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INTRODUCTION. G roup work is defined as small groups of students that work together to maximize each others' learning process (Smith and MacGregor , 1992) a common task requiring interdependent work and successive or integrative action (Hacker, 1998)

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  1. INTRODUCTION • Group work is defined as • small groups of students that work together to maximize each others' learning process (Smith and MacGregor, 1992) • a common task requiring interdependent work and successive orintegrative action (Hacker, 1998) • a student-centered approach in which groups of individuals work jointly on a well-defined learning task (Lee, 2009)

  2. We have specifically chosen to study on group work because it is widely used in the learning process of the students in our university compared to the other types of peer learning. • Numerous research conducted has pointed out the benefits of group work such as development of inter-personal and teamwork skills (Harvey and Green, 1994), critical reflection skills and self directed learning skills (Boudet al,1999 and Gupta,2004)

  3. However, not all students find the group work experience enjoyable (Coelbeck, Campbell and Bjorklund, 2000; Walker, 2001) • Current literaturefails to adequately address the factors, from the student perspective, that result in actual or potential problems affecting group work.

  4. Thus, we are focusing on the factors that contributed to students' negative perception of group work in this study so that we can provide suggestions on how to overcome it.

  5. We have specifically chosen the sample to be undergraduates from Audiology & Speech Sciences Department, and focusing on their negative perception towards group work from one of the subjects that they have taken, which is Research Methodology (NNNA 3073)

  6. Research Methodology is a subject that requires the undergraduates from JASP to do a research in a group as part of its curriculum • It is one of the most recent group works done by undergraduates from our department.

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