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Operating System Architectures. Kernel Design Microkernels. Primary Reference/Microkernels. “On μ -Kernel construction”, Jochen Liedtke, Proc. 15 th ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles (SOSP), December 1995
Operating System Architectures Kernel Design Microkernels
Primary Reference/Microkernels • “On μ-Kernel construction”, Jochen Liedtke, Proc. 15th ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles (SOSP), December 1995 • “Toward Real Microkernels”, Jochen Liedtke, Communications of the ACM, Sept. 1996, vol. 39, No. 9.
Properties of Monolithic OS • All OS functionality is included in a single program (address space) • UNIX, Linux, most commercial systems • Strong points: well-understood, good performance • Problems: kernel components aren’t protected from each other, not easily extended/modified, structure may be unclear
Monolithic Structure(from Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems) Main function OS services Utility functions
MicroKernels - Outline • OS kernel is very small – minimal functionality. • Other OS functions provided at user level by trusted servers. • User-level process, but trusted by kernel • Advantages: maintainability, flexibility, modularity • Problems: performance
Microkernels(from Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems) User process User process file server pager . . . memory server process server User space microkernel Kernel space
Approach • The microkernel layer provides a set of minimal core services and is the interface to the hardware layer • Other services (drivers, memory managers, etc.) are implemented as separate modules with clearly defined interfaces.
Example Systems • Windows NT: introduced HAL layer to support hardware independence. • Other layers not very small • Amoeba (Tanenbaum’s research based OS) • Chorus • Mach (CMU and DARPA) – was the basis for the MAC OS/X and GNU HURD • L4 is a family of publicly available microkernels • Home page: http://l4hq.org/
Major Advantages • Modularity • Flexibility and extensibility • Easier to replace modules – fewer dependencies • Different servers can implement the same service in different ways • Safety (each server is protected by the OS from other servers) • Servers are largely hardware independent • Correctness • Easier to verify a small kernel • Servers are isolated; errors in one don’t affect others
Major Disadvantagesof Early Microkernels • Slow – due to “cross-domain” information transfers? • Server-to-OS, OS-to-server IPC is thought to be a major source of inefficiency • Mode switches/context switches • Much faster to communicate between two modules that are both in OS – no mode switching involved
Can MicroKernels Perform Well? • Jochen Liedtke argued that μ-kernels could give the same level of performance as a traditional OS, and conducted experiments using his μ-kernels (L3 and later L4) to prove his claim. • He claimed that 1st generation μ-kernels were not implemented correctly; e.g., many were just modifications of existing systems when it would be better to start from scratch.
μ-kernel Concepts (1) • He began by asking which “primitives” (basic abstractions) should be in a μ-kernel. • Criterion: a concept/function should be in the kernel iff implementing it outside the kernel would prevent the system from working correctly. • Implication: if it’s possible to do something more than one way (e.g., scheduling, page replacement, …) implement that something externally as a server
μ-kernel Concepts (2) • Liedtke’s set of μ-kernel abstractions : address spaces, threads and very efficient thread communication (IPC), unique identifiers for communication. • To construct a full-featured operating system, provide user-level services to complement the kernel services.
Flexibility • To show that these basic concepts were sufficient he suggested how many basic OS functions could be implemented on top of the μ-kernel. • Examples: • Memory manager & pager • Multimedia resource allocation • Device drivers • UNIX server …
Performance (1) • Common belief: poor μ-kernel performance was due to excessive mode switches and context switches. • Liedtke demonstrated empirically that mode switching times could be improved by a factor of 6 -10 in a well-designed μ-kernel. • He concluded that context switches and IPC could be implemented “fast enough”
Performance (2) • Another criticism:Mach showed poor memory system performance (measured by MCPI – memory cycle overhead per instruction). • Liedtke quoted measurements to show that the Mach μ-kernel had a very large working set which occupied much of the cache, leading to a high cache miss rate for user processes • Conclusion: performance due to poor μ-kernel design, not inherent to μ-kernel concept.
