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What is it? A high productivity automated logic design and code writing system!!?? Programmers no longer need to pay attention to Language Syntax and Semantics. LogicCoder. A GUI system that Integrates Program Design , Coding, Maintenance and Documentation.
What is it? A high productivity automated logic design and code writing system!!?? Programmers no longer need to pay attention to Language Syntax and Semantics. LogicCoder
A GUI system that Integrates Program Design, Coding, Maintenance and Documentation. It allows Visualisation of Program Logic Solution. It writes the source code in selected programming languages from the logic solution and user command statements. Logic Display Views (1) Documentation view – describe processes (2) Language command view – source commands No need to pay much attention to language syntax and semantics, even with complex program solution. A Logic Design & Automated Code Generator
Sample flowchart in documentation view Screen Shot
Based on simple straightforward concepts and user interfaces. Does not require complex support services. • LogicCoder is just simple a profoundly new way to design, code, document, and maintain computer programs. • A program development tool that is set on changing the way programmers generate software systems. • Place emphasis on logic design and integration of the development phases into a single document interface. • Allows a programming language to be viewed in terms of its methods, command statements, function calls or procedure calls as opposed to its syntax and semantics. A programming paradigm shifting system
Abstract Complex Systems To Simple Control Logic Two levels of abstraction within a simpler logic display
Modularization and Abstraction of complex software systems components. • Enhances reusability of logic design and their components. • Ends the controversy over the use of goto and prevents potential controversy over the use of control statements such as if, if-then, if-then-else, while, do-while, for-next, switch, case, select . . . from occurring! • Abstract non-essential characteristics of text-base programming systems away so that mental energy is more focused on essential program virtues! • Supports a structured approach to software development, making it easier to document and maintain with greater certainty, consistency and control over the management of changes. • LogicCoder is design with sound technical and scientific principles. • Makes it easier to check the correctness of program design. • Allows the development of concise and efficient programs What LogicCoder Does
Saves time and coding effort. • Very quick way to design and code programs • No need to pay much attention to syntax and semantics. • Quick way to learn the essentials of a programming language. • Integration of the Development Cycle into a single user interface • Allows a programmer to easily hide or view complex elements in large software systems. • Eliminates the possibility of Syntax and Semantics error • Improved level of code quality • Convenient and easy way to maintain large and complex software systems. • Maps program commands directly onto description in any natural language. • Good technical, and user documentation available with easy to use tutorials. • Do not require lots of traditional programming skills to use. • Provides templates from which quick solutions can be generated. • Code generation in multiple programming languages from single flowchart • Makes it easier to check the correctness of program design. • Allows the development of concise and efficient programs. End user Benefits
A tool for the design of event driven programming. • A tool with facilities for the design of user interface interaction components. • A system that generates flowchart from source code. LogicCoder integrates with the sister application – LogicExtractor that does this. • A system that use or rely on complex Software Engineering concepts such as those used by IBM Rational and UML. • A design tool that support engineering systems in Electronics, Electrical and/or Mechanical engineering. • A tool to visualise the end results from computation on data. • An Integrated Software Project Support system or an IDE. • A Software Project Team support system. What LogicCoder IS NOT
Sample Program Problem and Logic Solution Design The sample program prepares an output listing of cheques drawn on a personal account in the month of September. Each line of the report list information on each cheque drawn as follows: The amount drawn, the cheque number, the cheque date, and the person to whom the cheque is made payable. At the end of the report listing, the total number of cheques and the total amount drawn on all cheques for the month are printed. START 1 Define and Initialise Variables 2 Print report headings 3 Read a record End of file? No Add 1 to Total Cheque counter Add cheque amount to accumulator Print report line Read a record 4 5 6 7 8 Print total cheques 9 Print total cheques amount 10 END
void main(void) { int r = 0; int TotalCheques = 0; float TotalAmount = 0.00; printf("\n\n Cheque Account report\t Date: %s", __DATE__); scanf("%s, %f, %s", FileRec[r].Name, &FileRec[r].Amount, FileRec[r].Payee); while(strcmp(FileRec[r].Name, "END OF FILE")) { TotalCheques++;TotalAmount += FileRec [r].Amount; printf("\n\t%s\t%.2f\t%s", FileRec[r].Name, FileRec[r].Amount, FileRec[r].Payee); scanf("%s, %f, %s", FileRec[r].Name, &FileRec[r].Amount, FileRec[r].Payee);} printf("\n\n\t Total number of cheques %d", TotalCheques);printf("\n\t TotalAmount of all cheques: %3.2f", TotalAmount); } //Reads records from external memory and process via a while loop. ANSI C/C++ code generated by LogicCoder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
LogicCoder uses a standard Ms Windows GUI. The set of functions available in the system is illustrated by the following drop-down menu images. The Main Window Contains: Application Title bar, Main menu bar, Shortcut bar with flowchart template, and Shortcut bar with flowchart layout and text edit functions. LogicCoder Functions
LogicCoder Functions • The File drop-down menu – with standard Ms Win OS file functions. • The File menu also provide the Save as Template function that allow the user to save a flowchart as a template. • The user can also use the Port to Word Doc function to create a word document from the flowchart. Can also create Excel and Power Point documents.
LogicCoder Functions Edit -> Symbol Text pull-down menu Provides a set of functions to do text Editing, Search and Replace, Copy, Cut, Paste, Delete, Write common Text, Place function header in terminal symbols (for ANSI C++ version), and Exchange text in symbols.
LogicCoder Functions Edit ->Flowchart sub-menu provides a set of functions that allow the user to do editing to a flowchart layout.
LogicCoder Functions Code – pull-down menu provides functions to (1) Write a source program, (2) Set a function signature (for C++ type languages), (3) Insert a data list into a source code, (4) Save the source code command statements of a flowchart, (5) Retrieve the language command statements of a flowchart, (6) Bind the generated code to a specific class, and (7) Open and edit the generated source code file.
LogicCoder Functions Settings – pull down menu provides a suite of functions that allow the user to select display attributes of flowchart elements in a user document. This include text attributes, line width, line colour, symbol fill colour, output directories, Document information, language command table, and so on.
LogicCoder User Interfaces • LogicCoder user interface consists of standard Ms Window GUI objects for common Ms Windows type operations. As can be seen in the following diagram.
LogicCoder User Interfaces The following image describes the main user interface of the ms window version of LogicCoder. See user reference manual for more detailed information of each item on the shortcut edit toolbar
The Flowchart Template:You use the flowchart template to place symbols in a flowchart you want to draw. You click at the point in the flowchart document where you want a copy of this symbol. The example below illustrates this. A symbol is selected immediately after it is drawn.
A list of competing systems is given as follows. As can be seen, these are mainly logic extracting systems with limited functionalities in comparison to LogicCoder. Except for Raptor and Athtek they all create flowcharts from source code in limited ways in comparison to LogicExtractor. Both code writing systems listed above are limited in their abilities and are not reliable. They have relatively few and limited functionalities in the design of program control logic via flowcharts. For example, they do not have design standards such as single entry/exit points principle and they are not scalable. Here is a summary list of competing systems gathered from the Internet: Competing Systems