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Jake Drake, Know- It- All

Jake Drake, Know- It- All. Story Vocabulary. electromagnets squinted observe crane hypothesis munchkin positive negative practically conclusions. electromagnets. Junkyards use electromagnets to pick up scrap pieces of metal.

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Jake Drake, Know- It- All

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  1. Jake Drake, Know- It- All

  2. Story Vocabulary • electromagnets • squinted • observe • crane • hypothesis • munchkin • positive • negative • practically • conclusions

  3. electromagnets Junkyards use electromagnets to pick up scrap pieces of metal. He showed how electromagnets works for his Science Fair project. electromagnets- plural of electromagnet; a piece of iron with wire wound around it. It becomes a magnet when an electric current is passed through the wire.

  4. squinted He squinted because of the bright sun. The little girl squinted when she looked at the lamp. ages?q=tbn:EunLmaZsUsIs3M:http://minutillo.com/steve/weblog/images/squint.jpg squinted- the past tense of squint; partially closed the eyes

  5. observe The astronomers observe the night sky. He was going to observe the basketball player as he watched him dribbled the ball down the court. observe- to make a careful study of

  6. crane They used a crane to lift the roof tresses to the top of the house. The crane used an electromagnet to move metal objects. crane - a large machine with a long arm that can be moved up and down and in a circle; cables at the end of the crane’s arm are used to lift and move heavy objects

  7. hypothesis He had a hypothesis that plants need sunlight to be healthy. He checked his theory by comparing the plant on the left that had more sunlight to the plant on the right which had little sunlight. The science fair judge asked her what her hypothesis was for her project. hypothesis- something that is suggested as being true for the purposes of further investigation

  8. munchkin Small people played the munchkin parts in the play. http://gothamist.com/attachments/jen/2007_12_munchkin2.jpg The tiny man worked hard at his job as a munchkin clown. http://www.shortdwarf.com/main/character_photos/dandy.jpg munchkin- a small person

  9. positive The red battery cable carries a positive charge. Positive electricity can be made by rubbing silk on glass. http://www.ncert.nic.in/html/learning_basket/electricity/animations/magnetic_girl.gif positive- having one of two opposite kinds of electric charge

  10. negative • The black battery cable carries a negative charge. When a rubber rod is rubbed with wool, it is said to have a negative charge. http://isaac.exploratorium.edu/~pauld/technorama/TLelectrostaticlevitation.jpeg negative- having one of two opposite kinds of electric charge

  11. practically The two boys spent most of Saturday and Sunday together. They practically spent their whole weekend with each other. I just have this last batch that is in the oven, then I’m finished. I am practically finished baking the cookies. practically- nearly, almost

  12. conclusions The group came up with some conclusions after discussing their project. They agreed that they were going to have to work harder, and stay on task better if they were going to finish the project on time. The two came up with different conclusions when they discussed the topic. conclusions- plural of conclusion; something decided after thinking and experimenting

  13. Focus Questions: • What kind of projects do Jake and Willie work on for the science fair? • How are Jake and Willie similar to other scientists or inventors?

  14. Genre: Realistic Fiction Realistic Fiction contains characters, settings and conflicts that can exist in real life.

  15. Word Structure • supposed • showed • invited • squinted What is the common structure in the words? Ineffectual ending -ed It can be used to form a past tense form of a regular verb. Example: He cooked the cake for thirty minutes. It can also be used to form a past participle which functions as an adjective. Example: She ate baked apples for desert.

  16. What are the base words? • supposed • showed • invited • squinted • suppose • show • invite • squint What does each word mean? supposed- expected or considered showed- to cause to be seen invited- requested the presence of squinted- to look with eyes partially closed

  17. Can you use the words in sentences? supposed showed invited squinted Can you use invited in a sentence as an adjective? Be prepared to share your sentences with the class.

  18. What is the common structure? • illiterate • illegible • illegal • Illiberal • literate • legible • leg • lib Each word has the prefix il- which means not. What are the base or root words for the words?

  19. What are the definitions? • illiterate • illegible • illegal • illiberal - not able to read or write • not capable of being read • not permitted by law - not open minded or generous

  20. Building Background • What do you know about science fairs? • Did you enter the science fair last year? Science fair participants research a topic and present their findings at the fair. The presentation usually includes a poster, pictures, a log and demonstrations. Judges evaluate each person’s work and give prizes or awards to the top entrants. • What do you know about electromagnets? An electromagnet is fueled by batteries.

  21. Background Information • Science fairs are held throughout the country and are often sponsored by schools, counties or regions, businesses, or public libraries. • Entries are usually grouped by participants age or topic. • Magnets use energy to repel or attract objects. If you put two magnets with opposite charges together they attract. If they have the same charges they repel.

  22. Browse the Selection

  23. Writing - Book Review • What do you do when you finish a book? Do you enjoy talking about the books you read? • This week you are going to be book reviewers. • A book reviewer writes essays about the books they read. • Book reviews are part summary and part opinion.

  24. When writing a book review, you should begin by…. • identify the book’s title, author and illustrator • identify the author’s purpose and main idea of the book • briefly describe the main character and setting • next summarize the plot, or sequence of events • you may not want to give too much of the book’s ending away to your reader

  25. Lastly you should… give opinions or reactions to the book • Did you like it? • Did you like the author’s style? • Could you identify with the character? • Was the plot interesting? • What theme do you think the author was trying to express? • How does it apply to you personally? • You should try to support your ideas with examples from the story.

  26. Spelling WordsPrefix il- and Synonyms • pictured • illiterate • laminated • registered • supposed • featured • uproar • tumult • extraordinary • pandemonium • illegible • illegal • selected • wonderful • inflamed • illogical • marvelous • consistent • hindered • complimented

  27. Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics Angela and I went to school. What would the sentence look like if you used a pronoun? We went to school. A pronoun is a word used in place of one or more nouns.

