1. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH The Professional Centre Suite 174
Pensfold Telford Business Centre
Gains Park Halesfield Business Park
Shrewsbury Halesfield 8
SY3 5HF Telford TF7 4NQ
01743 283280 01952 683 693
2. Who Are We? Suzanne Trimmer Head of Service
Clare Guerreiro Business and Admin Manager
Jo Beason National Contracts Manager
Mandy Davies Senior Occupational Health Advisor
Dr John Hobson Occupational Health Physician
A team of Occupational Health Advisors
Occupational Health Technicians
Admin support staff
3. Occupational Health Roles Occupational Health Physician is a doctor who specialises in occupational medicine having a largely preventative or rehabilitative role rather than the traditional therapeutic one.
Occupational Health Advisor Qualified nurses with experience and qualifications in occupational health and involved in an extended range of professional activities.
Occupational Health Technician Trained to assist the OHA and can carry out a range of duties such as audiometry, spirometry and venepuncture.
4. What is occupational health? The OH aim is to promote health at work and to protect the health of the worker.
Functions of OH service are
health supervision of workers
health surveillance of the work environment
accident prevention
prevention of occupational ill health
promotion of health and prevention of ill health
rehabilitation and resettlement into work
5. What can we offer? We offer a confidential advisory service to employees and employers on health issues related to work and work issues related to health. Some of the services we provide are -
Pre employment screening to ensure prospective employees are fit to fulfil the role and that the role is not detrimental to their health.
Assistance with sickness absence management- supporting and assisting staff in their recovery and reintegration into the workforce.
6. Routine Health Surveillance including-
Hand Arm Vibration Screening
Lung Function Tests
Skin Surveillance
Vision Screening
Food Handlers Screening
7. Return to work medicals
Driver medicals
Night worker health assessments
Confined space assessments
Workplace assessments
Health and Wellbeing events
Counselling support
Management of sharps/needlestick injuries
8. Immunisations. BCG
9. How to contact us Telephone Shrewsbury 01743 283280 or
Telford 01952 683693
Opening Hours 0800hrs-1800hrs
Monday Friday
If no reply leave a message and someone will return your call asap.
10. Finally Overall the beneficial effects of work outweigh the risks of work, and are greater than the harmful effects of long-term unemployment or prolonged sickness absence. Work is generally good for health and well-being.
(Is work good for your health and well-being. Gordon Waddell CBE DSc MD FRCS,
A Kim Burton PhD DO EurErg)