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English 1 Advanced: Class 21

English 1 Advanced: Class 21. Richard Wilson. Registration Notices Idiom Homework Review C6 Reading 2: Typhoid Mary Evaluations. Agenda. Notices. Friday. Quiz Review. New Book. Idiom. Keep Your Chin Up. Stay positive in difficult circumstances. ‘Keep your chin up’.

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English 1 Advanced: Class 21

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Presentation Transcript

  1. English 1 Advanced: Class 21 Richard Wilson.

  2. Registration • Notices • Idiom • Homework Review • C6 Reading 2: Typhoid Mary • Evaluations Agenda

  3. Notices

  4. Friday Quiz Review

  5. New Book

  6. Idiom

  7. Keep Your Chin Up

  8. Stay positive in difficult circumstances ‘Keep your chin up’

  9. “I’ve had a really tough week. First my cat died, then I lost my job and, to top it all, my house burnt down. I’m determined to keep my chin up though, things can only get better!” ‘Keep your chin up’

  10. Me: “I’m so disappointed that my team lost the FA Cup final – we were so close! My Friend: “Chin up! There’s always another chance next year.” Chin Up

  11. Homework Review Pg. 153-157: Guessing from Context, Understanding Phrasal Verbs, Idioms, Creating a Flowchart

  12. 2.Clues: implied in the reading is that the brewery was near the pump, nearby; Guess: near; Dictionary: next to 3. Clues: none of the workers, cholera; Guess: got sick; Dictionary: get an illness 4. Clues: remove the handle; Guess: stop from being able to use (students might also say “break” or “take apart”); Dictionary: deliberately stop a machine from working Guessing From Context

  13. 5. Clues: new cases then disappeared; Guess: decrease; Dictionary: gradually become less and less 6. Clues: the raw sewage was seeping into the drinking water; Guess: spoil a place or matter by adding a dangerous or poisonous substance to it; Dictionary: making unsuitable or impure by contact with an unclean item 7. Clues: Snow used meticulously gathered data and statistics; Guess: change; Dictionary: a complete change in something Guessing From Context

  14. B • D • C • A Understanding Phrasal Verbs 1

  15. Bring about • Level off • Settle on • Bear out Understanding Phrasal Verbs 2

  16. D • E • A • C • B Idioms

  17. Imprisoned without a trial: The story of typhoid mary Pg. 158

  18. Reading Strategy: Author’s Tone Pg. 158-159

  19. Toneindicates the writer’s attitude. Cynical, depressed, sympathetic, cheerful, outraged, positive, angry, sarcastic, ironic, solemn, vindictive, intense, excited. Author’s Tone

  20. An attitude, not an action. • Not explained or expressed directly. • You have to read between the lines. Author’s Tone

  21. Try saying, “Come here, Sally” using the following tones: • Commanding or bossy • Secretive • Loving • Angry • Excited • Playful Try It!

  22. Read in full Pg. 160-162: Main Ideas & Close Reading Questions

  23. Discussion Pg. 167

  24. Pg. 163-167 • Vocabulary, Grammar for Reading, Note- Taking, Linking Readings One & Two Homework

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