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INTRODUCING THE KEYBOARD BY LIL TRAQUAIR. Learning Objectives. Upon completion of the unit, learners will demonstrate knowledge of visual key placement on the piano. Students will demonstrate an understanding of sharps and flats and their function in music.

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  2. Learning Objectives • Upon completion of the unit, learners will demonstrate knowledge of visual key placement on the piano. • Students will demonstrate an understanding of sharps and flats and their function in music. • Based on a visual understanding of the keyboard, students will begin to transfer pitch fundamentals to band instruments.

  3. HOW NOTES ARE ARRANGED ON THE PIANO KEYBOARD A B C D E F G A B C The musical alphabet has 7 notes. The keyboard is named in alphabetical order, then starts again. The higher the note is on the keyboard, the higher it sounds.

  4. HOW NOTES ARE ARRANGED ON THE PIANO KEYBOARD A B C D E F G A B C The keyboard has groups of Two Black Keys…(the Dog House)

  5. HOW NOTES ARE ARRANGED ON THE PIANO KEYBOARD A B C D E F G A B C …And Three Black Keys (the People House)

  6. HOW NOTES ARE ARRANGED ON THE PIANO KEYBOARD A B C D E F G A B C The note “C” is always to the left Of the TwoBlack Keys.

  7. TWO BLACK KEYS Dog House CAT DOG ELEPHANT C D E Animals live by the dog house. The dog lives inside, he won’t let the cat in, And the elephant is too big to fit inside.

  8. HOW NOTES ARE ARRANGED ON THE PIANO KEYBOARD People House FATHER GRANNY AUNTY BOY F G A B People live in the big house. Granny lives inside and Aunty stays home to help her with the house. Father is outside because he is usually at work and the Boy is usually at school or out playing. (Mom and sister are far away on a holiday in the sun in MEXICO! So they are not here.)

  9. SHARPS A# C# D# F# G# A# C# A B C D E F G A B C Notes that are half a step higher than a White Key, but not the next white key are called Sharps. The sharp sign looks like #

  10. FLATS Bb Db Eb Gb Ab Bb Db A# C# D# F# G# A# C# A B C D E F G A B C Notes that are a half step lower , but not the next white key are called Flats. The flat sign looks like b

  11. Enharmonics Bb Db Eb Gb Ab Bb Db A# C# D# F# G# A# C# A B C D E F G A B C The black keys have two different note names. One is sharp and one is flat. These are called Enharmonics, Two different names for the same note.

  12. Test Your Knowledge Click the link below to test your knowledge http://www.funbrain.com/notes

  13. Way to Go!

  14. Note This! It is important to learn to read notes. The link below will allow you to go to some fun drills to practice this skill. http://www.pedaplus.com You will have to choose Games from the left hand menu.

  15. A Rising Star!

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