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The American Experiment: Higher Educating the Underserved First International Australasian Conference on Enabling Access to Higher Education University of South Australia West Campus Adelaide, Australia December 6, 2011 Tom Mortenson Senior Scholar,

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  1. The American Experiment: Higher Educating the Underserved First International Australasian Conference on Enabling Access to Higher Education University of South Australia West Campus Adelaide, Australia December 6, 2011 Tom Mortenson Senior Scholar, The Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education Higher Education Policy Analyst, Postsecondary Education OPPORTUNITY Intro

  2. Realities of Public Policy • Progressive and Regressive Policy Eras • Opportunity Consequences of Policy Shift

  3. Four Realities for Public Policy Demographic Change Labor Market Change Globalization Inequality

  4. Minority Shares of the Education Populations

  5. High School Graduates

  6. White HS Grads, White non-Hispanic HS Grads

  7. Non-White HS Grads, Non-white plus Hispanic

  8. K-12 Students Approved for Free or Reduced-School Lunches

  9. Total Employment

  10. Distribution of Employment by Industry

  11. Goods Producing Industrial Employment Shares of Total

  12. Service Providing Industrial Employment Shares

  13. Government Employment Shares

  14. Change in Shares of Total Employment by Industry

  15. Tertiary Type-A Degree Rates, 25-34 OECD & Partner Count. 2003

  16. Tertiary Type-A Degree Attain Rates 25-34 year olds OECD

  17. Change in Tertiary Type A Degree Attain. Rates 25034 yr olds OECD & Partner countries 2000-07

  18. Projected Tertiary Type-A Degree Attain Rate 25-34 yr in OECD 2010

  19. Projected Tertiary Type-A Degree Attain Rate 25-34 yr in OECD 2020

  20. Total Tertiary Type B & A 2007

  21. Median Income for Families

  22. Change in Median Income Families

  23. Discretionary Median Family Income

  24. Gini Indexes of Income Inequality for workers, families, households

  25. Gini Indexes Income Inequality White, Black, Hispanic families

  26. Gini Indices Income Inequality Men, Women Working Full-time, year-round

  27. Gini Indexes Income Inequality White, Black, Hispanic Households

  28. Gini Indexes Household Income Inequality by State Map

  29. Gini Indexes Income Inequality Before Taxes and Transfers Tot. Pop. OECD

  30. Gini Indexes Income Inequality After Taxes and Transfers Tot Pop. OECD

  31. Changes Gini Indexes Income Inequality Before & After Taxes and Transfers Tot. Pop. OECD

  32. Policy Eras in the United States • 1862 to 1980: The Progressive Policy Era: • Morrill Land Grant Act created state universities • Teachers colleges for universal K-12 education • Community colleges • Need-based financial aid for students • GI Bill for returning World War II military veterans • Supportive services for students • 1980 to Present: The Regressive Policy Era: • Federal shift from grants to loans, abandon needs-test • State reduction in higher education investment efforts • State shift from need-based grants to merit scholarships • Universities and colleges lust for prestige and revenue

  33. Policy Eras in the United States • 1862 to 1980: The Progressive Policy Era: • Morrill Land Grant Act created state universities • Teachers colleges for universal K-12 education • Community colleges • Need-based financial aid for students • GI Bill for returning World War II military veterans • Supportive services for students • 1980 to Present: The Regressive Policy Era: • Federal shift from grants to loans, abandon needs-test • State reduction in higher education investment efforts • State shift from need-based grants to merit scholarships • Universities and colleges lust for prestige and revenue

  34. Share Fed Student Fin Aid Based on Fin Need 1964-2010

  35. Share of Fed Student Fin Aid as Education Loans

  36. Purchasing Power of Pell Grant Max Award Public&Private

  37. State Fiscal Support for Operating Expenses FY1961 to FY2011

  38. State Fiscal Support for Operating Expenses

  39. Change in State Fiscal Support

  40. Ntl Average Resident Undergrad Tuition – Required Fees Public Inst

  41. Share of State Student Financial Aid Based on FinNeed 1982-2010

  42. State Need-Based Grant Coverage of Fed Pell Grant

  43. Distribution of Public 4-Yr Inst Admissions Selectivity

  44. Change in Distribution Public 4-Yr Inst Admissions Selectivity

  45. Share Public 4-Yr Inst that Enroll Freshmen

  46. Distribution Private 4-Yr Inst Admissions Selectivity

  47. Change in Distribution Private 4-Yr Inst Admissions Selectivity

  48. Share Private 4-Yr Inst Enroll Freshmen

  49. Financial Aid Resources Recvd Full-time, full-yr depend undergrads 1 Institution 2007-08

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