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Annual General Meeting 8 November 2013

Annual General Meeting 8 November 2013. Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council. The programme rundown. 2. 1. Membership. This Year we have a total of 345 member schools registered, covering almost all the subsidized secondary school in Hong Kong. 3. 2. Annual General Meeting.

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Annual General Meeting 8 November 2013

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  1. Annual General Meeting8 November 2013 Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council

  2. The programme rundown 2

  3. 1.Membership • This Year we have a total of 345 member schools registered, covering almost all the subsidized secondary school in Hong Kong. 3

  4. 2.Annual General Meeting • The AGM (2012/2013) was held on 26 November 2012 with an attendance of 179 member school principals. After the AGM, we were honoured to have Secretary for Education Mr. Eddie Ng Hak-kim, SBS, JP, to share with us his view on “Education & the Future of Hong Kong”. 4

  5. 3. Work of Executive Committee (EC) 3.1 EC Meetings The Executive Committee (EC) has held 9 meetings on 3 December 2012, 16 January 2013, 20 February 2013, 20 March 2013, 22 April 2013, 15 May 2013, 19 June 2013, 4 September and 16 October 2013 since The Annual General Meeting on 26 November 2012. 5

  6. 4. Documents sent to members / Government / uploaded to HKSSSC website 4.11 A reply letter from EDB in “School Participating in Politics and Social Issues Guideline” was uploaded to the HKSSSC website. 4.12 Newsletter No.1 (2013-14)was sent to members and uploaded to the HKSSSC website with contents on: • Annual General meeting (2013/14). • Financial Management Training Course. • Arrangement of Teacher Relief Grant (TRG) Surplus. 6

  7. 4. Documents sent to members / Government / uploaded to HKSSSC website 4.13 A reply letter from EDB in “Extended the Retention Period of Accumulated Surplus of TRG” has been received and was uploaded to the HKSSSC website. 4.14The powerpoint files of "Essential Knowledge on Financial Management for Aided Secondary School Principals", which has been presented by EDB, was uploaded to the HKSSSC website. 7

  8. 5. Meetings with EDB 5.421 May 2013: Meeting with the Chairman of the Hong Kong Prevocational Schools Council, and Mr. NG Siu-kai, Principal Education Officer of the Education Bureau, HKSAR to discuss the issue on Workshop Teachers. 5.5 11 June 2013: Meeting with Mr. YEUNG, Yun-hung, Under Secretary for Education and Mr. SZE Chun-fai, Political Assistant to Secretary for Education, Education Bureau of the HKSAR regarding different recent education issues. 8

  9. 5. Meetings with EDB 5.6 11 June 2013: Meeting with Mr. NG Hak-kim, SBS, JP, Secretary for Education and Mrs. TSE LING Kit-ching, JP, Permanent Secretary for Education, Education Bureau of the HKSAR, together with the Vice-Chairman, three Secretaries and the Treasurer. At the meeting, issue on Class-Teacher Ratio in secondary schools was discussed. 5.7 17 July 2013: Discussing matters concerning promotion and stepdown of SGMs with Ms. Teresa CHAN, Principal Education Officer of the Education Bureau, HKSAR, together with a number of principals of the Joint Committeeo f School Councils & Associations of Secondary School Heads of 18 Districts.. 9

  10. 5. Meetings with EDB 5.8 20 August 2013: Luncheon meeting invited by Mrs. WONG YAU Wai Ching, Deputy Secretary for Education of the Education Bureau, HKSAR, together with Principal POON Suk-han, the Vice-Chairman, and Principal Enian TSANG, the Assistant Honorary Secretary. At the meeting, matters concerning School Finance and Staff Management were discussed. 5.9 21 August 2013: Meeting with Ms. WONG Hok Ling, Jessie, Deputy Secretary for Education of the Education Bureau, HKSAR, together with the Vice-Chairman and a number of exco-members. In the meeting, matters concerning S.1 School Places Allocation and School Maintenance were discussed. 10

  11. 5. Meetings with EDB 5.10 22 August 2013: Meeting organized by the Prevocational School Council together with Principal AU YEUNG Ka-keung, at which Mr. SIN Tak Wah, Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Technology Education) of the Education Bureau, HKSAR was present. At the meeting, matters concerning the Revision of Technology Education were discussed. 11

  12. 5. Meetings with EDB 5.11 12 September 2013: Discussing the issues below with Mr. NG Hak-kim, SBS, JP, Secretary for Education, Education Bureau of the HKSAR, together with all exco-members: • Teachers’ workload • Interim evaluation of the NSS curriculum • Schools becoming an infrastructure platform for different stakeholders • DSS schools’ policies • SSPA • MOI 12

  13. 5. Meetings with EDB 5.12 13 September 2013: TSA & IT consultation meeting organized by the Education Bureau of the HKSAR. 5.13 16 September 2013: Working Group Meeting titled ‘Shenzhen-Hong Kong Principal Forum 2013’ organized by the Education Bureau of the HKSAR. 5.1424 September 2013: Meeting organized by the Prevocational School Council, together with Principal AU YEUNG Ka-keung, at which Mr. YIP Yam Wing, Stephen, Principal Assistant Secretary (Curriculum Development) was present, matters concerning the Workshop Teachers. 5.1525 September 2013: Meeting organized by the Special Education Section of the Education Bureau, HKSAR. 13

  14. 6. Meetings with other Educational or Related Bodies 6.4222 May 2013: Lunch meeting with representatives of the educational bodies, invited by Secretary for Education Mr. Ng Hak-kim, SBS, JP to discuss the $480 million scholarships for outstanding local students. 6.4323 May 2013: Prize-giving Ceremony by the Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation (Kwai Tsing). 6.4427 May 2013: Meeting invited by Mr. Ip Kin Yuen, the vice panel on Education of the Legislative Council, HKSAR, with vice-chairman Ms. Halian Poon. 6.4528 May 2013: Meeting organized by the Hong Kong Principal Institute. 14

