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Reinventing International Education for the 21 st Century and Beyond

Reinventing International Education for the 21 st Century and Beyond. Andreea M. Serban , Ph.D Vice Chancellor, Educational Services & Technology Coast Community College District President, California Colleges for International Education aserban@cccd.edu Rosalind Latiner Raby , Ph.D.

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Reinventing International Education for the 21 st Century and Beyond

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  1. Reinventing International Education for the 21st Century and Beyond Andreea M. Serban, Ph.D Vice Chancellor, Educational Services & Technology Coast Community College District President, California Colleges for International Education aserban@cccd.edu Rosalind LatinerRaby, Ph.D. Director, California Colleges for International Education (CCIE) rabyrl@aol.com www.ccieworld.com League for Innovation Conference March 4, 2014

  2. Today’s Presentation • International Student Programs – what are key components and strategies for success? • Internationalization – what is it and how it gets done? • Study Abroad – what differences does it make? • Bringing it all together – holistic, comprehensive institution-wide, sustainable internationalization

  3. California Colleges for International Education • Established in 1985, California Colleges for International Education (CCIE) is anon-profit, educational consortium of 84 of the 112 California Community Colleges. • CCIE is dedicated to the ideal of increasing international understanding through education. The goals of the association are to: • encourage development of an international perspective in community college classrooms; • increase awareness of and encouragement in international development through technical education; • promote opportunities for sharing of international/intercultural expertise; • form liaisons between national organizations and consortia involved in international and intercultural education activities; • provide an international and intercultural education resource body to the State Chancellor's Office of the California Community Colleges.

  4. National & State Support • AACC and ACCT 2006 Joint Statement • “We live in a time of continuous economic and social change driven by increasing globalization.” • AACC Reclaiming the American Dream – 2012 • “It is important that college graduates, whatever their location, be not just globally competitive but also globally competent, understanding their roles as citizens and workers in an international context.”

  5. Elements for Change • Innovation • Need for visionary leadership to transform communities • Embrace non-traditional educational pathways that offer intensive learning experiences that provide transformative learning • Adaptability • Respond to globalization, internationalization, and change • Comprehensive Internationalization • Integration as a foundation for educational change

  6. FUNDING • Past arguments focus on how to find funding • Need to fundamentally redesign to see internationalization as a societal investment • The choice is to make a choice • Philosophy of open access is placed at risk if four-year college students have access to international literacy but community college students do not

  7. Myths & Facts • MYTH: International education is not pertinent to community college student needs FACT: International literacy provides the necessary building blocks for comprehending issues of local, national and international importance and provides skills that allow students to become employable for a job market whose context is constantly changing. • MYTH: Local communities do not support internationalization FACT: Many local communities already are connected to internationalization through family, friends and business. Support already exists through student and community programs.

  8. Myths & Facts • MYTH: International Students take away seats from domestic students, who are often under-represented domestic students FACT: Revenue pays for faculty salary, college materials, college equipment, and college services • Enrollment of international students is on top of local enrollment caps. That means there will be a maximum number of domestic students regardless of the number of international students brought in. • Cost: $ 50,000 (minimum) • Salary for those working for international admissions, academic counseling, immigration advising, recruitment/marketing, SEVIS federal regulation (salary, benefits) • Cost Benefit: • Tuition gain for 15 international students is about $ 75,000 & taxes to local community are $ 444,000 • Tuition gain for 50 international students is about $ 214,970 • About 30 international student will generate the revenue equivalent the compensation of one full-time faculty position • 200 international students: tuition gain is $ 1.2 million • Note – revenue above does not include additional revenue to bookstore, parking, and food services. • Additional faculty open new classes in which most students are domestic. Certain departments and programs depend on international student enrollment which ensures that classes are kept open and, hence, benefit domestic students. In many cases, the tuition from 3 international students will be enough to open a section which then allows another 20+ domestic students access to the class.

  9. International Students Numbers • CCIE 2014 Survey of 86 California community colleges • 56% of colleges have less than 1% of their students as internationals • 20% of colleges have 1% - 1.9% of their students as internationals • 15% of colleges have more than 4% of their students as internationals • Nationwide: Many smaller colleges have larger percentages of international students than larger colleges • Nationwide: Most all colleges can significantly increase their international student population

  10. IIE Open Doors: International Students • 2012-2013: 74,334 (nationally) • Top 10 colleges • Houston (TX): 5,333; Santa Monica (CA): 3,471; DeAnza (CA): 2,728; Lone Star (TX): 2,112; Northern Virginia (VA): 1,901; Seattle Central (WA): 1,718; Diablo Valley (CA): 1,663; Montgomery (MD): 1,627; Miami-Dade (FL): 1,579; San Francisco (CA): 1,559 • Ranks 11 – 25 • Green River (WA): 1,559; Santa Barbara (CA): 1,496; Foothill (CA): 1,483; Edmonds (WA): 1,266; Richland (TX): 1,193; Nassau (NY): 1,150; Borough of Manhattan (NY): 1,145; Pasadena (CA): 1,142; Bellevue (WA): 1,050; Bunker Hill (MA): 842; El Camino (CA): 820; North Seattle (WA): 817; Peralta (CA): 772; Portland (OR): 760; Shoreline (WA): 752 • California remains the leading host state with 77,987 international students. 13 of the top 40 enrollments are at California Community Colleges

