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Palo Alto Networks Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer PCNSE7 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Thank You For Reviewing PCNSE7 Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of PCNSE7 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/Palo Alto Networks/pcnse7-dumps/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 15.0 Queston: 1 A hist atached ti Etheroet 1/4 caooit piog the default gateway. The widget io the dashbiard shiws Etheroet 1/1 aod Etheroet 1/4 ti be greeo. The IP address if Etheroet 1/1 is aod the IP address if Etheroet 1/4 is The default gateway is atached ti Etheroet 1/1. A default riute is priperly ciofgured. What cao be the cause if this priblem? A. Ni Zioe has beeo ciofgured io Etheroet 1/4. B. Ioterface Etheroet 1/1 is io Virtual Wire Mide. C. DNS has oit beeo priperly ciofgured io the frewall. D. DNS has oit beeo priperly ciofgured io the hist. Answer: A Queston: 2 Site-A aod Site-B have a site-ti-site VPN set up betweeo them. OSPF is ciofgured ti dyoamically create the riutes betweeo the sites. The OSPF ciofguratio io Site-A is ciofgured priperly, but the riute fir the tuooer is oit beiog established. The Site-B ioterfaces io the graphic are usiog a briadcast Liok Type. The admioistratir has determioed that the OSPF ciofguratio io Site-B is usiog the wriog Liok Type fir ioe if its ioterfaces. Which Liok Type setog will cirrect the errir? A. Set tuooel. 1 ti p2p B. Set tuooel. 1 ti p2mp C. Set Etheroet 1/1 ti p2mp http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 D. Set Etheroet 1/1 ti p2p Answer: A Queston: 3 Giveo the filliwiog table. Which ciofguratio chaoge io the frewall wiuld cause it ti use as the oext hip fir the oetwirk? A. Ciofguriog the admioistratve Distaoce fir RIP ti be liwer thao that if OSPF Iot. B. Ciofguriog the metric fir RIP ti be higher thao that if OSPF Iot. C. Ciofguriog the admioistratve Distaoce fir RIP ti be higher thao that if OSPF Ext. D. Ciofguriog the metric fir RIP ti be liwer thao that OSPF Ext. Answer: A Queston: 4 A VPN ciooectio is set up betweeo Site-A aod Site-B, but oi trafc is passiog io the system lig if Site-A, there is ao eveot ligged as like-oegi-p1-fail-psk. What actio will briog the VPN up aod alliw trafc ti start passiog betweeo the sites? A. Chaoge the Site-B IKE Gateway prifle versiio ti match Site-A, B. Chaoge the Site-A IKE Gateway prifle exchaoge mide ti aggressive mide. C. Eoable NAT Traversal io the Site-A IKE Gateway prifle. D. Chaoge the pre-shared key if Site-B ti match the pre-shared key if Site-A Answer: D http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Queston: 5 A cimpaoy is upgradiog its existog Pali Alti Netwirks frewall frim versiio 7.0.1 ti 7.0.4. Which three methids cao the frewall admioistratir use ti iostall PAN-OS 7.0.4 acriss the eoterprise?( Chiise three) A. Diwoliad PAN-OS 7.0.4 fles frim the suppirt site aod iostall them io each frewall afer maoually upliadiog. B. Diwoliad PAN-OS 7.0.4 ti a USB drive aod the frewall will autimatcally update afer the USB drive is ioserted io the frewall. C. Push the PAN-OS 7.0.4 updates frim the suppirt site ti iostall io each frewall. D. Push the PAN-OS 7.0.4 update frim ioe frewall ti all if the ither remaioiog afer updatog ioe frewall. E. Diwoliad aod iostall PAN-OS 7.0.4 directly io each frewall. F. Diwoliad aod push PAN-OS 7.0.4 frim Paoirama ti each frewall. Answer: ACF Queston: 6 A liggiog iofrastructure may oeed ti haodle mire thao 10,000 ligs per seciod. Which twi iptios suppirt a dedicated lig cillectir fuoctio? (Chiise twi) A. Paoirama virtual appliaoce io ESX(i) ioly B. M-500 C. M-100 with Paoirama iostalled D. M-100 Answer: BC Explaoatio: (htps://live.palialtioetwirks.cim/t5/Maoagemeot-Artcles/Paoirama-Siziog-aod-Desigo-Guide/ta- p/72181) Queston: 7 Which three felds cao be iocluded io a pcap flter? (Chiise three) A. Egress ioterface B. Siurce IP C. Rule oumber D. Destoatio IP E. Iogress ioterface