students; • Implementing a research cooperation between Dauphine and the middle eastern financial institutions; • Promoting Dauphine Islamic Finance Executive Master in the region.
Academic TripSupports • Our first academic trip organized to the Middle East, in order to promote Islamic financial Institutions, the Middle East and a French Executive Master in Islamic Finance, is supported by: • The ambassador of The Kingdom of Bahrain in Paris Nasser Mohamed Yusef Al Belooshi • The embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Paris • Paris EUROPLACE • Chaabi Bank • Bahrain Institute for Banking and Finance (BIBF) • Taking part of that Academic Trip as a partner of the Association will provide you a visibility through out the different Institution we will visit and during the conference held in the DIFC.
Academic TripDIFC Conference • We are planning to organize a conference at DIFC, for 2 hours, opened to the public, on May 6th. Our intervention will deal with the following subjects: • Keynote address: presentation of the University and the executive master in Islamic Finance • Presentation of the Islamic Finance industry in France • Presentation of several initiatives of Islamic Finance products launched in France • Executive Master students professional presentation • After the conference, a country-risk seminar (given in french) will be taught by Anouar Hassoune. • Anouar is an expert in Islamic Finance, he spent 11 years in the rating industry (Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s) where he contributed to the expansion of the rating of Middle East issuers. He was also highly involved in the elaboration of analytical methods used for the rating of Islamic financial institutions and sukuk. He work now in Dubaï.
Table of content • The Ethic and Islamic Finance Association • Conferences • Academic Trip • Annex
Overview of the past association activityConference organization – 2009/2012 (1/3)
Overview of the past association activityConference organization – 2009/2012 (2/3)
Overview of the past association activityConference organization – 2009/2012 (3/3)
Overview of the past association activityPrevious academic trip– 2011/2012 • The trip took place between July 9/17th 2011, organized with the support of the embassies of France and Malaysia, group Paris Europlace and authority for the Malaysian Investment Development. • Institutions visited: KHF, BNP Paribas, Securities Commission, Dinarion Capital, CIMB, Bursa Malaysia, Bank Negara, MIFC, IFSB, HSBC Amanah, INCEIF, Credit Agricole • Media coverage of travel were double; firstly it has expanded its network media in France and also became known in Asia, particularly Malaysia. Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) France embassy in Kuala Lumpur