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Grid Computing. Adarsh Patil Centre for Unified Computing Department of Computer Science University College Cork Cork, Ireland http://www.cuc.ucc.ie http://www.adarshpatil.com Thanks and Credits to all the researchers working in the area of Grid / Distributed Computing.
Grid Computing Adarsh Patil Centre for Unified Computing Department of Computer Science University College Cork Cork, Ireland http://www.cuc.ucc.ie http://www.adarshpatil.com Thanks and Credits to all the researchers working in the area of Grid / Distributed Computing Adarsh Patil, Centre for Unified Computing, http://www.cuc.ucc.ie/staff/apatil
What is Grid?There are so many definitions of Grid, everyone has their own definition. The definition of Grid is as dynamic as its resources. • Grid is a highly heterogeneous distributed system which is formed by integrating shared resources across many industrial and academic domains by accepting a usage policy. • Grid resources are • End users to Research scientists (Collaborative Computing) • Software – including open source, custom built and proprietary • (Middleware / Network Enable Severs/ Problem solving Environments / Databases) (Grid Computing System). • Applications running on the resources (Service Oriented Computing) • Hardware (Utility Computing) • Silicon/Metals used from PCs/Macs/Mainframes to Workstations to Clusters to Cluster of Workstations/Cluster of Clusters • All the hardware components related to Medical Science (X-ray), Astronomy (Telescope), Physics ( LHC Project) Adarsh Patil, http://www.cuc.ucc.ie/staff/adarshpatil
Properties of Grid • Grid computing is called High Throughput Computing(HTC)/ MetaComputing/ Distributed Supercomputing/ On Demand Computing/ Utility Computing • Grid is not owned by one person. Grid cannot be built by one or by a single resource. This is to say the fact that “One can be part of the Grid”. • It is a mix of open source, proprietary software/applications/databases. • No Single System Image (SSI), all the connected resources are autonomous and independently owned. • virtualization of underlying resources • Decentralized scheduling, administering and job management • Highly Volatile, resources join and leave the Grid at their own will and wish. • unlimited number of nodes/resources • All the resources are highly heterogeneous in nature (from silicon to applications to application services called web service) • Internet is used as Information Highway. Grid is built on top of Internet and is used as Computing/Sharing Highway Adarsh Patil, Centre for Unified Computing, http://www.cuc.ucc.ie/staff/apatil
Understanding Grid Adarsh Patil, Centre for Unified Computing, http://www.cuc.ucc.ie/staff/apatil
Why are everyone saying Grid?Has the world gone crazy with new buzz words?. Water , Gas , Electricity have become the commodity components. Has Grid become commodity yet ? • Analogy of the word “Grid” from Electricity Grid Explanation: Electricity is not generated at one location, it is generated at DAMS, Thermal Plants, Nuclear Plants, Generators. Electricity is passed to respective cities, towns and homes via interconnected wires forming Grid. The person watching TV at home does not know the source of electricity which he is using. He just plugs the cable into the socket and draws out the electricity irrespective of its source/path of generation. • Based this Analogy of “Electricity Grid” the word ‘Grid’ was coined. • Similar analogy can be drawn out with these examples of grid networks such as • Water Grid ( municipal supply of water) • Gas Grid ( municipal supple of Gas ) • Transportation Grid ( Roads connecting various villages, counties, town and cities) • Dairy Grid ( Supply of Dairy products to various locations. • One can note these behaviors exposed by the these GRIDs • Source of utility is not known to the end user • There are many sources contributing to the utility . These resources are integrated and given the vision of Single Super Power Resource • There are several ways of optimizing , charging, coordinating, storing, reserving these type of utility generating sources. Adarsh Patil, Centre for Unified Computing, http://www.cuc.ucc.ie/staff/apatil
How can I build a Grid?This question can be imagined like : How can I build a house? You have to be a plumber, carpenter, painter, builder, interior designer, electrician, gardener, locksmiths, JCB handler and others. So one can say by reading this one cannot build a GRID • I would say this question should be rephrased to “ How can I be part of the Grid?”. I am not saying this question is wrong. This question is most oblivious doubt for the students who are new to Grid Computing. • As from the slide 3, one cannot own a grid and single resource cannot form a grid. • One can make their resources Grid Complaint by using Grid Middleware. It means that you can be part of the Grid by using Grid enabled software systems. ( WebCom, Globus, NetSolve, Condor, GridBus, Legion, DIET, Banyan and many others) • Cluster , Cluster of Clusters(CoCs) , Cluster of Workstations are not Grid. They can be part of the Grid. Many industries and academia have their own terminology for Grid – Office Grids, Department Grids, Inter-departmental Grids, Inter-College Grids and others based on their space span. Adarsh Patil, Centre for Unified Computing, http://www.cuc.ucc.ie/staff/apatil
Different names Same WorkThese are the trunks of the main tree or its branches • Grid Computing • Distributed Supercomputing • MetaComputing • On Demand Computing • Service Oriented Computing • Ubiquitous Computing • Pervasive Computing • Autonomic Computing • Disruptive Computing • Wearable Computing • High Throughput Computing • Virtual Computing Adarsh Patil, Centre for Unified Computing, http://www.cuc.ucc.ie/staff/apatil
Concept • This basic idea is to connect all the resources interested in sharing under an accepted policy and produce it to an end user as a single powerful system. Research is done on this concept in various ways to say that WE ARE THE BEST AND WE HAVE THE BEST SOFTWARE ! • Area to tinker around is • What kind of resources ? • What about ownership ? • How to host resources ? • How to connect ? • How to optimize ? • How to virtualize resources ? • How to give transparent access? • How to Trust others ? • What policies to adopt ? • How to Secure our resources after sharing ? • How to Schedule work? • How to reserve resources ? • How to find interested resources ? • How to gain profit ? • How to be number one in this field ? Adarsh Patil, Centre for Unified Computing, http://www.cuc.ucc.ie/staff/apatil
Virtual Organizations within Grid • What is a Virtual Organization? • It is a community of users who work or do research in a particular domain of interest. Example: Physicist , Chemists, Biologists, Computer Scientists, Doctors and others. • Within a virtual organization we find personnel and resources working on a common problem and are specialized in a specific domain. • Grid is one such environment which has different kinds of Virtual organizations. This enables collaborative computing and interactive computing within the Grid Environment. Adarsh Patil, Centre for Unified Computing, http://www.cuc.ucc.ie/staff/apatil
To be Continued • More to come !..... • If you find this helpful. Please reference me ! • Thank you Adarsh Patil, Centre for Unified Computing, http://www.cuc.ucc.ie/staff/apatil
References and Credits to • http://www.gridfacts.com • http://www.buyya.com • http://www.ibm.com/grid • http://www.cuc.ucc.ie • http://www.globus.org • http://www.gridcomputing.com ( & to all the links within them) • To all the Grid / HPC / HTC / Distributed Computing users and researchers. Adarsh Patil, Centre for Unified Computing, http://www.cuc.ucc.ie/staff/apatil