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dfglkn. 2010 Public Hearing Indiana Convention Center. May 20, 2010. Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation. Public Hearing. IndyGo Public Hearing: Budget Shortfalls/Service and Fare Changes Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. and
dfglkn 2010 Public Hearing Indiana Convention Center May 20, 2010 Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation
Public Hearing IndyGo Public Hearing: Budget Shortfalls/Service and Fare Changes Thursday, May 20, 2010 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Indiana Convention Center, Rooms 101 and 102 2010 Budget
Public Hearing Purpose of Meeting To present information and receive comments regarding IndyGo’s 2010 Budget Shortfalls and propose changes to service and fare structure to balance its budget through 2010. This public hearing adheres to Federal Guidelines pertaining to service changes within a Public Transportation Agency. 2010 Budget
IndyGo Info IndyGo is a Municipal Corporation led by a 7-member Board of Directors: Four (4) members of the Board are appointed by the Mayor of Indianapolis and three(3) by the City County Council. IndyGo’s Executive Team includes: President & CEO, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Legal Counsel, Director of Human Resources, Director of Business Development • 459 Employees • 396 Employees are members of the Amalgamated Transit Union – 86.29% • 63 Employees are non-union (Administrative, Operations and Maintenance support staff) – 13.7% • 5.22% of IndyGo employees are non-union and work in an administrative capacity (industry standard 12%) 2010 Budget
IndyGo Info Departments Include Operations (Fixed Route and ADA Open Door/Paratransit) Maintenance (Vehicle and Facility) Safety & Training Finance Human Resources Information Technology Procurement Business Development Executive Offices Approximately 300 employees are Professional Coach Operators 2010 Budget
IndyGo Info About IndyGo’s Current Service 29 Fixed Routes (local service) ADA Paratransit Service (Open Door) 3 Express Routes (Carmel, Fishers and the Green Line Downtown/Airport Express) 146 Fixed Route Buses 80 ADA Paratransit Buses $1.75 Single Ride Fare $4.00 Day Pass $60.00 31-Day Pass Note: The Express Routes are funded by Federal CMAQ Grants for demonstration projects (Congestion Mitigation Air Quality). The grants cover 80% of the operating cost. The Town of Fishers and the City of Carmel are responsible for the other 20% local match (less fare revenues). IndyGo is responsible for the 20% local match for the Green Line (less fare revenues). These projects were planned for an approximate three year demonstration. 2010 Budget
IndyGo Ridership YTD 2010 Budget
IndyGo’s Riders Rider Profile Data • Approximately 75% of IndyGo riders are between the ages of 25-64—the working age population. • While 65% of IndyGo riders are employed (and 44% hold full-time jobs), nearly 70% of riders report a household income of less than $25,000 a year. • More than 50% of riders are transit-dependent (i.e., they are from households that do not own a vehicle). Of riders, 78% do not have a vehicle available to them for travel even if their household has a vehicle, and 60% of IndyGo riders do not have a drivers license. • In the absence of transit service to complete their trip, 26% of riders indicated they would not make the trip. • Approximately 70% of riders begin and end their trip at work or home. • Most IndyGo riders are regular transit users. Eighty percent of riders use IndyGo services more than three days per week, and 30% use IndyGo transit 6-7 days per week. Data from 2009 On Board Passenger Survey 2010 Budget
IndyGo Info IndyGo is a Municipal Corporation and receives funding from the Following sources: Federal Assistance (Federal Transit Administration) 26% State Funds (Public Mass Transit funds, state sales tax) 21% Local Funds (Marion County Property Tax) 29% Passenger Farebox Revenue 19% Other 5% * Data supplied from 2008 National Transit Database 2010 Budget
IndyGo Info Depending on the funding source, allocations may be used towards either Operational or Capital Expenditures. Federal Capital State Operating Local Operating Passenger Revenue Operating Operating expenses include personnel wages/benefits, materials and supplies. Capital projects include facility maintenance, fleet procurement, and transit amenities. NOTE: With FTA permission, IndyGo converts some of its Federal Dollars into Operating Dollars for use to maintain capital assets 2010 Budget
