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Chairman of Judges. To be, or not to be? That is the question!. Chairman of Judges. Ask yourselves two questions........ Why would I want to be a Chairman of Judges? Why would I not want to be a Chairman of Judges? (answers on a the back of a postage stamp, please!). Chairman of Judges.
Chairman of Judges To be, or not to be? That is the question!
Chairman of Judges • Ask yourselves two questions........ • Why would I want to be a Chairman of Judges? • Why would I not want to be a Chairman of Judges? (answers on a the back of a postage stamp, please!)
Chairman of Judges What Qualities does a Chairman of Judges need to have????? (beyond bringing the Haribo!)
The Chairman, a leader? • Someonewho can handlepressureunderdifferentcircumstances and creates a calm and confidentatmosphere in thewholegroup. • Someonewhoshouldknowthe know-how to maketeamswork. • Someone open-minded.
Someonewithgoodcommunicationskills (withothercommissionmembers, organizingcommittee, teamcaptains, archers and WA). • Someonewithtechnicalknowledge and skills. • A problemsolverratherthanjust a problemidentifier. • Someoneable to foreseeproblems and discusspossiblesolutions to them in advance.
It’s nice to be liked, but as a leader itcannot be thecontrolling factor. • Otherqualities: passionforthework he/shedoes, humour, strength of character, patience, commonsense, trustworthiness, creativity, amongothers.
HandlingfellowJudges. Easy? • Judges whokeep a verylowprofile at thecommissionmeetings, and yet do a goodjobonthefieldifthey are notfacedwithunusualsituationsputtingthemunder stress. • Judges who are active participants in thecommissionmeetings, and contributesolutions to problems, and whonormally do theirjobonthefieldwith a highlevel of performance.
Judges whomakeseveralmistakesonthefield or do notseem to be fucosedontheirjob. • Judges whofocusonunimportantthings and overlookmajorissues. • Judges who try to overpowertheirchairman. • A combination of theabove.
Consequently • Appointjudges to do differentjobsconsideringtheirstrengths and weaknesses. • Keep a closereyeonthosejudgeswho do notseem to be veryconfidentduringthecompetition.
Overruling? • Underwhatcircumstanceswouldyou, as a chairman, overrule a wrongdecisionmadeby a judge to preventthe case frombeingtaken to Jury? • Doesthewrongdecisionaffectanarcher’s score?
7 arrowsshot: sixlower scores entered and deduction of thehighestscoringarrowentered in thescorecard. • Onearrowtoomanyisshotout of time: thejudgedidnotdeductthehighestscoringarrow. • Onearrowshotout of time in a match withalternatingshooting. Thejudgeidentifiesthearrow and deductsitsvalue, and notthehighest score.
Conclusion • Enjoy your job, and make it possible for your judges to enjoy theirs as well.