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GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY Biology 556. Lecture: Tuesdays 6-8:45 PM Professor: Dr. Frank V. Paladino Office: SB G-56 Phone: 481-6304 or 6305
GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY Biology 556 • Lecture: Tuesdays 6-8:45 PM • Professor: Dr. Frank V. Paladino • Office: SB G-56 • Phone: 481-6304 or 6305 • COURSE DESCRIPTION: A comparative study of how geneticly different and diverse animal groups respond and adapt their functional characteristics to the same environmental stimuli.
The principles of physiology and their application to how animals function in different environments. An integration and coordination of functional relationships which occur in more than one group of animals. • REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS: Animal Physiology 5th Edition. By K. Schmidt- Nielsen Cambridge U Press 2002
In addition there will be required journal articles which will be given in the form of handouts or held on reserve at the library. Students will be expected to have all readings completed prior to class and be prepared to ask and receive questions on the material covered. • COURSE GRADING POLICY:There will be three lecture exams each worth 100 points consisting of short answer and essay questions. There will also be one library research paper worth 40 points.
Grade Calculation for 556: • 306 - 340 points = A • 272 - 305 = B • 238 - 271 = C • 204 - 237 = D • Below 203 = F
LECTURE OUTLINE UNIT 1: READINGS: Chapters 1, 2, 3, • General Introduction. • Definition of Life • All life must be capable of reproduction of their unique structure & function, be able to metabolize and adapt to their surrounding environment long enough to reproduce, and have the ability to evolve (slight structural and functional changes through generations of life) Life on this planet is based on 4 basic chemicals, Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. • All life could have started spontaneously from the Primordial soup and atmosphere of the primative earth. Oparin Haldane theory.
A. Internal vs External Environments • 1. Homeostasis • 2. The cellular environment • Physiological Adaptations for • 1. Aerial Environments • 2. Aquatic environments • 3. Terrestrial environments • B. Acclimation vs Acclimatization • 1. Definitions • 2. Adaptation • 3. Contrast of physiological approaches to adaptation
a. Regulator • b. Conformer • D. Animal Fitness • 1. Survival tests and physiological limits • 2. Population environmental limits (reproduction) • II. Respiration, oxygen, carbon dioxide, & exchange.
2. Effects of altitude and pressure on respiration • A comparison of aerial and aquatic respiration procurement of O2 from the environment. • A. Animals without specialized organs • B. Specialized Respiratory organs basic design and function • 1. tracheal systems • 2. gills - a respiratory evagination • 3. lungs - a respiratory invagination • 4. skin
A. Basic physical gas laws • 1. Ideal gas law (P x V = n x R x T) • 2. Daltons law of partial pressures (Pt = P1 + P2 + Px) • 3. Solubility of gases in water (Henry's law) V = a xP • 4. Diffusion of gases in water and air. • B. Composition of the atmosphere • 1. Effects of water vapor on gas mixture and respiration
C. Aquatic respiration and gills • 1. irrigation vs ventilation • a. comparison of medium viscosity and movement of medium over the gill or movement of gill over the medium. • b. A comparison of the energy cost, mechanical damage, effect of medium influence on gas exchange, dry vs wet environment, • c. Effects of temperature, salinity, ion content other chemicals on gas exchange
b. other gill functions • 1) osmotic and ionic regulation • 2) waste removal • 2. Basic structure and function of gills • a. enclosed in chamber for protection and flow pattern • b. counter current effect • c. arches, filaments, & lamella • d. crab gills • D. Respiration in Air, Lungs, skin, & tracheal systems. • gills and air respiration • (exceptions) • Use of skin • Other respiratory organ
During the summer Frog lungs become a more important source of O2 because in the higher summer temps the MR is increased.
Toad skin and lung can vary with respect to the uptake and release of O2 and CO2 depending on the temperature At 5 C the skin is more important than lung for O2. The same is true for CO2 release
Birds can fly at high altitudes because their one way flow through lung is more efficient at extracting O2 from the air. Tidal flow in mammalian lung is not as efficient.
For air to move completely through the avian respiratory system of air sacs and rigid one way flow lungs there must be 2 complete respiratory cycles.