BudgetReview 2010 Approved Budget: $53,974,475 Revenue Assumptions: • Property/excise (Local) tax revenues expected to decrease by 2% • Property tax collections expected at 100% • PMTF (State) revenue expected to decrease by 2% from 2008 distribution • Federal formula grants expected to remain flat • Fare Revenue is expected to be reduced by 10% Expenditure Assumptions: • Benefit costs expected to increase 20% • Diesel fuel costs expected to decrease from $3.09 to $2.25 per gallon • No provisions for pay increases for any IPTC employee • No changes in level of service (FR or PT) 2010 Budget
BudgetReview 2009 Budget Breakdown -- Fixed Route & Open Door: • $8.3 million Open Door (approximately 15% of operating budget) • $47 million Fixed Route (approximately 85% of operating budget) 2009 Ridership Breakdown – Fixed Route & Open Door • 250,000 rides (approximately) • 8,200,000 rides (approximately) Summary Open Door represents approx. 3% of total ridership and 15% of operating budget Fixed Route represents approx. 97% of total ridership and 85% of operating budget 2010 Budget
Budget Update Today 2010 Budget
Continuing Challenges IndyGo’s Budget Issues are not new • No tax supported revenue increases • History of service reductions to balance budget • Continued increases in operating expenses (fuel, benefits, aging fleet maintenance) • Over delivery of ADA Open Door services • Continuation of low performing/highly subsidized Fixed Routes as life line service • IPTC Board has no additional funding option other than fares • Operating at maximum property tax levy 2010 Budget
Management Efficiencies Streamlining Operations • Continue to identify operational efficiencies • Promotion of employee wellness programs and on-site clinic • Improving safety and reducing claims through training and monitoring • Partnerships and promotions with educational institutions, businesses and community organizations to build ridership 2010 Budget
Management Efficiencies Highlights include: • Use of technology in operations, maintenance, scheduling and customer service • Federal grants for facility upgrade, resulting in reduced operating expenses • Use of Federal grants to off-set marketing & customer service • Reductions in over-time and absenteeism • Cost avoidances and efficiencies in vehicle maintenance • Federal grants for new vehicle replacement • Sustainability initiatives 2010 Budget
Unscheduled AbsenteeismOperators (fixed route) 2010 Budget
Overtime: Operators34% decrease (3694 hours less than Jan-Feb 2009) 2010 Budget
Overtime Hours per Operator: Down 68% v. Jan-Feb 2010 (fixed route) 2010 Budget
Overtime: Maintenance Employees47% decrease (2029 hours less than Jan-Feb 2009) 2010 Budget
Addressing the Shortfall Recommended Actions • Fixed Route service reductions (operating hours and frequency) • Fixed Route eliminations • ADA Paratransit (Open Door) -- ¾ mile compliance • Fare increases • Salary freezes for non-union personnel • Hiring freezes • Limited travel • Negotiate fees with current contractors 2010 Budget
Fixed Route Proposed Fixed Route Changes Effective Mid July 2010 2010 Budget
Fixed Route Recommendations Fixed Route Eliminations Route 11: East 16th Street – (Rt. 10 & 21 alternative travel option) Route 55: English – (Rt. 8 alternative travel option) Route 87: Eastside Circulator 2010 Budget
Fixed Route Recommendations Routing Changes Route 4: Eliminate select trips to Community North and trips via 38th Street Route 5: Eliminate select trips to 34th and Elmira Route 12: Eliminate 12R, service via Raymond Route 17: Extend service to Keystone at the Crossing Route 19: Eliminate 96th Street Loop select trips Route 18: Eliminate service to Keystone at the Crossing. Service between 38th and 62nd Streets will be shifted to College Avenue. Route 21: Eliminate weekday service to Mitthoefer and 30th St. Route 26: Eliminate service between Glendale and Keystone at the Crossing and between Keystone/National and Thompson/ Emerson Route 30: Eliminate select trips on Arlington Route 34: Eliminate weekday service to ITT/ Mayflower (3 trips affected) 2010 Budget
Fixed Route Recommendations Frequency Adjustments Route 2: weekday peak and off peak (from 30 minutes to 60 minutes), Saturday (from 30 minutes to 60 minutes) Route 5: weekday off peak (from 30 minutes to 60 minutes) Route 10: weekday peak (from 20-30 minutes to 30 minutes) Route 12: weekday peak (from 30 minutes to 60 minutes), Sunday service eliminated Route 14: weekday peak (from 30 minutes to 60 minutes), Sunday service eliminated Route 16: weekday peak (from 30 minutes to 60 minutes) Route 17: weekday off peak (from 30 minutes to 60 minutes), Saturday (from 30 minutes to 60 minutes), Sunday (from 30 minutes to 60 minutes) Route 18: weekday peak (from 30 minutes to 60 minutes) Route 21: weekday peak (from 30 minutes to 60 minutes) 2010 Budget