Section 5 – Non-Portability First generation μ-kernels were machine-independent; built on top of a machine dependent layer (like Microsoft HAL) Liedtke argued for machine-dependent systems: • Better able to optimize performance based on specific hardware features • Able to avoid known hardware inefficiencies • A single software layer is more efficient than a two-layer configuration.
L4 Was Machine Dependent • The original L4 operating system was built for the 386 architecture • Today, L4 is a whole family of operating systems; not all are machine dependent.
Conclusions (1) • “μ-kernels can provide higher layers with a minimal set of … abstractions that are flexible enough to allow implementation of arbitrary operating systems and allow exploitation of a wide range of hardware.” • Must choose the right abstractions • Existing μ-kernels chose poorly, or too many, or too specialized, …
Conclusions (2) • “similar to optimizing code generators, μ-kernels must be constructed per processor and are inherently not portable” • Poor performance in μ-kernels is due in part to inefficient implementations, poor choice of data structures and algorithms – they aren’t “tuned” to the processor’s needs
Conclusions (3) • His design “…shows that it is possible to achieve well performing μ-kernels through processor-specific implementations of processor-independent abstractions.”
Operating System Architectures Kernel Design: Extensible Operating Systems
References • “Exokernel: an Operating System Architecture for Application-Level Resource Management”, Dawson R. Engler, M. Frans Kaashoek, and James O’Toole jr; Proc. of the 15th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP ’95), December 1995. • “Extensibility, Safety and Performance in the SPIN Operating System”’, Brian N. Bershad, Stefan Savage, Przemyslaw Pardyak, Emin Gun Sirer, Mar E. Fiuczynski, David Becker, Craig Chambers, Susan Eggers, Proc. of the 15th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP ’95), December 1995.
Hierarchy of Communication Mechanisms (Fastest to Slowest) • Function calls within same process (stays in same address space) • System calls (mode switch) • Context Switch (also known as a process switch): mode switches + other processing • IPC between processes (message passing, on the same or different machines)
Motivation for Extensibility • The traditional OS • provides various abstractions of system resources (virtual address spaces, processes, files, interprocess communication) • Provides general-purpose resource management algorithms • System calls define user interface to OS • Able to handle most applications, but handles no applications perfectly because there’s no easy way to specialize the OS to individual needs.
Motivation (2) • Make operating systems more responsive to applications’ needs; e.g., • Do your own scheduling • Choose your own page replacement algorithm • Authors of the SPIN paper say they were “…motivated by the need to support applications that present demands poorly matched by an operating system’s implementation or interface.”
Cost of High-Level Abstractions • OS use of high-level abstractions hides info that applications could use to manage their own resources; e.g. • Database systems shouldn’t have to build random-access files on top of OS file system • Performance and functionality are limited; no way to “tune” system to meet specific characteristics of each process. • A large, unmodifiable OS can’t easily incorporate new research developments.
End-to-end Argument • The end-to-end argument* argues that (high-level) applications know their own needs best. Services provided by low-level system components (the OS, for example) are often expensive and redundant and will need to be done again, correctly, at a higher-level (the application) • Exokernel authors use this argument to support their claim that OS should give applications almost total control over high-level abstractions. • SPIN has a similar philosophy. “End-To-End Arguments In System Design”, by Jerome H. Saltzer, David P. Reed, David D. Clark, ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Nov., 1984.
Example Systems • Exokernel • SPIN
Exokernels • Are a type of OS architecture, like a microkernel, not a specific example. • They separate resource allocation & protection (in the kernel) from resource management (done at user level with user-level library operating systems) • Aegis is an example exokernel; • EXOS is an example library OS. • Goal: safe application control of resources
SPIN • SPIN (based on Mach) provides a set of basic core services, plus a mechanism to allow user application to “specialize the kernel by dynamically linking new code into the running system. Kernel extensions can add new kernel services, replace default policies, or simply migrate application functionality into the kernel address space.” • http://www-spin.cs.washington.edu/
Extensibility Mechanisms • Exokernels rely on application-specific library operating systems to provide user modifications. • SPIN relies on application-specific kernel extensions for the same purpose. • Exokernels are incomplete without a library OS or an application that can manage resources; SPIN is a complete OS that can be modified/extended if desired.
