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COMS/Settlements/Credit. Weekly Update. May 14, 2010. Antitrust Admonition. ANTITRUST ADMONITION
COMS/Settlements/Credit Weekly Update May 14, 2010 http://nodal.ercot.com 1
Antitrust Admonition ANTITRUST ADMONITION ERCOT strictly prohibits Market Participants and their employees who are participating in ERCOT activities from using their participation in ERCOT activities as a forum for engaging in practices or communications that violate the antitrust laws. The ERCOT Board has approved guidelines for members of ERCOT Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups to be reviewed and followed by each Market Participant attending ERCOT meetings. If you have not received a copy of these Guidelines, copies are available at the Client Relations desk. Please remember your ongoing obligation to comply with all applicable laws, including the antitrust laws. DISCLAIMER All presentations and materials submitted by Market Participants or any other Entity to ERCOT staff for this meeting are received and posted with the acknowledgement that the information will be considered public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Operating Procedure. http://nodal.ercot.com 2
Agenda • Anti-trust Admonition • Standing Reports and Updates • Operating Day Settlement Reports • Week in Review/General Reminders • Next Week’s Activities • Environment Report • Known Issues • Credit • Question and Answers / General Discussion ERCOT asks that Market Participants log into the WebEx session using their company name and then their name. This will allow ERCOT to take roll-call offline http://nodal.ercot.com 3
DAM Settlement Overview for May 7 Statement and Invoice Overview • 190 Statements/Invoices posted to QSEs • 49 Statements/Invoices posted to CRRAHs • 28 QSEs received Statements/Invoices for $0 CRR Overview • There were no CRR Derations • CRR Owners were fully funded (i.e. there were no Short Fall Charges) General Reminders/Updates • Submit any questions/issues about statements, invoices, extracts or calculations to markettrials@ercot.com http://nodal.ercot.com 4
DAM Settlement Overview for May 12 Statement and Invoice Overview • 204 Statements/Invoices posted to QSEs • 49 Statements/Invoices posted to CRRAHs • 45 QSEs received Statements/Invoices for $0 CRR Overview • There were CRR derations • CRR Owners were fully funded (i.e. there were no Short Fall Charges) General Reminders/Updates • Submit any questions/issues about statements, invoices, extracts or calculations to markettrials@ercot.com http://nodal.ercot.com 5
RTM Settlement Overview for April 28 Statement Overview • 231 Statements posted to QSEs • 3 Statements posted to CRRAHs • 37 QSEs received Statements for $0 Charge Type Overview • No RUC Make-Whole payments or Capacity Short Charges • RUC Clawback was charged • No RMR Standby Payments due to RMR Contract Set-Up Issues (Estimated Monthly Costs not correctly loaded) General Reminders • Submit any questions/issues about statements, invoices, extracts or calculations to markettrials@ercot.com http://nodal.ercot.com 6
RTM Settlement Overview for April 30 Statement Overview • 225 Statements posted to QSEs • 3 Statements posted to CRRAHs • 43 QSEs received Statements for $0 Charge Type Overview • RUC Make-Whole Payments were calculated. All of the costs were assigned through the Capacity Short Charge General Reminders • Submit any questions/issues about statements, invoices, extracts or calculations to markettrials@ercot.com http://nodal.ercot.com 7
Week in Review • RTMMODE Extracts missing bill determinant. • The RTMMODE Extracts are missing the RTRMPR bill determinant needed to shadow the Real-Time Energy Imbalance charge • The issue has been fixed and RTRMPR will be available in the Real Time Extracts for Operating Days 5-5 and 5-7 • Operating Day 5-13 will not be settled • The DAM was not executed for this operating date so it was removed as a supported operating date for Settlement http://nodal.ercot.com 8
Next Week’s Activities • 5/19 Op Day • DAM Statements and Invoices posted on 5/21 • RTM Initial Statement posted on 6/1 • 5/20 Op Day • DAM Statements and Invoices posted on 5/24 • RTM Initial Statement posted on 6/1 • 5/21 Op Day • DAM Statements and Invoices posted on 5/25 • RTM Initial Statement posted on 6/1 • COMS Extracts (DAMMODE, DAMCODE, RTMMODE, RTMCODE) • For 5/12 DAM Settlement will be posted on Sunday 5/16 • For 5/14 DAM Settlement will be posted on Thursday 5/20 • For 5/5 and 5/7 RTM Initial Settlement will be posted on Wednesday 5/19 • REMINDER: The Settlements Calendar Extract contains all statement and invoice posting dates. http://nodal.ercot.com 9
Environment Report-Known Issues COMS New Known Issues • RTRMPR bill determinant was not published in Settlements Extracts for operating dates 4-21, 4-23, 4-28 and 4-30. The issue has been resolved and the bill determinant will be available in the RTMMODE extracts for Operating day 5-5 going forward. Without this bill determinant, QSEs will be unable to shadow the Real Time Energy Imbalance Charge/Payment at Resource Nodes Reminder: ERCOT will post known issues every Friday to the readiness center at: http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/coms/index.html COMS Closed Issues • No New Closed Issues http://nodal.ercot.com 10