  28. Can you replace the noun with a pronoun? Bryan climbs the ladder. He climbs the ladder. Edna and I are music fans. We are music fans. James and Dan are tired. They are tired.

  29. munchkin crane positive hypothesis observe something that is suggested as being true for the purposes of further investigation to make a careful study of having one of two opposite kinds of electric charge a small person a large machine with a long arm that can be moved up and down and in a circle; cables at the end of the crane’s arm are used to lift and move heavy objects Vocabulary Quiz

  30. practically electromagnets negative conclusions squinted partially closed the eyes nearly, almost a piece of iron with wire wound it. It becomes a magnet when an electric current is passed through the wire something decided after thinking and experimenting having one of two opposite kinds of electric charge, opposite of positive Vocabulary Quiz

  31. declarative interrogative imperative exclamatory A sentence that is a command A sentence that is a statement. A sentence that is a question. A sentence that is shows strong emotion. Sentence Types Review

  32. Word Structure-Word Relationships • hypothesis • theory • experiments • scientific method Identifying and understanding word relationships can help you determine the meaning of difficult and unfamiliar words.

  33. Define the Words • hypothesis • theory • experiments • scientific method • a temporary conjecture used to guide an investigation - a more established explanation of a process or event - a scientific procedure carried out to discover if a hypothesis is correct - the system of scientific learning

  34. Use the words in a sentence. hypothesis theory experiments scientific method

  35. What is the function of the pairings? • to request loudly or to summon - sudden fear • thing of great size, power or • importance - coming at the beginning in any order or sequence • holler /call • fright /dread • giant /colossal • first /primary They are synonyms. What is a synonym? Synonyms are words that share the same or nearly the same meaning. Can you give a definition for each pair?

  36. Use the words in sentences. • holler /call • fright /dread • giant /colossal • first /primary

  37. Comprehension Check • Why does Jake need to talk to his teacher? • He wants Willie to be his science partner. • Why do you think Jake wants to work alone at first? • He thinks he knows it all and he doesn’t need a partner. • What will Willie and Jake work on for their Science Fair Project? • Electromagnets • Why do you think Jake’s dad is mentioned again? • He wants to help and be a part of Jake’s experiment.

  38. Why did they boys have to go downstairs? • They had to get something to lift with the magnet. • Why did Jake decide to work with Willie? • He wants to enjoy learning. • How does Jake’s personality change? • He changes from a know-it-all to a person who can accept other’s ideas and assistance while having fun.

  39. Writing- Summarizing Summarizing your book will include identifying and describing the main ideas, events, and characters in a brief and to-the-point manner. What is your opinion of “Jake Drake, Know-It-All”? If you were writing a review of the story, what details would you include in addition to your opinion of the story?

  40. Write Draft Book Review Now it is your turn to write a draft review of the book you are going to do your book review on. Focus today on summarization. Don’t forget to support your opinion with appropriate examples as you write your draft.

  41. Spelling Word Sort il- -ed synonyms pictured laminated registered supposed featured selected inflamed hindered complimented illiterate illegible illegal illogical uproar tumult extraordinary wonderful marvelous consistent

  42. Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics I, you, she, it , we, they These are subject pronouns. I am the teacher. What is the subject pronoun in the sentence? I A subject pronoun is the subject of a sentence and can also be the predicate noun.

  43. Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics me, you , her, him, it, us, them These words are object pronouns. Guadalupe gave me the tickets. What is the object pronoun in the sentence? me The object pronoun is the direct object or indirect object in the sentence.

  44. What vocabulary word goes best in each sentence? Jake and Willie had never made an _____________ , but they still wanted to use them for their Science project. electromagnets Small people are sometimes called___________. munchkins The sun was very bright, so he __________ while he talked to me. squinted As he watched the man, he felt it was important to ________ closely how he operated the crane. observe crane The _______ used an electromagnet to pick up the metal scraps.

  45. What vocabulary word goes best in each sentence? hypothesis The ___________ is part of the scientific method. Dad attached the red cable to the _________ terminal. positive He then attached the black cable to the ___________ terminal. negative When Willie’s dad came to get him, our science fair project was _________ finished. practically We were almost finished, but we still had __________ to write. conclusions

  46. Word Structure Activity Directions • First person is to choose one of the words from the lines. • The next person finds a word that is somehow related to the first word. • The next person identifies how the first two words are related. • The next person chooses a new word. • Then the next person finds a word that is related to the new word. • The next person then has to identify how the next two words are related. • Continue activity until all words in lists are used. (Words are on next slide.)

  47. Word Structure Lines • supposed showed invited squinted • illiterate illegible illegal illiberal • hypothesis theory experiments scientific method • holler/call fright/dread giant/colossal first/primary

  48. Meet the Author Andrew Clements and Illustrator Fian Arroyo • What kinds of books do you think the author might have read as a child? • Are you surprised about where and what he writes about? Why? • How do you think Arroyo became such a talented illustrator? Andrew Clements Fian Arroyo

  49. Writing Cogent Paragraphs • Cogent Paragraphs are well organized and convincing. • The topic sentence (usually the first one) tells what the paragraph is about. • Supporting sentences give more detail. • Sentences that do not support the topic sentence should be deleted. • A clear topic sentence and the most important supporting examples and details make the cogent paragraph.

  50. The main character, Jake, was selfish. • Jake wanted to work by himself on the science project, but as soon as he changed his mind he expected Willie to rejoin him. • Jake likes that he and Willie make good partners, and they like to laugh at the same things. Which supporting sentence is more convincing? Why? Now look at your draft book review. Revise illogical or unconvincing paragraphs.

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