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COUNSELLING SERVICES FOR STUDENTS. Kadri Kiiskmann Psychologist Admission and Student Counselling Centre. COUNSELLING services for students. Student Counselling Office Career Counselling Psychological counselling Counselling for students with special needs Career Seminars

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Presentation Transcript

  1. COUNSELLING SERVICES FOR STUDENTS Kadri Kiiskmann Psychologist Admission and Student CounsellingCentre

  2. COUNSELLING servicesforstudents Student Counselling Office Career Counselling Psychological counselling Counselling for students with special needs Career Seminars All services are freeofcharge!

  3. Student Counselling Office If you have a question, but you’re not sure who has the answer Study building IV, room U04-104 Mon–Fri 10–17 https://www.ttu.ee/students/student-support-services E-mail: studenthelp@ttu.ee Facebook: Taltech Student Counselling Office

  4. Career Counselling makingcareer choices and career plans makingself analysis jobsearch and applying for a job writingyour CV and cover letter preparingfor a job interview Careercounsellingwillhelpyouwith:

  5. Careercounselling CareerCounsellor: Monika Sutrop Monika.sutrop@taltech.ee +372 620 3511 roomU04-104 Makeappointmentbeforehandvia e-mail!

  6. Psychological counselling for International students Extra challenges: different university: different teaching style,expectations, level of knowledge different culture: different customs, norms, habits, physical environment different social situation: being away from one’s usual network of people and family, difficulties with communication, feeling isolated

  7. International studentsmayexperience verycommonissuesasanybodyelse: lackofmotivation difficultieswithfocusing depression, sadness difficultorunexpectedlifeevents difficultieswithmakingchoices difficultieswithrelationships troubledsleep

  8. Whattodowhenstartingto feel down Recognizethatwhatyouexperienceisnormal and verycommon Remainactive: attendlectures, explorethecity, participateinevents, eventhoughitmayseemdifficult Reachouttofriends and othersforhelpinsteadofwithdrawing Takecareofyourhealth: eat and sleepwell, exercise Bekindtoyourself, stopbeatingyourselfup Giveyourself and yourexperiencehereanotherchance Use all thesupportthattheuniversityisoffering

  9. Psychologicalcounselling Sessions are individual Confidential Appointmentviae-mail Psychologistfor International Students: Kadri Kiiskmann counselor@taltech.ee

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