1. Reactor AccidentConcerns - II CANDU
Gas-Cooled, Na-Cooled
Pebble Bed, GEN IV
2. CANDU Significant Fuel Melting Would Not Likely Occur
Ruptured Pressure Tubes Could Incur a Steam Explosion to Rupture Containment and Cause Fuel Melting Such as in Light Water Reactors
3. Magnox Graphite Can Absorb a Lot of Heat
Core Meltdown Not Credible
Single-Channel Fuel Melting Possible
Some Release of Radionuclides to Environment
4. AGR Graphite Can Absorba Lot of Heat
Core Meltdown Not Credible
Higher Temperatures of Operation Possible Due to Fuel Type Used
LOCA Accident Slower to Occur than in a Light Water Reactor
Potential Release of Radionuclides from a Meltdown (Should it Occur) is Greater
5. LMFBR Pump Failure Causes Boiling of Sodium and Increased Reactivity and Heat Production in the Reactor
Meltdown in a Fuel Channel Would then Occur within Seconds
Two Possible Outcomes
Fuel Blows Apart to Terminate Reaction and Possibly Breach the Containment Structure
Melting of Fuel will Terminate Reaction and Molten Material will Collect at Bottom of Vessel
6. Pebble Bed Does Not Achieve Temperature Hot Enough to Melt Fuel Spheres
LOCA Accident Causes Immediate Shutdown
Helium Coolant is Inert and Fireproof
No Phase Transitions in Coolant
Multiple Layers in Fuel Sphere and in Containment Design
Potential Problem is in Flammability of Graphite at High Temperature (Ongoing Debate)
7. Generation IV Generation IV Reactors have Similar Safety Considerations and Concerns as their Previous Design Counterparts
Additional Safety Measures are Included and Design Simplifications are Implemented in Order to Reduce Potential Reactor Accidents and Contain Released Radiation
8. Defense inDepth Reinforced Structures
Redundant Safety Systems
Two or more ways to ensure safety measures can be maintained
Highly Trained Operators
Federally licensed every two years
Train 1 week out of 5
Required emergency preparedness drills and exercises
9. Nuclear Plant Event Classifications Notification of Unusual Event
Minor Operational or Security Threat
No Radiation Release Expected
Potential Reduction in Plants Safety Level
Security Threat to Personnel or Plant
No Radiation Release Expected
Site Area Emergency
More Serious Event
Major Failure in Safety Equipment
Potential for Minor Radiation Release that would Not Exceed EPA Standards
General Emergency
Serious Event
Radiation May Leak Outside the Plant and Beyond the Plant Boundaries (TMI)
10. Plant Safety over the Years
11. Fission Product Dispersion Assumed All Gaseous Fission Products Released (Benign Noble Gases)
10% of Cesium and Iodine Radionuclides Released
1% of Other Radionuclides Released
Dispersion to Surrounding Area Greatly Dependent Upon Weather Conditions
12. Emergency Planning Zone If a Serious Reactor Accident Occurs
Evacuation and Emergency Responders Focus within a 2-mile Radius Surrounding the Reactor Building and 5 miles Downwind (Keyhole Approach)
Emergency Planning Zone within a 10-mile Radius Surrounding the Reactor Building has Emergency Plans in Place
KI Available to Reduce Thyroid Cancer Risk
(Shelters or Evacuation Procedures are Set Up)
Population beyond 10-mile radius not at risk from direct exposure
13. Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) Upon Containment of the Accident, Environmental Assays are Performed within a 50-mile Radius of the Reactor Building
Food-Chain Exposure Possible
Emergency Responders Focus on Individuals Most at Risk from Direct Exposure
Each Year, Nuclear Power Plants Provide Information to the Public within the 10-mile Radius Concerning Protective Measures in the Event of an Emergency
14. Emergency Planning Zone
15. RegulatoryOversight The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is Responsible for Safety Oversight of Nuclear Power Plants
Drill and Exercise Performance
Percentage of Emergency Response Participating
Testing and Maintenance of Alarms and Sirens
Every Reactor Receives at Least 2,500 hours each year of NRC Inspection
Inspection Findings on the Web, www.nrc.gov
16. Safety in a Nuclear Plant
17. Nuclear Security Nuclear power plants have the highest security in American industry
Well-armed, trained security forces
New, strong physical security barriers, post 9-11
Continuous link to Department of Homeland Security
Threat Information & Assessment
Established response procedures and contingency plans
18. Public Opinion
19. More Public Opinion
21. Examples and Problems 6.2 Formation and Cooling of Debris Beds
After a LOCA event, the reactor core partially melts and forms a 0.75 m deep particle bed with a porosity of 0.4. The decay heat from the bed is 1000 kW/m3 at 3 h
Use the data shown to determine the minimum particle size that would be needed for cooling the bed with water without causing dryout
22. Examples and Problems 6.2 By interpolation, the minimum particle size would by about 0.4 mm to prevent dryout
23. Examples and Problems 6.2 Other Problems
Use different heat rates
Use different times
Additional Analysis
What about non-uniform decay beds of varying geometry or heat rate production?
What would happen when dryout occurs in the debris bed?
24. Examples and Problems 6.3 Steam Explosions
A severe accident in a PWR drops 50 metric tons of molten core to the bottom of the reactor vessel with a temperature of 3000 K
A steam explosion occurs, releasing 3% of the thermal energy and transmitting the rest to a 10-ton slug of water that rises up the 500 ton vessel
How high will the vessel rise from the impact assuming the thermal energy of the fuel is 1.5 GJ per ton?
25. Examples and Problems 6.3 Total energy released by 50 tons (3%) is 2.25 GJ
KEslug = mv2; vslug = 670.8 m/s
Conservation momentum
Vvessel = mslug*vslug/mvessel = 13.42 m/s
KEvessel = 45.0 MJ
Convert kinetic energy to potential energy
h = KEvessel/(mvessel*g) = 9.17 m
26. Examples and Problems 6.3 Other Problems
Account for energy losses from friction
Increase the thermal load
Additional Analysis
Account for energy needed to rupture the vessel containment
What would happen if a flaw in the vessel caused the explosion to be directed sideways?