What an Exokernel Does • Multiplexes the hardware directly • Instead of providing an abstraction of the hardware an exokernel makes specific hardware resources directly available to user level applications; e.g., disk blocks instead of files • Provides primitives for secure management of physical resources; applications use them to develop appropriate abstractions. • http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/exo.html
Secure Bindings • Secure bindings separate resource authorization from resource usage • Protection checks are applied at binding time; checks at resource access time become simple and straightforward. • “Simply put, a secure binding allows the kernel to protect resources without understanding them.”
Policy • Most policy decisions are made by the library operating systems, under the assumption that an application or group of applications know best how to manage resources. • The exokernel must reserve enough policy to balance resource sharing among competing library OS’s – it is still the case that apps must be protected from one another.
Performance • When applications have direct control over physical resources they are able to implement abstractions very efficiently. • Example: The authors cite measurements showing that application-controlled file caching can reduce run time by up to 45%. • More about performance (old web page):http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/exo.html
Library Operating Systems • Untrusted - Built on top of an exokernel • Can be tailored to a set of applications with similar requirements. • Run in user space – fewer system calls to the exokernel => enhanced performance. • Applications can interact with a library OS or interface directly to the exokernel. • Possible to provide a standard interface (e.g. POSIX) for a familiar look.
What SPIN Does • Gives applications a way to to change or extend basic system services while guaranteeing that • No application can interfere with any other application • Performance will not be affected by slow communication between OS and application
Performance • Applications modify the system by writing extensions, code that “changes the way in which a system provides service”. • Extensions are compiled and linked directly to the kernel code when needed. • Co-location (user’s extension code linked directly to kernel code) reduces time lost to mode switches and context switches.
Safety • Safety is provided by a trusted compiler. • Written in Modula-3, the compiler is trusted to generate “safe” code. • User extensions are prevented from accessing protected areas of memory • It allows one module to access another only through the defined interface. • It provides “type safety”, such as checking for array indexing errors, preventing pointers from referencing objects of the wrong type
Dynamic Call Binding • Events activate the execution of an extension (think of interrupt processing or exception processing) • Applications are allowed to define handlers for the event. • Procedures that process the event. • Extensions are registered with a central dispatcher and can be executed with the overhead of a procedure call once linked.
Summary - SPIN • SPIN developers claim it enables extensibility without compromising safety or performance • It provides a set of core services for managing system resources • Extensions allow applications to modify or replace the core services • Extensions are supported by co-location, enforced modularity, logical protection domains, and dynamic call binding.
Summary - ExoKernels • Exokernels are responsible for resource allocation/protection, user applications are responsible for resource management. • Exokernel primitives can be implemented efficiently because they are simple • Low-level multiplexing of hardware is fast. • Library OSs enable applications to create appropriate abstractions. • Secure bindings provide protections
Overview of Kernel Architectures • Microkernel • Provides a few basic abstractions • User level servers implement most functions • Exokernel • No abstractions; provides access directly to resources • User level library OS’s implement all functions • SPIN • Provides traditional core OS services, but allows user applications to modify them through “extensions”, which essentially extend the basic system call interface
Links • http://linux.softpedia.com/get/System/Operating-Systems/Kernels/DEX-Extensible-Operating-System-16531.shtml • http://freshmeat.net/projects/dex-os/ • http://freshmeat.net/projects/dex-os/ • http://en.scientificcommons.org/42827731 • http://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/55749/files/00595179.pdf
Reading Assignment for Tuesday • Chapter 1 of the textbook