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Shifting Thinking Co-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

Discover the challenges and rewards of co-designing communities for older individuals. Learn about balanced power relationships, design partnerships, and the importance of mutual trust for successful age-friendly living spaces. Join Johanna Quaas, David, Lee Smith, and other experts in this insightful exploration.

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Shifting Thinking Co-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

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  1. Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  2. Johanna Quaas, 88 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX5NEea-XUw Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  3. Co-Presenters • David & Lee Smith Resident Designers • David McMahon Architect • Ryders Architects Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  4. Our Plans Our live project on Its head Co-design We’re already doing it right? Our learning that ‘moment’ of truth Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  5. Co-Design We’re already doing it - right? Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  6. Co-DesignWe’re already doing it - right? Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  7. Co-DesignWe’re already doing it - right? “Co-production means delivering public services in an equal and reciprocal relationship between professionals, people using services, their families and their neighbours. Where activities are co-produced in this way, both services and neighbourhoods become far more effective agents of change“ NESTA Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  8. Co-DesignWe’re already doing it - right? • It is: • Balanced power relationships • Skill recognition • Design partnerships • Honest dialogue • Information sharing • Solution focussed disagreement • Trust & respect Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  9. Co-DesignWe’re already doing it - right? The challenges: Hardwired power based relationships Really, they are… Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  10. Co-DesignWe’re already doing it - right? The challenges: Perception of ability to contribute Ageist Society Paradigms Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  11. Co-DesignWe’re already doing it - right? The challenges: Language & perception consultation, communication, involvement, empowerment, engagement Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  12. Co-DesignWe’re already doing it - right? The challenges: Fear: authority, control, expectations, customer’s always right cultures Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  13. Co-DesignWe’re already doing it - right? The challenges: Ego Professional, personal, lack of confidence & feelings of threat, Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  14. Co-DesignWe’re already doing it - right? The challenges: Low Expectations Inexperience, lack of equality, perceptions, non-deserving Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  15. Co-DesignWe’re already doing it - right? The challenges: Mindsets unconscious brain, habits, beliefs, routines, memory, behaviour, programs, templates Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  16. Co-DesignWe’re already doing it - right? • The rewards • Mutuality of relationships beyond project level • Trust from honesty • New mindsets, programs and templates • Innovation and creativity • Happier customers • Fit for business • Commercial advantage Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  17. Co-DesignWe’re already doing it - right? Are we really co-designing communities for older people? Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  18. Our learning that ‘moment’ of truth Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  19. Our LearningThat moment of truth • How: • Early and honest dialogue • Co-design staff, professionals, residents • Steering Group • Procurement • Visiting sector and non-sector examples • Trip to Netherlands • Strategic planning, space, opportunity to personalise, intrigue, focus on fun and achievement, yes culture, communities Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  20. Our LearningThat moment of truth • Honest Progress: • Some way to go to be true design partners • Trouble ‘hearing’ sometimes – the tramlines still get in the way • Still, influencing discussion? • Assiduous confidence building needed • Needs embedding (unconscious templated norm) • Investing & developing willing people Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  21. Our LearningThat moment of truth • But we have learned so much – The ‘Moment’ • Needed a new paradigm of ageing as a start point • Forget one size fits anyone let alone everyone – it does not • Need to address the non PC issues – by design • Life outcomes before guidance & rules Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  22. Our LearningThat moment of truth • A new paradigm of ageing as a start point • Contributing • Demanding • Skilful & Intelligent • Intriguing • Controversial & Unconventional • Opinionated Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  23. Our LearningThat moment of truth • Forgetting one size fits anyone let alone everyone • Efficient AND Bespoke • Adaptability of flats • Adaptability of building • Defining our ‘offer’ • Fit for the future • Multiple specialisms within communities Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  24. Our LearningThat moment of truth • Need to address the non PC issues – By Design • Nominations agreements • Disruptive people • Fearful neighbourhoods • A third ‘space’ for design focus • Separation, specialism & support within communities Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  25. Our LearningThat moment of truth • Life outcomes before guidance and rules • Elegance a design precept • Equality of expectations • Business case for all communal spaces or they become residential • Privacy before community • Balance communal space with institutional impacts • Alternative ways to provide a service Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  26. Our Plans Our live project… on Its head Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  27. Our PlansOur live project… on its head • Dora House Today • Built 1969, traditional Sheltered Housing • 159 bedsits 36sqm & 45 1-bed flats 45sqm • Mix of ages and vulnerabilities • Does not meet expectations or aspirations • Space • Accessibility • Energy efficiency • Under-developed site • Highly desirable and valued location – St Johns Wood Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  28. Our PlansOur live project… on its head • Cue Dora Designers Dora Designers Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  29. Our Plans Principles of Development We believe everyone should live an inspired life Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  30. Our PlansOur live project… on its head • Design Aspirations • Challenging norms of over 55s housing - reframing older age as a time of aspiration • Elegant and functional homes , tailored by individuals • Contemporary facilities that lift the spirit • Adaptable building design - cluster model • Cluster specialisms – if needed now or in the future • Care ready with specialist care feasible right in the heart of the community • Tenure unspecific Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  31. Our PlansOur live project… on its head We know a bit and you know a bit, together we’ve got a better bit • Inspirational Homes – The Lived Experience • Elegant • Multiple and varied aspirations • No distinction between tenures • Co-design – diversity of culture, need, experience, opinion & creativity from unexpected views • Barrier free • Adaptable spaces • Registered nursing and dementia care & other specialist services in our housing communities Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  32. Our PlansOur live project… on its head Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  33. Our PlansOur live project… on its head Adaptability Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  34. Our PlansOur live project… on its head Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  35. Our PlansOur live project… on its head Residential Arrangement Specialist Services Arrangement Care Cluster Arrangement Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  36. Our PlansOur live project… on its head Specialist Services Cluster Residential Cluster Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  37. Our PlansOur live project… on its head Residential Cluster Care Cluster Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  38. Our PlansOur live project… on its head Residential Clusters Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  39. Our PlansOur live project… on its head • Inspirational Living - Personal Space • Adaptability • Flat size, function & layout • Kitchen and bathroom adaptability • Moving walls • Connection with outdoors • Defensible space outside of front door • Maximise space & storage We provide the space, you provide the home Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  40. Our PlansOur live project… on its head Specialist Unit Adaption – Specialist Unit – 1Bed 1 Bed Unit Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  41. Our PlansOur live project… on its head 1Bed Unit Adaption – 1Bed Unit – Care Units 2 Care Units Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  42. Our PlansOur live project… on its head 1Bed Unit Adaption – 1Bed Unit – 2Bed Unit 2 Bed Unit Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  43. Our PlansOur live project… on its head 1Bed Unit – 54sqm Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  44. Our PlansOur live project… on its head View through 1Bed Living Area Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  45. Our PlansOur live project… on its head • Inspirational Communities - Shared Spaces • Separate from personal space • right to privacy • Bespoke approach with clear rationale for all spaces • Combined resident / staff facilities • Ground floor – main entrance focus • Engaging the arts • Free from unnecessary separation & barriers • The 3rd space – safety to your door If we cant describe why we are doing it, we are not doing it Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  46. Our PlansOur live project… on its head Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  47. Our PlansOur live project… on its head Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  48. Our PlansOur live project… on its head View through Communal Zone Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  49. Our PlansOur live project… on its head Internal Corridors Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

  50. Our PlansOur live project… on its head • Inspirational Environment - Green Spaces • Fuel efficient and economic to run • Comfort – no over or under heating • Servicing supports adaptability • Connect indoors and outdoors, maximising views, light and fresh air • Safety and security is unobtrusive and based on quality of life outcomes • Residents travel freely inside and outside of our buildings Life outcomes before everything else Shifting ThinkingCo-Designing Homes for Aspirational Ageing

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