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Based on state figures, more than 4,500 Long Island homeowners, largely on the South Shore, qualified for public money to help with lifting their homes after Sandy.<br><br>A few whose homes were less significantly damaged but can afford to elevate may see it as a necessary move to protect their property’s value. Others have little choice — raising will be required in order to rebuild in line with local and state building codes. For those in high-risk areas, elevating a home or business can dramatically reduce flood insurance premiums.
Subscribe Register | Login Popular Newest Browse By Category Language Select Language: Flooding Service & Flood Insurance Posted August 29, 2017 Comments 0 by WA MOVERS in category Business Based on state figures, more than 4,500 Long Island homeowners, largely on the South Shore, qualified for public money to help with lifting their homes after Sandy. A few whose homes were less significantly damaged but can afford to elevate may see it as a necessary move to protect their property’s value. Others have little choice — raising will be required in order to rebuild in line with local and state building codes. For those in high-risk areas, elevating a home or business can dramatically reduce flood insurance premiums. Business Uncategorized Other Health and Medical Sports Internet Marketing Travel Home-and-Garden Advice Finance 131451 102081 66926 58116 50563 25803 25621 23515 18363 17243 Town and village officials who have worked to get federal grants for home elevations warned that there is always more demand than funds available and that the process, which involves applying to the state, can take months, if not years. Homeowners approved for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, pay up front and are reimbursed 75 percent of their costs. Applications that show a cost benefit – for example, documentation that a property has made repeat flood insurance claims — take priority. A Long Island couple sought to raise their 700-square-foot waterfront cottage through this process after Tropical Storm Irene in August 2011 brought as much as 5 inches of saltwater inside. The couple filed the necessary paperwork by early January 2012, and were told the proposal was submitted to the state the next month. In June, the state responded with questions regarding the application, which they said they answered promptly. The couple spent $25,000 to make the home habitable after Irene. Then Sandy washed about 4 feet of the Great South Bay through it. “We honestly expected to have construction under way within a year of turning in the paperwork,” they said. “Everything takes time. I just never thought it would go this long, though I understand and now Sandy has made the state busier.” Her advice: “Do not reinvest in fixing your home. Be patient and psychologically prepared that while you’re waiting for the bureaucratic process, another storm could come along. We hoped to be done in time for the next hurricane season, but that didn’t happen.” Local officials cautioned that each homeowner’s circumstance is unique. Without access to loans or savings, they said, some may well be forced to sell. “Home elevating is not cheap, And getting assistance takes time. This is a huge deal for all the South Shore towns — this was our Katrina. Over the next four to five years, residents that did not elevate their homes have been priced out of these neighborhoods.” Elevation costs range from $90,000 to $120,000 for each of the homes for which the town has filed applications with the state. “Most are what I would call modest homes,” he said. Another couple had some savings and took a Small Business Administration loan. They knew they could save on flood insurance premiums if they elevated, and they didn’t want to wait or rely on government help. They obtained architectural plans, engineering advice and even town permits to elevate. Bill, who works for an electrical contractor, put in a lot of the manual labor himself and got help from colleagues with electrical work. The couple still wrote checks to contractors for more than $70,000. The work was nearly complete when Sandy struck. The house remained a foot above floodwaters. Bill proudly recalled how the home caught the eye of state officials as they toured the devastation soon after Sandy. “They couldn’t believe we weren’t damaged,” he said. Then came a setback. The couple was denied a claim of as much as $30,000 from their flood insurer to help pay for elevation. The reason: They did not first get a determination from the town that the home had sustained “substantial damage” — damage amounting to 50 percent or more of the house’s pre-disaster market value — or that it had been the subject of repeat flood-insurance claims. Every case is different and the process is a lengthy and costly one. There are a lot of different flooding services available out there, so let us help you through this! converted by Web2PDFConvert.com
flooding services; House Lifting Long Island Article's Source: http://articles.org/flooding-service-flood-insurance/ Author: WA MOVERS Posted On August 29, 2017 Published articles 1 Username: * Email: * Website: Message: Type the text Privacy & Terms Privacy & Terms Post Comment About UsTerms and ConditionsPrivacy PolicyImpressumContact Us Follow Us: Copyright © 2015 Article Directory Powered by WordPress converted by Web2PDFConvert.com