Fixed Route Recommendations Frequency Adjustments Route 22: weekday peak (from 30 minutes to 90 minutes), weekday off peak (from 60 minutes to 90 minutes) Route 24: weekday peak (from 30 minutes to 60 minutes), eliminate Saturday service Route 25: weekday peak (from 30 minutes to 60 minutes) Route 26: weekday peak (from 40 minutes to 60 minutes), weekday off peak (from 70 minutes to 60 minutes), Saturday (from 65 minutes to 60 minutes), eliminate Sunday service Route 30: weekday peak and off peak (from 20 and 45 minutes to 60 minutes) Route 31: weekday off peak (from 30 minutes to 60 minutes) Route 50 – Red Line: weekday peak (from 15 minutes to 30 minutes), weekday off peak (from 15 minutes to 30 minutes), Saturday service eliminated 2010 Budget
Fixed Route Recommendations Discontinuation of Service • Green Line/ Airport Express: Eliminate route in September 2010 • IndyGo Commuter Express (ICE) Routes: Discontinue Carmel and Fishers routes when Federal grant funds for these demonstration services are exhausted No service changes are recommended for Routes 3, 8, 15, 28, 37, 38 and 39. 2010 Budget
Fixed Route Recommendations 2010 Budget
Fixed Route Recommendations IndyGo uses a variety of data and resources in determining route eliminations and reductions • IPTC Board Approved Service Standard Guidelines • Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA) • Ridership statistics by route, day part and boarding locations • Passenger subsidy data • Title VI compliance (non discrimination regulations) • Employment and population densities/trip generators • Customer and Professional Coach Operator Input 2010 Budget
Fixed Route Specifics 2010 Budget
Fixed Route Specifics 2010 Budget
Fixed Route Ridership in 2009 2010 Budget
dfghf Fare Changes 2010 Budget • Proposed Fare Changes • effective Mid July 2010
Proposed Fare Increase 2010 Budget
Fare Comparisons 2010 Budget
ADA Paratransit (Open Door) Proposed ADA Compliance ¾ Mile Effective January 1, 2011 2010 Budget
ADA Paratransit (Open Door) On July 26, 1990, President George Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. One provision prohibits private and public entities that provide transportation to the general public from discriminating against people with disabilities. 2010 Budget
dfghf ADA Paratransit (Open Door 2010 Budget • Paratransit Requirements • Service must be provided within corridors of three-fourths (3/4) of a mile on each side of each Fixed Route. • The fare for a trip on paratransit cannot exceed twice the fare that would be charged on Fixed Route. • No restrictions can be imposed based on trip purpose. • Paratransit service must be available during the same days and hours comparable to fixed route service.
ADA Paratransit (Open Door) IPTC has provided accessible transportation services since 1977 with the name of “Metro Care-A-Van.” Service was provided to disabled citizens who resided in Metro’s (IndyGo’s) service area and who were unable, due to disability, to utilize the regular fixed route service. In December of 1992, Metro implemented a policy to go beyond the three-quarter mile limit to serve ALL OF MARION COUNTY. “As long as it is economically feasible, Metro will adhere to this policy.” In addition, service was intended throughout the county until the entire fixed route fleet is ADA accessible. 2010 Budget
ADA Paratransit (Open Door) Effective January 1, 2011 Compliance with ADA Requirements Service must be provided within corridors of three fourths (3/4) of a mile on each side of each Fixed Route. 2010 Budget
ADA Paratransit (Open Door) 2010 Budget
IndyGo in 2011 Budget Assumptions • Fuel Costs Increase • Employee Benefit Costs Increase • PMTF (state) funding reduction • Local funding (2010 property taxes) reduction • Less Fare Revenue with reduced service 2010 Budget
Balancing Methodology Timeline of actions – upon IPTC Board of Directors approval Effective July 2010 • Reduce Fixed Route Service by $3 million ($1.5 million mid year) • Fare Increase • Borrow from line of credit Effective in September 2010 • Elimination of Green Line Airport/Downtown Express Effective January 2011 • ADA Open Door Compliance • Carry-over of $3 Million Fixed Route Cuts • Carry-over of Fare Increase • Payback line of credit 2010 Budget