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What are the different patio designs for your backyard?

A patio can be a great addition to any backyard, and it can also be a great place to relax with friends and family. Different patio designs can reflect your style as your house is unique.

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What are the different patio designs for your backyard?

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  1. What are the different patio designs for your backyard? Apatiocanbeagreatadditiontoanybackyard,anditcanalsobea greatplacetorelaxwithfriendsandfamily.Differentpatiodesignscan reflectyourstyleasyourhouseisunique. Therearedifferentchoicesforpatiodesigns,andbeforeyouchoose, youcantakealookatsomeoftheoptionsavailablebelow. Types of patio designs Thesetypesofpatiosdonotneedtobe maintainedalot,butitiscostly,andyou mightbepayingaround $12to $22per squarefoot. Paver patios Brickpatiosareclassicoptionsforpatios andhaveagreatappealamongpeople. Thetraditionalchoiceisredbrick,and therearedifferentcoloroptionssuchas black,tan,gray,buff,andevenpink. Brick patios Thesepatiosareinstalledintheformof thickslabsofstoneandareusuallyoneto threeinches.Comparedtopaverandbrick patios,theydonothavetraditionaldesigns butgiveyourdeckauniqueappearance. Flagstone patios Youcanvisitareputedlandscapedesigningcompanyifyouwantto optforpatiodesignsinyourbackyard.Therearedifferentdesignsto choosefrom,andeachofthemcanmakeyourhouselookunique. WALNUTRIDGELANDSCAPE.COM

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