Settlements FAQS Q: How do I determine the column names and mapping in the CODE and MODE Extracts A: DDLs and XSDs are available on the reports section of the readiness center and define the column names and tables in the extracts. The Draft Settlement DDL Join Document v0.01 will explain column and table joins in the CODE and MODE extracts and to reference data. The PRDE Extract contains all of the reference data that is mapped to the tables in the DAM and RTM CODE and MODE extracts. http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/reports/index.html http://nodal.ercot.com 11
Credit and Treasury Weekly Update May 14, 2010 http://nodal.ercot.com 12
Last Week • ERCOT Client Reps sent Digital Certificates for CPs with QSEs only • All CPs should now be able to access their Credit Reports on MIS • ERCOT Client Reps reaching out to CPs to obtain Credit and Treasury contacts • If you haven’t provided contacts, please send to markettrials@ercot.com • ERCOT Credit assigned initial credit limits as described on last week’s call and adjusted credit limits based on “e-cash” received from CPs. • ERCOT posts first set of Credit Reports on Friday, May 14th • ERCOT sends first ACL to CRR and DAM http://nodal.ercot.com 13
Credit Monitoring and Management • Credit limits are intended to ensure that CRR and DAM activity is within collateral /credit constraints • Collateral is “pooled” for efficiency, therefore, collateral must be sufficient to cover credit exposure as well as desired activity in both the CRR and DAM auctions • Credit exposure (TPE) is calculated as defined in Protocol Section 16 • Intended to capture a) estimates of historical activity and b) projected future activity • Data included in credit exposure calculations is based on each CP’s activity in MT5 so far • Initially, data may have gaps. Credit exposure will “fill in” over the next several weeks. • May or may not be indicative of “normal” activity depending on what kind of testing CP has been doing • The more realistic the data, the more realistic the credit calculations • CPs should begin using more realistic estimates in their market activity to produce more realistic exposure calculations http://nodal.ercot.com 14
Credit Monitoring and Management • Data used in credit calculations and reporting is based on • RTM Statements and Invoices generated on 5/13/2010 and forward • DAM Statements and Invoices generated from 5/13/2010 and forward • Exposure may include activity for non-market operating days based on settlements testing data as it becomes available • Real Time Exposure Estimates for non-invoiced days will gradually be included starting from 5/14/2010 as they become available • CRR Ownership as of 5/13/2010 and updated as ownership information changes due to new CRR Auctions or CRR Bilateral Trades • Initial Collaterals as set by ERCOT and updates to collateral will be made as requested by Counter-Parties • Invoices/Refunds will be automatically be paid on Due Dates. http://nodal.ercot.com 15
Next Week ERCOT will • Post Credit Reports twice a day • Three detail Credit Reports will not be posted initially – see Known Issues • Final reports will include intra-day updates and be posted end of day • Process intra-day updates to include: • Invoices and statements received by noon • Posted collateral and invoice payments received by noon • Noon deadline will be moved until 3:00 pm on Monday, May 17 • Approved CRR bilateral trades (this will begin after May 18) • Exposure (TPE) adjustments, if any • Send ACL to CRR and DAM • Send collateral calls to Counter-Parties (CP) as necessary • Process e-cash payments as received • Process CRR bilateral trades • There are currently over 100 trades pending. • ERCOT will begin processing these after May 18 to reduce confusion around the initial CRR and DAM ACL http://nodal.ercot.com 16
Next Week Challenge – kick off for CMM coincides with running both the CRR auction and DAM auction Counter-Parties should • Access their Credit Reports • Review the calculations to confirm they reflect their MT5 activity • Ensure their ACL is adequate for their intended CRR and DAM auction activity • If CPs wish to have a higher limit, they should send “e-cash” as described in last week’s call • Ensure that the credit limit they input into the CRR system for the CRR auction is within your 90% ACL http://nodal.ercot.com 17
Next Week As a reminder from last week: • If a CP’s TPE exceeds its TCL/collateral, a collateral request will be issued • During the first few weeks of MT5, ERCOT Credit will adjust TPE to ensure that one-third to one-half of TCL is available for the DAM and CRR auction • If the CRR auction takes all of the ACL, there will be no credit available for the DAM auction • During the first few weeks of MT5, if most of the 90% ACL is used by CRR Auction, ERCOT Credit will adjust ACL for DAM to ensure that at least one-third to one-half of 90 % ACL is available for the DAM If you have questions, please send them to markettrials@ercot.com http://nodal.ercot.com 18