  15. 6. Meetings with other Educational or Related Bodies 6.4629 May 2013: Meeting held by HKAHSS and Professor CHENG Yin-cheong (Acting Principal of HKIEd). 6.47 11 June 2013: A sharing session regarding Secondary Teaching Posts organized by the graduate class of the PGDE Programme of the Hong Kong Baptist University. 6.48 11 June 2013: Luncheon meeting together with all EC members, invited by the Legislative Councillor Dr. Hon LAM Tai-fai, SBS, JP, Chairman of the Panel on Education, Legislative Council of the HKSAR. 15

  16. 6. Meetings with other Educational or Related Bodies 6.4911 June 2013: 16th Anniversary of Hong Kong’s Reunification with China & Towards 25th Anniversary of the Friends of Hong Kong Association & the 7th Board of Directors Inauguration Ceremony organized by the Friends of Hong Kong Association Ltd. 6.5022 June 2013: Public conference regarding Class-Teacher Ratio organized by the Panel on Education, Legislative Council of the HKSAR. 6.5124 June 2013: Meeting organized by the Education Commission regarding the LS subject. 6.5225 June 2013: Advisory Committee meeting organized by the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. 16

  17. 6. Meetings with other Educational or Related Bodies 6.5326 June 2013: Joint Meeting of the HKEAA regarding the HKDSE result announcement. 6.5427 June 2013: CLP Education Fund Energy Innovation (IE) Project Competition Presentation Ceremony. 6.5528 June 2013: Joint Committee of the Secondary School Councils and the Secondary School Heads Association of 18 Districts (Joint Committee) Meeting regarding the Class-Teacher Ratio and S.1 School Places Allocation. 6.563 July 2013: Understanding Financial Literacy Steering Committee meeting organized by the Investor Education Centre. 17

  18. 6. Meetings with other Educational or Related Bodies 6.57 3 July 2013: Opening Ceremony of the Chinese History and Chinese Culture Week organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups. 6.58 3 July 2013: Round Table Meeting. 6.59 8 July 2013: Annual dinner party, together with various council chairpersons, invited by Mrs. TSE LING Kit-ching, JP, Permanent Secretary for Education, Education Bureau of the HKSAR. 6.60 9 July 2013: Discussing the S.1 School Places Allocation matters with Ms. WONG Hok Ling, Jessie, Deputy Secretary for Education of the Education Bureau, HKSAR, together with a number of principals of the Joint Committee. 18

  19. 6. Meetings with other Educational or Related Bodies 6.61 10 July 2013: COTAP consultation meeting. 6.6223 July 2013: Luncheon meeting with various council chairpersons, invited by the HK Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools Council. 6.6313 & 19 August 2013: Preparatory Committee for the Hong Kong Education Sector National Day Celebration Meeting. 6.6421 August 2013: Luncheon meeting invited by Mr. LI Shing Li, Board Director and Chairman of the China Education Exchange (HK) Center Limited. At the meeting, matters related to further studies in the mainland were discussed. 19

  20. 6. Meetings with other Educational or Related Bodies 6.65 29 August 2013: Luncheon meeting invited by the CLP Education Fund Advisory Committee. 6.66 3 September 2013: HKIEd Installation of President and the First Assembly 2013. 6.67 10 September 2013: Salute to Teachers 2013 – Teachers’ Day Celebration and Commendation Certificate Ceremony. 6.68 11 September 2013: Orientation Meeting for newly appointed members of the HKEAA Council, organized by the HKEAA. 6.69 18 September 2013: Working lunch with the Board of Directors of the Agency for Volunteer Service including the Chairman Mr. Lee Jark Pui, SBS, OBE, JP. 20

  21. 6. Meetings with other Educational or Related Bodies 6.70 19 September 2013: Joint Committee meeting. 6.71 19 September 2013: HKEAA Council meeting. 6.72 26 September 2013: National Day Celebration Dinner with members of the education sector. 6.7326 September 2013: Working lunch with Dr Tong Chong-sze, Secretary General of the HKEAA, together with Principal Irene YAU Oi-Yuen, at which Our Council’s opinion to remove Level 5** in the HKDSE examination was expressed. 21

  22. 6. Meetings with other Educational or Related Bodies 6.7428 September 2013: Commission on Poverty Summit. 6.757 October 2013: Meeting titled ‘Understanding Financial Literacy in Schools’. 6.767 October 2013: Education Commission meeting. 6.7710 October 2013: Join Committee meeting. 22

  23. 7. A Message of Mourning We express our deepest regret at the death of our pass HKSSS Council Chairman Principal David C. K. Cheung. 23

  24. 8. List of the Executive Committee Members of HKSSSC 24

  25. 8. List of the Executive Committee Members of HKSSSC 25

  26. 8. List of the Executive Committee Members of HKSSSC 26

  27. 9. HKSSSC Representatives in various Educational Bodies 27

  28. 9. HKSSSC Representatives in various Educational Bodies 28

  29. 9. HKSSSC Representatives in various Educational Bodies 29

  30. 9. HKSSSC Representatives in various Educational Bodies 30

  31. 9. HKSSSC Representatives in various Educational Bodies 31

  32. 9. HKSSSC Representatives in various Educational Bodies 32

  33. Sharing Session (1) Level 5** of DSE. (2) S.1 School Places Allocation. (3) Class -Teacher (4) Policy Address for 2014 (5) School Maintenance 33

  34. Thank You 34

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