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International Outcomes of Learning in Mathematics and Problem Solving: PISA 2003 Results from the U.S. Perspective. Commissioner Robert Lerner National Center for Education Statistics Institute of Education Sciences U.S. Department of Education. 1. Presentation Outline. Introduction to PISA

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  1. International Outcomes of Learning in Mathematics and Problem Solving: PISA 2003 Results from the U.S. Perspective Commissioner Robert LernerNational Center for Education StatisticsInstitute of Education SciencesU.S. Department of Education 1

  2. Presentation Outline • Introduction to PISA • U.S. performance in mathematics literacy • U.S. performance in problem solving • U.S. performance in reading literacy and science literacy • Differences in performance by selected student characteristics 2

  3. PISA Cycle 3

  4. PISA Countries OECD countries 2000 and 2003 Australia Austria Belgium Canada Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Japan Republic of Korea OECD countries (cont). Non-OECD countries 2000 and 2003 Brazil* Latvia Liechtenstein Russian Federation 2003 Only Hong Kong-China Indonesia Macao-China Serbia & Montenegro Thailand Tunisia Uruguay Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands* New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom* United States 2003 Only Slovak Republic Turkey 4

  5. How PISA Was Conducted • Nationally representative samples of 15-year-olds in all countries • 2-hour paper-and-pencil assessment • In the United States, 262 schools and 5,456 students participated in spring and fall 2003 5

  6. Performance of 15-Year-Old Students on the Combined Mathematics Literacy Scale, Relative to the U.S.: 2003 Performance better than United States Finland Korea Netherlands Japan Canada Belgium Switzerland New Zealand Australia Czech Republic Iceland Denmark France Sweden Austria Germany Ireland Performance better (continued) OECD Average Slovak Republic Norway Luxembourg Non-OECD Hong-Kong China Liechtenstein Macao-China Performance worse than United States Portugal Italy Greece Turkey Mexico Non-OECD Russian Federation Serbia & Montenegro Uruguay Thailand Indonesia Tunisia Performance not measurably different from United States Poland Hungary Spain Non-OECD Latvia U.S. average score: 483 OECD average score: 500 6

  7. Performance of 15-Year-Old Students on the Mathematics Literacy Subscales in the United States and for the OECD Average: 2003 Average Score 600 550 499 500 502 496 491* 486* 500 476* 472* 450 400 350 300 0 Space and Shape Change and Rel. Quantity Uncertainty United States Subscale OECD average *Average is significantly different from OECD average. 7

  8. Percentage Distribution of Mathematics Literacy among 15-Year-Old Students in the United States and for the OECD Average, by Level: 2003 Percent Level 6 Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Below Level 1 2 4 100 8 11 90 17 80 19 70 24 60 24 50 40 24 21 30 16 20 13 10 10 8 0 United States OECD 8

  9. Percentage Distribution of Mathematics Literacy among 15-Year-Old Students in the United States and for the OECD Average, by Level: 2003 Percent Level 6 Level 5 Level 4 2 4 100 8 11 90 17 80 19 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 United States OECD 9

  10. Percentage Distribution of Mathematics Literacy among 15-Year-Old Students in the United States and for the OECD Average, By Level: 2003 Level 2 Level 1 Below Level 1 Percent 100 90 80 70 60 24 50 24 40 21 30 16 20 13 10 10 8 0 United States OECD 10

  11. Performance of 15-Year-Old Students in Problem Solving, Relative to the U.S.: 2003 Performance better than United States Korea Finland Japan New Zealand Australia Canada Belgium Switzerland Netherlands France Denmark Czech Republic Germany Sweden Austria Iceland Hungary OECD Average Ireland Performance better (continued) Luxembourg Slovak Republic Norway Poland Non-OECD Hong-Kong China Macao-China Liechtenstein Performance worse than United States Greece Turkey Mexico Non-OECD Thailand Serbia & Montenegro Uruguay Indonesia Tunisia Performance not measurably different from United States Spain Portugal Italy Non-OECD Latvia Russian Federation U.S. average score: 477 OECD average score: 500 11

  12. Percentage Distribution of Problem Solving among 15-Year-Old Students in the United States and for the OECD Average, by Level: 2003 Percent Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Below Level 1 100 12 12 18 90 80 30 70 34 60 50 34 40 30 30 20 24 17 10 0 United States OECD 12

  13. Percentage Distribution of Problem Solving Among 15-Year-Old Students in the United States and for the OECD Average, by Level: 2003 Percent Level 3 Level 2 100 12 18 90 80 30 70 34 60 50 34 40 30 30 20 24 10 17 0 United States OECD 13

  14. Percentage Distribution of Problem Solving Among 15-Year-Old Students in the United States and for the OECD Average, by Level: 2003 Percent Level 1 Below Level 1 100 90 80 30 70 34 60 50 34 40 30 30 20 24 17 10 0 United States OECD 14

  15. Performance of 15-Year-Old Students in Reading Literacy and Science Literacy in the United States and for the OECD Average: 2000 and 2003 Average Score 600 Reading Literacy 550 500 504 500 494 495 500 491* 495 494 450 400 0 2000 2003 Average Score 600 Science Literacy 550 500 499 500 500 491* 450 400 0 2000 2003 United States OECD average *Average is significantly different from OECD average. 15

  16. Performance of 15-Year-Old Students in Mathematics Literacy and Problem Solving, by Sex: 2003 • Males outperformed females in mathematics literacy in the United States, and in two-thirds of other participating countries (20 of the other 28 OECD countries). • On average across the OECD countries, males outperformed females on each of the four mathematics literacy subscales. In the United States, differences were seen in the space and shape subscale. • In most of the PISA 2003 countries (32 out of 39 countries), including the United States, there were no measurable differences in problem-solving scores by sex. 16

  17. Relationship Between International Socioeconomic Index (ISEI) and Performance of U.S. 15-Year-Old Students in Mathematics Literacy: 2003 • U.S. average ISEI index score of 55 was higher than all countries except Norway and Iceland (no measurable differences with these countries). • Relationship of ISEI and mathematics literacy achievement (measured by change in score with change in ISEI index) was stronger in 5 countries and weaker in 11 countries than in the United States. No measurable differences were found between U.S. and the other 22 countries. 17

  18. Performance of U.S.15-Year-Old Students in Mathematics Literacy, by Race/Ethnicity: 2003 Average Score 600 550 512* 506 502 500 443* 450 417* 400 350 300 0 Black White Asian More than one race Hispanic Race/Ethnicity OECD average *Average is significantly different from OECD average. 18

  19. Performance of U.S.15-Year-Old Students in Problem Solving, by Race/Ethnicity: 2003 Average Score 600 550 506* 505 498 500 436* 450 413* 400 350 300 0 White Asian More than one race Hispanic Black Race/Ethnicity OECD average *Average is significantly different from OECD average. 19

  20. For More Information • Visit http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/pisa or http://www.pisa.oecd.org • Questions: Contact Mike Bowler, Institute of Education Sciences, 202-219-1662 or mike.bowler@ed.gov • PISA content: Contact Mariann Lemke, National Center for Education Statistics, 202-502-7314 or mariann.lemke@ed.gov • Email pisa@ed.gov 20

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