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What’s New With ePortfolio? ePortfolios for Learning & Integration:

What’s New With ePortfolio? ePortfolios for Learning & Integration: LaGuardia’s Emerging Leadership Role. Bret Eynon & J. Elizabeth Clark LaGuardia Community College Instructional Staff Meeting 30 March 2011. New ePortfolio Platform –Easier, More Interactive

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What’s New With ePortfolio? ePortfolios for Learning & Integration:

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  1. What’s New With ePortfolio? ePortfolios for Learning & Integration: LaGuardia’s Emerging Leadership Role Bret Eynon & J. Elizabeth Clark LaGuardia Community College Instructional Staff Meeting 30 March 2011

  2. New ePortfolio Platform –Easier, More Interactive Faculty Innovation with high impact ePortfolio Pedagogy Integration across the Major - Customization & Ownership Effective use for Assessment New Transfer Audiences LaGuardia’s Growing National Leadership Role Key Trends

  3. A Global Reach EuroPortfolio http://www.epforum.eu/ Univ of Wolverhampton(UK) http://www.wlv.ac.uk/default.aspx?page=16960 Queensland University of Technology (AU) http://www.studentportfolio.qut.edu.au/ City Univ. of Hong Kong http://www.cityu.edu.hk/edo/eportfolio

  4. Queensland University of Technology Visits LaGuardia

  5. Resources for an Emerging Field • National Coalition for ePortfolio Researchhttp://ncepr.org/ • AAC&U’s Project VALUE http://www.aacu.org/value/index.cfm • World ePortfolio Summit, July 2011 http://www.aaeebl.org/ • International Journal of ePortfolio Research

  6. 30 campus teams, from Rutgers, Queens, BMCC, St. John’s, Brooklyn, etc. 15 CUNY, 15 non-CUNY, 10 Community College, 20 BA and Graduate programs 2007-2010:FIPSE-funded mini-grant & seminar program. Sustained prof’l learning community. Campus teams plan and implement ePortfolio. http://www.lagcc.cuny.edu/connections/

  7. Title V-funded 5-year partnership w/ Queens College, Lehman College, Bronx & Queensboro CCs Use ePortfolio to support successful transfer and transition from community college to BA degree 2010-2015:Making Connections National Resource Center awarded $4.4 million in funding to deepen & expand its service through 2 new programs • FIPSE-funded national collaboration, 20 colleges. • Generate evidence-based national developmental models of ePortfolio practice as tool for reflection, integrative learning • Research team led by Helen Chen (Stanford) and Randy Bass (Georgetown) http://www.lagcc.cuny.edu/connections/

  8. Current ePortfolio Typologies Learning ePortfolios Assessment ePortfolios Career & Credential ePortfolios

  9. Learning ePortfolios Integrative ePortfolios Career & Credential ePortfolios Assessment ePortfolios Current ePortfolio Typologies

  10. LaGuardia’s Integrative Strategy • Enrich Student Learning • Build Student Engagement • Reflection & Metacognition to deepen learning process • Advance Student Outcomes • Assessment • Faculty and staff deepen understanding of who students are and how they learn • Re-think outcomes assessment, use authentic classroom work • eResume • Students showcase achievements for career & transfer

  11. Where Do Students Do ePortfolio? More than 175 faculty integrate ePortfolio into their classrooms Broad Range of Courses: ESL, New Student Seminar, History, Business, Mathematics, English, New Media, Nursing, Chemistry, Fine Arts, Human Communication, etc. Selected Courses attach an “ePortfolio Studio Hour:” One hour/week, in the Studio, with a special ePortfolio tutor

  12. The New ePortfolio System

  13. Intentional Integrated Learning Design throughout the curricular experience: ReflectionIntegrationInquiryEngagementLife-long LearningTransitionWhy “e” in ePortfolio?

  14. ePortfolio as anIntegrative Social Pedagogy Student Academic Curriculum Across Semesters External Audiences STUDENT AS LEARNER Faculty & Staff Across Disciplines Lived Curriculum Student

  15. A First Course Experience: Becomes a First ePortfolio

  16. Becomes a Multi-Semester Record of Student Learning, Artifacts & Reflections

  17. Becomes a Capstone ePortfolio

  18. “...it was time to reinvent myself and find another avenue”

  19. “I was unsure of my writing abilities and that was what scared me the most.” “...the one thing I do know is that I’m now mentally prepared to venture off into anything that I want to do...”

  20. How do we know ePortfolio is having an impact?

  21. 28,000+ artifacts in Assessment area; 30,000 more in 2010-11 New platform eases faculty work on deposits, Program Reviews, Middle States New Benchmark Reading Process ePortfolio & Outcomes Assessment

  22. Closing the Loop • Mini grants help programs address key needs identified by assessment • Shared examination of student learning builds shared responsibility for student success From: Beyond Crossroads Live A Learning College

  23. Engagement & Critical Thinking Engagement & Critical Thinking

  24. Engagement & Critical Thinking Engagement & Critical Thinking

  25. High Pass Rates

  26. Next Semester Retention Rates ePortfolio vs. Comparison Courses

  27. Next Semester Retention Rates ePortfolio vs. Comparison Courses

  28. Next Semester Retention Rates ePortfolio vs. Comparison Courses

  29. Get Involved, Learn More Faculty Seminars Connected Learning: Interaction & Integration Re-Thinking the Capstone Experience Hybrid & On-Line Learning Art of Advisement ePortfolio & Assessment Mini-Grants Center Website http://www.lagcc.cuny.edu/ctl/

  30. Thank You

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