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Szent József Katolikus Általános Iskola Kiskunhalas, Hungary. Our Neighbourhood. Research on the local environment Report 2009.
Szent József Katolikus Általános Iskola Kiskunhalas, Hungary OurNeighbourhood Research on the local environment Report 2009
WaterKiskunhalasis locatedbetweenthetwolongestrivers of Hungary, Duna and Tisza. A longtimeago, untilthemiddle of thetwentiethcentury, therewereseveralmarshlandsinthisareaofour country. Afterthat a canal, calledDongéri-főcsatorna, wasbuilt. Nowadays, thehydrography of thetown is verypoorish.Thereareonlytwobignaturalsurfaces of water here: Sóstó and theso-calledFejetékmarshlandwhichhaveremainedfromthepast. However, Sóstó is theonlylakein Kiskunhalas. Szent József Katolikus Általános Iskola Kiskunhalas, Hungary
Water • Ourfirst test holewas Sóstó: It is locatedinthenorth of Kiskunhalas and itbelongstothecatchmentarea of Tisza.Itwasformedbynaturalprocesses of thewind. Thisfieldwascoveredwithsand and loessencrustedonitinnortheastern-southwesterncourse.
Sóstó • The area of Sóstó is 53,3 hectares, it contains about 28,7 hectares of open surface of water, the left is covered with reed grass. The average depth of the lake is 1 – 2 metres. Rain and groundwater can make up for the wasted water. There are also two artificial wells there which are needed at the time of drought.
Sóstó • The colour of water is a kind of green, it smells fish and plants.We used some filter papers to check the content of water. On these papers we have recognised minerals and plants. The ph of the sample water was around 8,5.
Sóstó • At the beginning of the twentieth century Sóstó was told to be a bath, which wasfamous for its curative power. • In 2005 it bacame a reservation. We can find a lot of protected plants and animals at the lake and its neighbourhood. Here are some examples for plants: Kisfészkű aszat (Cirsium brachycephalum), Mocsári aggófű (Senecio paludosus) or Mocsári kosbor (Orchis laxiflora ssp. palustris). As for the animals, there are 72 protected and 5 well-protected species around Sóstó. • A lot of factorsendangerthelake and itssurroundingsuchasbacteriasfromillegalsewagedisposals, fishingactivitiesandagriculturalchemicals.
Dongéri-főcsatorna • Oursecond test holewas: Dongéri-főcsatorna (canal) Intheyears of 1940–42 therewasextremelyhighwater and itcausedmuchdamage. That’swhyinthe 1950’s thecanalwasbuilt. Itstartsinthesouth of Kiskunhalas and goestothenortharoundthetown. Thenitfallsintotheriver Tisza. The length of thiscanal is 84 kms and itscatchmentarea is 930 kms2. Afteritsbirth, sedimentationstartedinDongéri-csatorna, sowaterhardlycould go alonginthecanal. Techniciansstillhavetodosomedirectionsnowadays. A group, called GLOBE, regulerlychecksthequality of waterinthecanal.
Dongéri-főcsatorna • We have got samples from two points from the canal: • A place near the school • A place where thermal water is let into the canal • There were big differences on the face of them.
Dongéri-főcsatorna • We have checked the samples and the results were very similar, almost the same. The colour of water was a kind of dark green, it smelled plants and sewage. We used some filter papers to check the content of water. On these papers we have recognised some minerals and algae. The ph of the sample water was around 8.