Adenocarcinoma • This lady presented with severe breathlessness and was unfit for FOB. Subsequent CT showed compression of LLL bronchus but distal airways not visualised. VB and MPR (image 2 & 3) shows compression of LLL bronchus and patent distal airways. Subsequent rigid bronchoscopy confirmed this. A stent was inserted. Small multiple 3mm nodules were also seen which were not visualised on VB.
Carcinoid Tumour • This frail 82yr old patient with IHD presented with malaise and haemoptysis. VB and MPR (image 1 & 2) showed a polypoid lesion in the RUL bronchus. Subsequent FOB (image 3) confirmed this.
CLL with RUL pneumonia • This 66yr old male with CLL presented with RUL pneumonia and was too ill for FOB. VB showed patent RUL bronchus excluding an obstructive/compressive lesion.
Sq Ca occluding LM bronchus • FOB in this man showed an occluded LMB (seen on photograph). VB and MPR (image 1 and 2) confirms this but clearly also shows that distal airways are patent. This could not be appreciated on the axial CT view (image 3).