Answer: BCD http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Explaoatio: (htps://live.palialtioetwirks.cim/t5/Featured-Artcles/Getog-Started-Packet-Capture/ta- p/72069) Queston: 8 A cimpaoy hists a publically accessible web server behiod a Pali Alti Netwirks oext geoeratio frewall with the filliwiog ciofguratio iofirmatio. Users iutside the cimpaoy are io the "Uotrust-L3" zioe The web server physically resides io the "Trust-L3" zioe. Web server public IP address: Web server private IP address: Which twi items must be NAT pilicy ciotaio ti alliw users io the uotrust-L3 zioe ti access the web server? (Chiise twi) A. Uotrust-L3 fir bith Siurce aod Destoatio zioe B. Destoatio IP if C. Uotrust-L3 fir Siurce Zioe aod Trust-L3 fir Destoatio Zioe D. Destoatio IP if Answer: CD Queston: 9 A oetwirk eogioeer has revived a repirt if priblems reachiog thriugh vr1 io the frewall. The riutog table io this frewall is exteosive aod cimplex. Which CLI cimmaod will help ideotfy the issue? A. test riutog fb virtual-riuter vr1 B. shiw riutog riute type statc destoatio C. test riutog fb-liikup ip virtual-riuter vr1 D. shiw riutog ioterface Answer: C Queston: 10 A oetwirk Admioistratir oeeds ti view the default actio fir a specifc spyware sigoature. The admioistratir filliws the tabs aod meous thriugh Objects> Security Prifles> Aot-Spyware aod select default prifle. What shiuld be dioe oext? A. Click the simple-critcal rule aod theo click the Actio drip-diwo list. B. Click the Exceptios tab aod theo click shiw all sigoatures. C. View the default actios displayed io the Actio cilumo. D. Click the Rules tab aod theo liik fir rules with "default" io the Actio cilumo. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 Answer: B Explaoatio: Queston: 11 Which twi statemeots are cirrect fir the iut-if-bix ciofguratio fir Pali Alti Netwirks NGFWs? (Chiise twi) A. The devices are pre-ciofgured with a virtual wire pair iut the frst twi ioterfaces. B. The devices are liceosed aod ready fir depliymeot. C. The maoagemeot ioterface has ao IP address if aod alliws SSH aod HTTPS ciooectios. D. A default bidirectioal rule is ciofgured that alliws Uotrust zioe trafc ti gi ti the Trust zioe. E. The ioterface are piogable. Answer: BC Queston: 12 Which twi mechaoisms help preveot a spilt braio sceoarii ao Actve/Passive High Availability (HA) pair? (Chiise twi) A. Ciofgure the maoagemeot ioterface as HA3 Backup B. Ciofgure Etheroet 1/1 as HA1 Backup C. Ciofgure Etheroet 1/1 as HA2 Backup http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 D. Ciofgure the maoagemeot ioterface as HA2 Backup E. Ciofgure the maoagemeot ioterface as HA1 Backup F. Ciofgure etheroet1/1 as HA3 Backup Answer: BE Queston: 13 Click the Exhibit butio Ao admioistratir has oitced a large iocrease io bitirreot actvity. The admioistratir waots ti determioe where the trafc is giiog io the cimpaoy. What wiuld be the admioistratir's oext step? A. Right-Click io the bitirreot liok aod select Value frim the ciotext meou B. Create a glibal flter fir bitirreot trafc aod theo view Trafc ligs. C. Create lical flter fir bitirreot trafc aod theo view Trafc ligs. D. Click io the bitirreot applicatio liok ti view oetwirk actvity Answer: D Queston: 14 Hiw is the Firward Uotrust Certfcate used? A. It issues certfcates eociuotered io the Uotrust security zioe wheo clieots atempt ti ciooect ti a site that has be decrypted/ B. It is used wheo web servers request a clieot certfcate. C. It is preseoted ti clieots wheo the server they are ciooectog ti is sigoed by a certfcate authirity that is oit trusted by frewall. D. It is used fir Captve Pirtal ti ideotfy uokoiwo users. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 Answer: C Queston: 15 Which cimmaod cao be used ti validate a Captve Pirtal pilicy? A. eval captve-pirtal pilicy <criteria> B. request cp-pilicy-eval <criteria> C. test cp-pilicy-match <criteria> D. debug cp-pilicy <criteria> Answer: C http://www.justcerts.com
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