Sea Cucumbers are the only marine invertebrate with a true tidal lung that suctions water in and then pushes it back out the same aperature (Anus) What would you predict about the metabolic rate and activity level of these animals from their lung structure and function?
Invertebrates have complex respiratory systems including, gills and diffusion lungs.
External gills can be a liability. It is interesting to note that at the base of many polychaete worms are parapodia that can be specialized to “bite or clamp down” on anything that tries to damage or “eat these fine gill filaments
The egg shell and membranes serve as the exchange barriers and surface for embryos the are placed in them. Pore size and number become important factors in respiration
Lung volumes are constant relative to body size and are about 5 – 7 % of total body mass. Allometry is an important tool for comparing different sized animals and the proportion of their body devoted to an organ or tissue.
Blood Pigments help to Transport respiratory gas. The evolution of these pigment arose as organisms became larger and more complex and also as they moved from a aquatic environment onto the land.
A. Respiratory pigments • 1.Comparison of 4 principle blood pigments • a. Hemoglobin (erythrocurin) • 1) Structure (allosteric effects) • 2) Distribution • 3) Bohr effect & Reverse Bohr effect • 4) Root effect • 5) Temperature • 6) 2-3 DPG pigment enhancers b. Chlorocrourin • 1) structure • 2) distribution • 3) other
Blood Pigments Continued • c. Hemerythrin • 1) structure • 2) distribution • 3) other • d. Hemocyanin • 1) structure • 2) distribution • 3) other
2. Intracellular pigments • a. myoglobin • b. cytochromes • c. chlorophyll
B. Role of respiratory pigments in different environments • 1.High P O2 - low affinity pigments –example: Terrestrial mammals: lots of easily accessible O2 in normal air, no need for thich protective diffusion barrier because no ionic problems in gas exchange in air, low affinity pigment allows for easier & greater unloading at cells/tissues and permits high O2 use, easier delivery • Another example is in marine environments where polychaetes like Sabella have chlorocrourin and the pigment acts as an emergency store and increases the blood O2 carrying capacity • 2.High P O2 - High affinity pigment i.e. decapod crustaceans like Spiny lobster from the marine environment have basic problems with ionic/osmotic balance in marine environment. Need a high affinity pigment to pick up O2 across thick gill diffusion barrier that is designed to help control water loss and ion influx from sea water. High affinity needed to facilitate O2 uptake across thick gill barrier. Unloads only at very low cell/tissue O2 tensions
3.Low P O2 - High affinity pigment found in invertebrates that move from high O2 to areas of low O2 regularly . Inverts living in fluctuating environments like local lakes where O2 in water can be quite high but the animals then travel into anaerobic mudflats where the pigment then serves as an O2 reserve during emergency . Under normal circumstances O2 bound to pigment is not used. Another i.e. is planorbis (pulmonate snail) uses high affinity pigment to allow for longer dives under water wnere O2 is low and will ventilate lung chamber before and after dive where air is stored and pigment can procure O2 during dive. • 4.Low P O2 - Low affinity pigment i.e. Sipunculid worms (peanut worms) like Siphonosoma ingens that lives in a marine sediment burrow. Has interesting circulatory system where blood cells contain heme-erythrin in thick walled tentacles that emerge from burrow. Harsh water/ion gradients in marine water but they have a low affinity pigment in tentacles. In body cavity have a high affinity coelomic pigment that facilitates uptake of O2 obtained by tentacles pigment.
Control of Respiration is it O2 or CO2 that is more important?
Control of Respiration • Respiratory control center in brain: a reverberating circuit. • Primary pacemakers are inspiratory center found in the pons & medula of higher vertebrates • Send impulses to Diaphram or musces of inspiration via phrenic nerve • Also send impulses to apneustic or expiratory center and stimulate them to eventually fire and turn off pacemaker cells
Why is CO2 more important? • Henderson – Hasslebach equation • CO2 + H20 ----- H2CO3 - HCO3 + H • This reaction is sped up by Carbonic Anhydrase found in Erythrocyte membranes • pH Blood = 6.1 x log10 of [HCO3]/[H2CO3]