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Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination 2006 Computer and Information Technology Paper 3 (Coursework). Module A (Algorithm and Programming): Seating Plan. By Cheng Kai Lok. 香港考試及評核局 2006年香港中學會考 電腦與資訊科技科 試卷三(個人習作).
Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination 2006 Computer and Information Technology Paper 3 (Coursework) Module A (Algorithm and Programming): Seating Plan By Cheng Kai Lok
香港考試及評核局 2006年香港中學會考 電腦與資訊科技科 試卷三(個人習作) 單元 A (算法與程序編寫): 座位表 考生需編寫一個學校週年餐註冊電腦程序。 在數據收集過程中,須將參加者的個人資料輸入,例如參加者姓名、畢業年份、性別、年齡、職業、預留座位數目 等等。 這個程序須檢驗所有輸入數據,並須包含可修改輸入數據的功能。 完成註冊後,這個程序須建立一個週年餐座位表的文字檔,以供籌備委員會使用。 考生須清楚列明座位分配規則,以及其他系統參數,例如餐桌大小。 下列為一些可行的座位分配規則: • 安排家庭成員同坐 • 配對男女參加者 • 配對年齡相若的參加者 • 配對職業相似的參加者 此程序須同一時間以最少兩項座位分配規則,建立一個座位表。 考生須留意可能沒有一個完美的座位表,可滿足既定的座位分配規則,而一個接近的座位分配也可接受。 在習作報告內,考生須辯解其選用有關數據結構和算法的理由。
Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination 2006 Computer and Information Technology Paper 3 (Coursework) Module A (Algorithm and Programming): Seating Plan Candidates are required to write a computer program for the school annual dinner registration. During the data collection stage, personal information of the participants is required to be input into the program, i.e. name of participant, year of graduation, sex, age, employment, number of seats required, etc. The program should validate all input data and also have functions to amend the input data. At the end of the registration period, the program should generate a seating plan of the anniversary dinner for the organizing committee in a text file. Candidates should clearly define the seat allocation rules and any other system parameters such as table size. Some possible seat allocation rules are as follows: • Grouping family members together • Balancing male and female participants • Grouping similar age participants • Grouping similar employment participants The program should consider at least TWO seat allocation rules at the same time to generate a seating plan. Candidates should note that there may not exist a perfect seating plan that satisfies all the stated rules. An approximate arrangement is acceptable. In the coursework report, candidates should justify the use of any data structures and algorithms in the implementation.
Objective and specification The personal information of the participants can be inputted into my computer program for the school annual dinner registration and stored in the database. And the program can validate all input data and also have functions to amend the input data. At the end of the registration period, the program can generate a seating plan of the anniversary dinner for the organizing committee in a text file. The program define the seat allocation rules and any other system parameters such as table size clearly. The allocation rule are Grouping family members together, Balancing male and female participants, Grouping similar age participants, Grouping similar employment participants. The program can TWO seat allocation rules at the same time to generate a seating plan. And the program can choose the table size.
Investigation I have gone to the library and the internet search different programming languages information, know the types of programming languages: C, C++, Cobol, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Pascal, Visual Basic, Visual C++, XML, PHP.. And I know their weakness and strength. • Book I have read: • PROFRDDIONAL PHP PROGRAMMING (WROX) • PROGRAMMING PHP (O’REILLY) • MICROSOFT C++ LANGUAGE SPCIFICATIONS (MICROSOFT) • PROGRAMMING FOR EVERYONE IN JAVA (SPRINGER) • PHP ESSENTIALS (MELONI) • OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING USING C++ (COURSE TECHNOLOGY) • PROGRAMMING IN VISUAL BASIC 6.0 (MCGRAW HILL) • GAME PROGRAMMING GEMS (DHARLES RIVER MEDIA) • Web I have read: • http://www.engin.umd.umich.edu/CIS/course.des/cis400/
I will choose the Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, it is because Visual Basic allows the user to create nice looking, graphical programs with little coding by the programmer, unlike many other languages that may take hundreds of lines of programmer keyed code. And I will choose the Microsoft Access, which is a powerful database software. Easy to use and deployment, reliability and performance.