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The Strategic Plan – 2008-2015: Clarifying our Focus. Big Meeting 2012. Preparing for the Big Meeting. Feedback Form. Goal 1 Building Pathways.
The Strategic Plan – 2008-2015: Clarifying our Focus Big Meeting 2012
Objective 1.1 – Transition to CollegePartner with others to increase the college going rate of students from every high school and the percentage of those graduates who apply and enroll at Valencia.
Objective 1.1 – Transition to CollegePartner with others to increase the college going rate of students from every high school and the percentage of those graduates who apply and enroll at Valencia. • Recommendation • Objective 1.1 is still a strategic focus of our work and should remain unchanged through 2015
Objective 1.2 – PersistenceIncrease the percentage of students who persist at Valencia through key academic thresholds.
Objective 1.2 – PersistenceIncrease the percentage of students who persist at Valencia through key academic thresholds. • Recommendation • Objective 1.2 is still a strategic focus of our work and should remain unchanged through 2015
Objective 1.3 – Goal AchievementIncrease the course and program completion rate of Valencia students by decreasing the withdrawal rate.
Objective 1.3 – Goal AchievementIncrease the course and program completion rate of Valencia students by decreasing the withdrawal rate. • Recommendation • Course and program completion remains a strategic focus of our work • For greater clarity the language of Objective 1.3 should be amended Increase the course and program completion rate of Valencia students by decreasing the withdrawal rate.
Objective 1.4 – Economic DevelopmentAlign plans for the Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degree programs, and the resources to support them, with the economic development needs of the region. Recommendation • The alignment of program planning with the economic development needs of the region is firmly established as part of our practice as an institution. Objective 1.4 no longer needs to be identified as a strategic focus of our work.
Objective 1.5 – AccessIncrease access to associate degree and higher programs through university partnerships, scholarships and financial support, and through the addition of Valencia campuses and locations in growing service district areas that are relatively distant from existing campuses.
Objective 1.5 – AccessIncrease access to associate degree and higher programs through university partnerships, scholarships and financial support, and through the addition of Valencia campuses and locations in growing service district areas that are relatively distant from existing campuses. Recommendation • Objective 1.5 is still a strategic focus of our work • For greater clarity the language of Objective 1.5 should be amended • Delete – “…and through the addition of Valencia campuses and locations in growing service district areas that are relatively distant from existing campuses.” • Add – “…and through the planning of Valencia campuses and locations in growth service district areas.”
Objective 2.1 – Learning OutcomesDevelop, align, and review program learning outcomes to assure a cohesive curricular and co-curricular experience that enhances student learning.
Objective 2.1 – Learning OutcomesFaculty Compensation Plan – Institutional Effectiveness • By May 13, 2012 • 100% of all academic programs will have developed an an assessment plan that has been approved by discipline / program faculty and the Learning Assessment Committee. • 90% of all of the academic programs will have developed an improvement plansapproved by discipline / program faculty • Actual – 100% of all programs completed assessment plans plus additional discipline areas
Objective 2.1 – Learning OutcomesDevelop, align, and review program learning outcomes to assure a cohesive curricular and co-curricular experience that enhances student learning. • Recommendation • Objective 2.1 is still a strategic focus of our work and should remain unchanged through 2015
Objective 2.2 – College-level WritingIncrease the percentage of students writing at the college level. • No College-wide efforts are currently underway that are focused on college-level writing • No program or discipline assessment plans are focused on college-level writing • Recommendation • Objective 2.2 is in need of college-wide leadership if it is to be a strategic focus of our work through 2015
Objective 2.3 – Completion of MathematicsIncrease the percentage of students who complete the math sequence within two years. (Completion is defined as successfully completing the highest level math course required for a program of study. The two-year measurement period begins upon entrance to the College.)
Objective 2.3 – Completion of MathematicsIncrease the percentage of students who complete the math sequence within two years. (Completion is defined as successfully completing the highest level math course required for a program of study. The two-year measurement period begins upon entrance to the College.) • Recommendation • Objective 2.3 is still a strategic focus of our work but for data reporting purposes the objective should be reworded “Increase the percentage of students who complete the math sequence in AA General Education within two years.”
Objective 2.4 – Completion of 15 college creditsIncrease the percentage of students mandated into developmental courses who complete within three years the first 15 college level hours of their programs of study.
Objective 2.4 – Completion of 15 college creditsIncrease the percentage of students mandated into developmental courses who complete within three years the first 15 college level hours of their programs ofstudy. • Recommendation • Objective 2.4 is still a strategic focus of our work but for data reporting purposes the objective should be reworded Delete – “…of their programs of study.” Add – “…with Valencia.”
Objective 2.5 – Close achievement gaps Close achievement gaps among students from diverse backgrounds in completing six key courses, leading to increased persistence and program completion rates. • The six courses include: • College Prep Mathematics Pre-Algebra (MAT0012C) • Beginning Algebra (MAT0024C) • Intermediate Algebra (MAT1033) • Comp 1 (ENC1101) • Political Science (POS2041) • College Algebra (MAC1105)
Objective 2.5 – Close achievement gaps Close achievement gaps among students from diverse backgrounds in completing six key courses, leading to increased persistence and program completion rates. • Recommendation • Objective 2.5 is still a strategic focus of our work but for data reporting purposes the list of courses should be expanded to the top 10 highest enrolled courses for New Students identified during the Foundations of Excellence Self Study in 2009 • The list would be expanded to include the following courses: • Intro to Humanities (HUM1020) • Intro to Psychology (PSY1012) • Speech (SPC1608) • Student Success (SLS1122)
Proposed Objective 2.6 – Online SuccessClose achievement gaps in course completion among students in different instructional modalities. • Recommendation • The dramatic increase in enrollment in on-line classes since 2005-2006 and the disparity in course success between face-to-face and online sections suggests that the proposed objective should be a strategic focus of our work.
Objective 3.1 – CollaborationStrengthen Valencia’s collaborative culture through learning and leadership development opportunities in the effective use of collaborative approaches, and through regular review and evolution of our shared governance system.
Review of Valencia’s Collaborative Governance Process Completed Spring 2012
Objective 3.1 – CollaborationStrengthen Valencia’s collaborative culture through learning and leadership development opportunities in the effective use of collaborative approaches, and through regular review and evolution of our shared governance system. • Recommendation: • Objective 3.1 is still a strategic focus of our work and should remain unchanged through 2015
Objective 3.2 – Career GrowthBy 2013, Valencia will have a robust system of career growth and planning in which all Valencia employees will participate. (Note: This does not include faculty, who have a separate faculty development program.) • Cornerstone Talent Management Suite • SPD Redesign • PDP Redesign
Objective 3.2 – Career GrowthBy 2013, Valencia will have a robust system of career growth and planning in which all Valencia employees will participate. • Recommendation: • Objective 3.2 is still a strategic focus of our work and should remain unchanged through 2015
Objective 3.3 – Employee WellnessIncrease the percentage of employees engaged in self-reported wellness practices. • Employee participation in in Valencia’s wellness program (Sponsored activities and the fitness centers. • 2008/2009 – Total participants is 314 • 2010/2011 – Total participants is 582