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About Me

About Me. Trevor Pultz. General Information. Name: Trevor Pultz Age: 17 Grade: 11 th

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About Me

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  1. About Me Trevor Pultz

  2. General Information • Name: Trevor Pultz • Age: 17 • Grade: 11th • I was born and raised in Gloucester. My family lived at Gloucester RV’s old lot for several years. And soon enough my family and I moved to Teal Circle, Carter’s Cove. Still located in Gloucester but was in a neighborhood with a community pool and all. I lived there up until the end of my 9th Grade year at Gloucester High School. I then moved to Locust Hill in Middlesex. I have 2 cats. I currently have my learner’s permit, waiting for my driver’s license and I will hopefully have a car by then as well.

  3. My Hobbies • My Hobbies include Gaming, Writing, watching a bit of TV, and using the computer. • I enjoy tech and using the computer because it is interesting to see how the tech tree grows for instance Apple launched the ipod years ago and now they have the iPhone which seems to be like a mini-computer though it is missing certain plug-ins such as Flash so certain websites don’t function properly on the device. The Image Above is of the iPhone 3G

  4. Goals & Careers • I hope to have a career or at least get a job in Technology whether that be in website development, computer programming, or iPhone application development. Eventually I would like to participate in the creation of an MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Game) which is a game that can support thousands of players per server playing at once. MMO’s have opened so many doors which can be explored further. These games definitely advance the concept of virtual worlds and heavily progress the ability to provide a story or novel around a world adding user interactions with the story as well.

  5. Favorite TV Shows • Heroes – very simple concept though it is brought to the table without the cartoony presence that the others used when coming up with this concept (ie, Superman). • Harper’s Island – Weird concept but definitely stepped on the internet a bit and grabbed attention via their YouTube miniseries that revolves around the show. • Ghost Hunters – whether ghosts are real or not is questionable and I don’t care too much of whether they are or aren’t. The show is just interesting and funny at times. • Family Guy – The good ol’ show that keeps on chugging. I don’t really need to provide a reason as everyone knows it but, it is pretty funny most of the time. The image above is of Family Guy

  6. Favorite TV Shows • Dollhouse – I am not necessarily a Joss Whedon fan as I have not seen Firefly and his other shows, but, this show is definitely something different as watching survivor gets old after awhile due to its overuse. Dollhouse is about humans acting as basically computer processors and what would happen if you were able to write personalities and “program” people. It’s a strange concept but is certainly entertaining and a bit frightening as technology advances we may some day be able to do something like that though not in at least a couple hundred or possibly thousand years probably after hover cars and time machines are invented.

  7. Favorite Movies • Underworld (all movies) • Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby • Terminator (all movies)

  8. Quiz Start

  9. Quiz 16 Question #1: Age 17 15

  10. Quiz • You chose “16”, which is the wrong answer. Feel free to go back and try again or head on to the next question. Try Again Next

  11. Quiz • You chose “17”, which is the… right answer! Next

  12. Quiz • You chose “15”, which is the wrong answer. Feel free to go back and try again or head on to the next question. Try Again Next

  13. Quiz New York City Question #2: Where was I born and raised during my childhood? Middlesex Gloucester

  14. Quiz • You chose “New York City”, which is the wrong answer. Feel free to go back and try again or head on to the next question. Try Again Next

  15. Quiz • You chose “Middlesex”, which is the wrong answer. Feel free to go back and try again or head on to the next question. Try Again Next

  16. Quiz • You chose “Gloucester”, which is the… right answer! Next

  17. Quiz Teacher Question #3: What do I want try and be after graduation? Computer Programmer A Hobo

  18. Quiz • You chose “Teacher”, which is the wrong answer. I might go into teaching later in life but it isn’t the end all be all goal for me. I would only be a teacher once I have completed all my other goals which is unlikely for me to complete all of my goals as I have so many. Try Again Next

  19. Quiz • You chose “Answer”, which is the… right answer! Next

  20. Quiz • You chose “A Hobo”…. Really? I know I am a bit lazy at times but, did you seriously choose that as the answer? Try Again Next

  21. Quiz Survivor Question #4: Which TV Show did I say I liked? Family Guy The Amazing Race

  22. Quiz • You chose “Survivor”, which is the wrong answer. Feel free to try again or move on to the next question… Try Again Next

  23. Quiz • You chose “Family Guy”, which is the… right answer! Next

  24. Quiz • You chose “The Amazing Race”, which is the wrong answer. Try Again Next

  25. Quiz 4 Question #5: How many questions has there been? 5 7

  26. Quiz • You chose “Family Guy”, which is the… right answer! Next

  27. Quiz • You chose “Survivor”, which is the wrong answer. Feel free to try again or move on to the next question… Try Again Next

  28. Quiz • You chose “The Amazing Race”, which is the wrong answer. Try Again Next

  29. Quiz

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