  11. International Student Programs Key Components • Strategies for Marketing and International Student Recruitment • Guaranteed Transfer and Partnership Agreements with U.S. and Foreign Colleges and Universities • Instructional and Student Services Support • Internal Funding Model

  12. International Student Program Issues • Recruitment & Marketing without a budget • Increased competition from other community colleges nationally who ARE giving funding • Student Support with limited staff • Limited counselors; advisors; immigration specialists • Students not getting classes and going home for being out-of-compliance

  13. International Student ProgramMarketing and Recruitment Strategies • Marketing and advertising with multiple publications and agencies - both print and on-line advertisement. • On-going visits and in-person presentations & outreach to local language schools. • Promotional materials to various partners and agencies abroad. • Partnership agreements with international recruiters. • Participation in overseas recruitment fairs and expos.

  14. International Recruiters/Agents • Paying international recruiters based on how many international students they deliver • Federal law bars the use of commissions in recruiting U.S. students • National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) voted in November 2013 to permit international recruiters • Section I.A.3 stipulates that member institutions will “not offer or accept any reward or remuneration from a secondary school, college, university, agency or organization for placement or recruitment of students in the United States. Members who choose to use incentive-based agents when recruiting students outside the U.S. will ensure accountability, transparency and integrity.” • The new policy will take effect in November 2014. • NACAC is developing requirements for transparency, accountability and integrity to streamline process and avoid unethical behaviors • 1/5 of four-year institutions currently use commissioned agents • Increasing professionalization of agency organizations • Several countries have passed the International Students Bill of Rights • International Students have the right to promised services and protection of their own interests • Questions of cost-efficiency • $ 30,000 (tuition gain from 3-5 students) - can allow 1 well-trained staff to attend one 3-week trip to Asia (fairs, school & government agency visits, alumni events, shipping & travel). Meet with locals, and U.S. State Department education advisors cements long-term relations.

  15. International Recruiters Advantage • Non-rich students have limited access to college information. • Agencies are cost-effective for colleges that have few employees. • Being engaged in several markets is daunting from a resource perspective. • Traditional recruitment requires up-front investment in staff time and travel, with little or no guarantee of return; lead time for success is significant; results are unpredictable. • Paying a fee derived from the tuition a student pays upon enrollment shifts the uncertainty of investing in an up-front cost. • Agencies can focus in on countries & majors to help with college plans. • Agencies who speak the language and know the culture can reach out to students and help them decipher complex admissions & testing policies. • Agencies with network of offices have a wide reach, and in cultures where a personal touch is needed, provide efficient and ethical contacts. • Top agents have been in business for 20+years.

  16. International Student ProgramAdmissions and Transfer Strategies • CCCD has a dual admission program in which students admitted to any of its three colleges are guaranteed admission at the same time to one of ten four-year universities, if they meet the academic requirements. These universities are located throughout the country, including California, Iowa, New Jersey, Michigan, and Florida • Multiple international transfer guarantee agreements with many U.S. four-year colleges and universities

  17. International Student ProgramPartnerships with Foreign Colleges and Universities and Special Programs • Partnership agreements for 1+2 and 2+2 programs • Special programs, i.e. Saudi Arabia scholarship program – 2013 first year to include selected community colleges on the approved list of US higher education institutions • Understanding challenges and opportunities in specific countries • China – significant invest from the Chinese government which provides an amount of money annually to many higher education institutions to have a number of their faculty travel and be trained abroad and to students to study abroad for short periods

  18. International Student ProgramInstructional and Student Support Services • Dedicated International Student Program Office appropriately staffed • Orientation • Challenges of advanced placement testing using college placement tests; limitations from test publishers • International student clubs • Housing • Partnerships with the local community • Opportunities for internships while enrolled and post-graduation study and training • Establish eligibility to issue both F1 and J1 visas

  19. International Student ProgramFunding Models • Internal funding of international student programs must ensure long-term commitment and support • Economies of scale • Building predictable incoming cohorts of international students

  20. International Student ProgramSteps for Success • Conduct an assessment of existing internal capacity • Set a target/goal regarding number of international students per year and country representation • Develop a plan for the international student program • Timeline to build infrastructure • Dedicated staffing • Recruitment and support services strategies • Funding • Targeting markets • Main market • Peripheral markets