Known Issues Exposure calculation issue • For CPs having credits in ADTE (from Real Time Market) • ADTE is incorrectly reflecting a “0” value rather than a credit value, overstating TPE exposure • Work around is being developed Reports not available at this time • FCE detail reports will not be posted due to large volume of data (several hundreds of pages per report) • AIL detail report will not be posted due to data issue on report (calculated AIL in TPE is correct) Minor report display issue • FCE Summary Reports – section subtotals are incorrect (however, totals at the top of the section and calculated values used in TPE are correct) – display issue only http://nodal.ercot.com 19
Appendix – Materials from May 7 Market Call http://nodal.ercot.com 20
Available Credit Limit (ACL) – Workflow • Available Credit Limit
Credit Limits • Total Credit Limits (TCL) are assigned at the CP level only • TPE (Total Potential Exposure) includes a) QSE exposure (real time, DAM, etc) b) CRR exposure • TPE will be “net” against your TCL to determine your ACL (Available Credit Limit) 90% of ACL will be available for the DAM and CRR • Nodal Credit Training materials can be accessed from the following link. • http://nodal.ercot.com/readiness/markettrials/coms/index.html http://nodal.ercot.com 22
Credit Limits • ERCOT Credit has assigned initial TCL (Total Credit Limit)/collateral for each Counter-Party (CP) using the following TCL buckets: • $2 Million • $10 Million • $30 Million • $60 Million • $90 Million • $120 Million • Assignment of TCL will be based on an evaluation of current zonal QSE activity levels and multiplied by two (2) to allow for the CRR auction • The initial assignment may be changed up or down by the CP; ERCOT has processed two to date. Collateral process described in following slides. • Please note that Counter-Party certificate with CRR_EXTRACTS role is required to access Credit Reports related to QSE/sub-QSE/CRRAH in your portfolio (e.g. TPE and ACL) http://nodal.ercot.com 23
Credit Limits • CPs are strongly encouraged to involve their credit and treasury staff and actively monitor their exposure and manage their collateral/credit limits • If a CP’s TPE exceeds its TCL/collateral, a collateral request will be issued • During the first few weeks of MT5, ERCOT Credit will adjust TPE to ensure that one-third to one-half of TCL is available for the DAM and CRR auction • If the CRR auction takes all of the ACL, there will be no credit available for the DAM auction • During the first few weeks of MT5, if most of the 90% ACL is used by CRR Auction, ERCOT Credit will adjust ACL for DAM to ensure that at least one-third to one-half of 90 % ACL is available for the DAM • If CP has any outstanding collateral requests, ACL will be set to zero and CP cannot participate in the DAM and CRR auctions http://nodal.ercot.com 24
Credit Limits • To increase or reduce credit limit: • CP can make collateral payments to increase credit limit (in response to a collateral request or thru ad hoc submission) • CP can request a refund of collateral • All collateral transactions are e-mails • Collateral Payments from Counter-Party to ERCOT • Counter-Party making a Collateral Payment or requesting a Collateral Refund/Reduction will send an e-mail to markettrials@ercot.com to indicate that payment is made (e-mail templates provided) • Collateral Payments (e-mail) received by ERCOT • by noon will be processed same day and will be reflected in the ACL for the following morning • On the first day of MT5, collateral payment e-mails will be taken beyond noon to the extent we can and still meet the deadline for sending the ACLs • after noon will be processed same day but will not be reflected in ACL for the following morning http://nodal.ercot.com 25
Credit Limits Collateral Payment Email template: Subject: Credit Nodal Collateral Payment to ERCOT (Cash) Body: Counter-Party ID: #########9999 Counter-Party Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Collateral Payment Amount: ##########.## Treasury or credit contact (Name, phone number, e-mail address) http://nodal.ercot.com 26
Credit Limits Collateral Refund Request Email template: Subject: Credit Nodal Collateral Refund Request (Cash) Body: Counter-Party ID: #########9999 Counter-Party Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Collateral Refund Request Amount: ##########.## Treasury or credit contact (Name, phone number, e-mail address) http://nodal.ercot.com 27
Timelines • Available Credit Limit (ACL) • Initial TCL set by ERCOT Credit will be reflected • ERCOT will confirm the availability of the ACLs and reports on the Monday 10AM Kick Off call • Exposure reports to be published • ACL Summary • TPE Summary • Exposure details except for FCE details • Please note that in order to access your ACL and credit reports, you will need to use your Counter-Party (CP) certificate with CRR_Extracts assigned • Anyone in possession of your CP certificate can see all sub-QSE and CRRAH credit reports in your portfolio (e.g. TPE and ACL) • In order to obtain a Counter Party certificate: • Your MP USA (User Security Administrator) must download the main Counter Party USA certificate • The certificate must have the CRR_EXTRACTS role assigned to it in order to view Credit Reports and ACL • The USA can now create individual user certificates using the Counter Party DUNs • Please note that users with this certificate will have access to view all CRRAH and Sub-QSE credit information • For MPs that do not have a Counter Party USA certificate, those will be sent by ERCOT next week • CRR bilateral trade requests will be processed when available from CRR http://nodal.ercot.com 28