  21. International Student ProgramSteps for Success • Determine goals for recruitment strategies (e.g., 10 new international students in year one from X activities) and benchmarking • Provide arrival support services for international students (e.g., transportation from airport, housing arrangements, banking) • Recruitment strategies (can you budget for oversees travel and what kind of travel) • Institution-wide buy-in and leverage all resources (language specialists, faculty) • Build legacy – success takes time and long-term commitment

  22. CCIE Annual Survey: 2014

  23. CCIE Annual Survey: 2014

  24. CCIE Annual Survey: 2014

  25. Comprehensive Internationalization • Holistic Campus Connections • Campus committee • Faculty development • Domestic Student/International Students Club • Campus-based activities (beyond IEW) • Alumni connections • Linking international programs to completion success

  26. Education Abroad • No set revenue stream • No line-item in college budget • Coordinators who work for “free” or limited release time • Proliferation of “renegade” faculty • Limited Campus Office and Cross-Campus Connections • Domain of singular faculty/administrator or department • Nationally, about 6,200 community college students study abroad of which 3,500 come from California • 16 of the top 20 colleges come from California

  27. Student Profile: Diversity It is not surprising that large numbers of under-represented and low-income community colleges students study abroad IIE Open Doors - 2012: Race Community College % University % White/Caucasian 69% 83% Hispanic/Latino 13.1% 5.4% Multiracial 9.1% 1.2% African-American 5.0% 3.5% Asian-American Pacific Islander 3.4% 6.3% Native American/Alaskan Native 0.5% 0.6%

  28. Study Abroad Benefits • Growth in interpersonal skills & reduction in cultural stereotypes • Short-term programs have growth in academic knowledge • First Generation and Immigrant students re-learn their own cultures and histories • All students have life-altering experiences • Increased empathy toward and understanding of politics and social service, cultural development and global relationships • Participation supports Community College Completion Agenda • Increased GPA upon return • Greater chance of transfer & graduation and within shorter periods of time

  29. CCIE SOAR PROJECT Impact of California community college study abroad on retention, transfer, and college completion. Special focus on impact for Hispanic Students. A set of 476,708 first-time college students who had the same characteristics and who showed a credit enrollment that was not concurrent with high school enrollment but did not have a record of an earned college-level degree or certificate were tracked from Fall 2004 to Fall 2009 in three-year sequences. Regression techniques compared the cohort on key outcomes such as year-to-year retention, curricular progression, completion of transfer level English and math, degree and certificate attainment, and transfer.

  30. Hispanic Student Outcomes

  31. Hispanic Student Outcomes

  32. Hispanic Student Outcomes

  33. Hispanic Student Outcomes

  34. Hispanic Student Outcomes

  35. Hispanic Student Outcomes

  36. Hispanic Student Outcomes

  37. Hispanic Student Outcomes

  38. Change Campus Community • Student Level • Students believe they can study abroad • Blogged, Visible (people are using international literacy), Expected (I’m the only one who is not going abroad) • Faculty Level • Faculty and administrators express a knowledge of international education & College supports significant participation • Administrative Level • Internationalization is mainstreamed into all administrative activities • Integrated clear policies & procedure • Executive Level • International Education represents value-added to education • Articulate observed benefits of international education • International education listed in all admissions materials and promotion activities

  39. Visible On Your Campus • International Education Office • That has full-time and professional staff • That is centrally located • That has consistent and sustained funding • International Sub-Committees • Create for Academic Senate; Curriculum Committee; Student Government, etc. • Included in Campus policy • Mission • Annual Priority/Plans • Included in Campus-sponsored activities • Acceptance, Counseling, Financial Aid Letters • Orientation • Pictures, Videos, Blogs on College Web site • Campus promotion activities

  40. Leadership Change Model • Philosophical support • College mission and other policies • Connection with other college programs • Institutionalize as part of overall college experience • Understand that Internationalization occurs in ALL classrooms, through distance service, experiential, individualized and other modes of learning • Can be done: no matter how small the college

  41. Leadership Change Model 2. Support from All Stakeholders to Prioritize the Multiplicity of Learning Experiences that Contribute to Global Workforce Preparation • Student Government, Faculty Senate, Curriculum Committee • Campus-wide Committee (establishes & maintain programs, faculty selection, risk-management, ethics) • Registrar’s office, web-master & counseling/financial aid staff • Senior administration who initiate and support reforms & Faculty who teach in these programs • Trustees who support this policy and practice

  42. Leadership Change Model • Transparent Budget • Diverse Revenue Stream • Faculty development to connect Education Abroad with General Curriculum • College foundation (for scholarships funds & donor outreach); trustee orientation, and college-industry partnerships • Secure budget to support advising, site visits, evaluations, conference training, internationalizing curricula • Similar to other small, yet labor intensive academic programs, international education is a cost effective learning activity through the knowledge and experiences that are eventually mastered

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